Sample forms and applications for pre-trial detention centers and correctional colonies: how to fill out and where to download the form

When a loved one ends up in a pre-trial detention center (hereinafter referred to as a pre-trial detention center), his existence without the additional support of relatives and other caring people who are able to provide necessary things and products in everyday life will be difficult. Formally, prisoners in pre-trial detention centers are provided with everything they need, but in fact, people have to survive by eating low-quality food and experiencing a shortage of necessary items.

When planning to formulate a transfer for a prisoner in a pre-trial detention center, you should know the rules of this procedure, because otherwise you can make mistakes that can negate all your efforts.

Transferring things

The document is drawn up if the convicted person needs to transfer things that are not food (clothing, household items, personal hygiene items). The paper is written in three copies: one remains with the applicant, the other with the administration of the pre-trial detention center or penal colony, and the third with the citizen serving his sentence.

The document contains the following details:

  • “header” indicating the name of the correctional institution and information about the applicant;
  • the word "statement";
  • a text with a request to accept things for a prisoner, indicating the degree of relationship with him of the person making the transfer;
  • a table indicating the serial number, name of the transferred item, its quality characteristics and quantity;
  • date and signature of the applicant;
  • a note on the acceptance of things and documents by the administration;
  • a mark on the inspection of the transfer;
  • a note indicating acceptance of the transfer by the addressee.

Sample filling:

here >>>

How to correctly draw up an application for the transfer of food to a pre-trial detention center?

When preparing a package for a prisoner in a pre-trial detention center, you must strictly follow the rules, otherwise, if you make mistakes, you risk leaving the recipient without a package. This includes the need to correctly complete the transfer application.

The application must indicate:

  • the sender's surname, first name and patronymic;
  • Contact details:
      residential address and telephone number;
  • indicate the degree of relationship or the nature of the relationship with the arrested person.

Indicate the name of the pre-trial detention center, rank and name of the director to whom the application is being submitted. Next, a request is formulated to accept the transfer in the name of the convicted person, without abbreviations: last name, first name and patronymic, and in some cases year of birth (depending on the form).

Data must be entered legibly and accurately. After completing the “header”, a complete inventory of the transferred products must be filled out. Please note that only names should be indicated, and the weight and quantity will be entered by the receiver after weighing and recalculation. At the end, a signature is placed with a transcript and the date of application.

An example statement would look like this:

To the head of PKU SIZO-1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Tambov region, Lieutenant Colonel Ext. sl. Vinogradov A.S. From Ivanov Peter Semenovich Living in Tambov, st. Central, no. 46, apt. 98. Tel. 8 (900) 599-20-71 Passport data 68 12 394598 issued by the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the city of Tambov


Please accept the transfer for my brother, accused/convicted/suspect Ivanov Fedor Semenovich, born in 1978.

Name of food products:

  1. Instant noodles.
  2. Smoked sausage.
  3. Cigarettes with filter.

I collected the program with my own hands.
Warned about liability for transferring prohibited products. Ivanov Petr Semenovich 10.10.18

After filling out an application with a list of products, it is submitted to the responsible employee of the pretrial detention center, who checks the compliance of the products with the requirements, enters the quantity and their weight. Next, the receiver confirms the fact of acceptance of the parcel with a signature. In order to be sure that the addressee will receive his parcel, you should draw up a statement in two copies, one of which is given to the prisoner.

Transfer of products

An application for a food transfer is no different from the same for a clothing transfer. They draw it up if it is necessary to transfer food to a citizen who is being held in a pre-trial detention center or penal colony. Documents can be combined together, documenting the transfer of both products and things on one paper. Only for this you will need to add two tables into it: one for things, and one for products.

Sample filling:

here >>>

How to make an application for the transfer of things

An application for a clothing parcel is not fundamentally different from an application for a food parcel. The same information must be provided.

In an example it looks like this.

