How to draw up an application for the transfer of food and belongings to a pre-trial detention center?

Ways to transfer a parcel without visiting a pre-trial detention center

In the modern world, it is not customary to waste time in lines and waiting for a parcel to be accepted into a pre-trial detention center. That is why there are several simple ways to transfer food and belongings to those arrested without visiting a pre-trial detention center. For example, you can send a parcel by mail, or use special online services.

Delivery time is 2-3 days, as well as fast order processing. If you send the parcel by mail, it will take about a week. However, there is also an advantage of this method - your parcel will not be “gutted into pieces.” Couriers who work with online services can disassemble boxes and inadvertently damage the products and things lying there. Fortunately, this happens very rarely. In any case, the choice is yours. Go to the pre-trial detention center, order an online delivery or send a parcel by mail.

Prohibited items and foods

Prohibited products and personal items that cannot be transferred to prisoners in a pre-trial detention center include:

  1. Anything that requires heat treatment.
  2. Meat products and fish in vacuum packaging.
  3. Perishable food.
  4. Narcotics and some medications.
  5. Alcohol and products that contain it.
  6. Weapons and items that can be