To the head of PKU SIZO-1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Tambov region, Lieutenant Colonel Ext. sl. Vinogradov A.S. From Ivanov Peter Semenovich Living in Tambov, st. Central, no. 46, apt. 98. Tel. 8 (900) 599-20-71 Passport data 68 12 394598 issued by the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the city of Tambov


Please accept the transfer for my brother, accused/convicted/suspect Ivanov Fedor Semenovich, born in 1978.

Name of items:

  1. Winter coat, used.
  2. Woolen sweater, new.
  3. Knitted, woolen socks.

I collected the program with my own hands. Warned about liability for transferring prohibited products.

Ivanov Petr Semenovich 10.10.18

Short-term date

An application for a short-term visit must contain:

  • “hat”, indicating the name of the correctional institution and information about the applicant;
  • the word "statement";
  • a text requesting the opportunity to have a meeting with a citizen held in a penal colony or pre-trial detention center;
  • date and signature.

Sample filling:

here >>>

Long date

A relative or spouse of a prisoner has the right to visit him and stay in the territory of a pre-trial detention center or penal colony. To do this, it is also necessary to send an application to the administration of the institution with the following details;

  • hat;
  • the word "statement";
  • a text requesting a date, which also indicates the degree of relationship and the fact that you are familiar with the rules that do not allow the transfer of unauthorized items.

Sample filling:

here >>>

List of approved drugs

The list of approved medications includes the following:

  • analgin;
  • spazgan;
  • baralgin;
  • drotaverine (no-shpa);
  • citramon;
  • Activated carbon;
  • antigrippin;
  • Claritin, Suprastin;
  • Essentiale Forte, phosphogliv;
  • festal, mezim;
  • finalgon, fastum-gel;
  • bromhexine;
  • novopassit, motherwort, valerian (in tablets);
  • glycine.

Thus, relatives of prisoners can transfer not only food, but also medical supplies to the pre-trial detention center. In order for a healthcare worker to take medications, they must comply with the established list.

Marriage registration

You can marry a citizen who is in a penal colony or a pre-trial detention center. However, the procedure requires permission from the administration. To do this, write an application that must contain the following details:

  • a header similar to previous documents;
  • the word "statement";
  • a text requesting permission to register a marriage with a person in a correctional facility;
  • date, signature and its transcript.

Sample filling:

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Features of the transfer of medications to pre-trial detention centers

The procedure for transferring medications to a pre-trial detention center is carried out by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. To receive medications, the prisoner writes a corresponding application, which is certified by the head of the medical unit and the attending physician.

The transfer of medications is carried out according to the following algorithm:

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  1. The prisoner must write a statement.
  2. The attending physician examines the prisoner, making notes about his health in the medical record and prescribing medications. The prisoner's application contains notes indicating that he has taken a particular drug.
  3. The application and medical record are transferred to the head of the medical unit. He studies these documents and certifies them.
  4. After receiving permission to transfer medications, relatives of the prisoner can bring medications to the pre-trial detention center during hospital or medical office hours. Such transfers are accepted by a medical professional, based on statements certified by management.
  5. The list of received medications is entered into the “Medical Transfer Log.” Next, the drugs are handed over to medical personnel.

The rules for receiving transmissions are posted on the stand. If a prisoner is transferred from a pre-trial detention center to a place where he is serving his sentence, his relatives can receive unused medications within a month.


If circumstances arise that prevent a citizen from being in a pre-trial detention center or correctional facility, his relatives have the right to ask the administration to transfer him to another correctional institution. A special statement is also written for this. It should contain:

  • a “hat” similar to those described above;
  • the word "statement";
  • a text with a request to transfer a citizen to serve a sentence or detention in a specific pre-trial detention center or correctional facility, indicating the reasons for such a request;
  • date, signature and transcript.

Sample filling:

here >>>

Rules for accepting transfers to a pre-trial detention center

To transfer the parcel, you will need to fill out an application of the established form, which is located in the pre-trial detention center, and go through the procedure for checking the contents of the parcel, which includes opening the standard packaging and moving it into transparent plastic containers, including bags or containers. The opening and detailed examination of the contents of the parcel is not a whim of the pre-trial detention center staff, but is due to an urgent need in order to prevent the flow of prohibited substances and drugs outside the perimeter.

You can get rid of the procedure for a thorough check by preparing for it in advance, and it is better to purchase some products and items at the prison kiosk, since in this case they will not be searched, due to the lack of need.


In some cases, a certificate confirming that a relative is in a pre-trial detention center or penal colony is required. To receive it you also need to write an application. It should contain:

  • "hat";
  • the word "statement";
  • text requesting a certificate indicating information about the convicted person (prisoner) and the degree of relationship of the applicant with him;
  • date, signature and transcript.

Sample filling:

here >>>

Items permitted for transfer

Food products, which are a real luxury for prisoners in pre-trial detention centers, are partially limited in supply, and some are undesirable due to impracticality and limited shelf life. The standard set of products recommended for transferring to a pre-trial detention center includes:

  1. Vegetable oil, in an amount of 1 to 3 liters, is an excellent source of vegetable fats that can improve prison gruel.
  2. Instant noodles, which should be bought at the stall at the pre-trial detention center, in order to avoid gutting the packages and confiscating packets of spices, seasonings and oil (depending on the brand). The quantity varies individually, but is usually 20 – 30 bags.
  3. Cone bouillon cubes, total weight up to half a kilogram, according to preference: chicken, beef and pork. Mushroom and other exotic flavors are not popular.
  4. The tea should only be black and have a medium or fine-leaf consistency. The number of bags is usually taken to be two, the first one is larger and contains cheap Indian tea for the common fund, and the second one is smaller and of higher quality for the recipient.
  5. Cookies or gingerbread products in the amount of one to two kilograms.
  6. Salted lard can be cut into pieces, but can be stored well even at room temperature and is an excellent source of fat.
  7. Only smoked sausage is allowed, or even better, raw smoked sausage, in quantities of no more than two sticks.
  8. There is no point in sending canned meat or fish semi-finished products more than two cans, since they must be opened and transferred to plastic or polyethylene containers, which means they will spoil in a day or two.
  9. You should prefer candies like caramel, which you won’t eat much of and will last for a long period.
  10. Honey is very useful and attractive to prisoners, but it must be transparent and contained in a plastic container.
  11. You should choose melted butter, such as lard, or even preferably chicken fat.
  12. Cereals will be accepted only if they can be prepared by simple steaming, and the need for even short-term cooking will exclude the product from the list of permitted ones.
  13. Mashed potatoes should also be prepared using boiling water and it is advisable to choose a product with various flavoring additives.
  14. Vegetables can only be supplied fresh, and onions and garlic are most in demand.
  15. Of the fruits, apples are the most popular, but dried fruits, which weigh significantly less, should be preferred.
  16. There are never too many cigarettes in a pre-trial detention center, even for those prisoners who do not smoke themselves, since they are an internal “currency” that allows them to solve many problems. You should buy tobacco products at the kiosk at the pre-trial detention center, since otherwise they will be opened and broken in order to identify contraband.
  17. To prepare various drinks, you can transfer milk powder, tomato paste and citric acid, preferring soft plastic or polyethylene packaging.
  18. Condensed milk is very attractive to prisoners, but it should not be boiled or easily poured, as this will be required during inspection.
  19. Other products, including cheeses and bakery products.

Medicines can be transferred to a pre-trial detention center only if prescribed by the detention center’s own medical worker; all other arguments are useless.

The list of clothing and household items allowed for transfer to a pre-trial detention center is quite extensive and is most fully reflected in the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated December 3, 2015 No. 277. The most popular set of things includes:

  • underpants, up to 5 pieces monthly, to be changed once a week;
  • socks, up to 10 pairs every month;
  • laundry soap in the amount of 2 - 3 pieces;
  • one tube of toothpaste and brush once a month;
  • jacket, boots, thermal underwear, warm socks, tracksuit;
  • electric shavers and water boilers.

A specialist will tell you about what it costs and how to transfer it to prisoners in a pre-trial detention center in the video below:

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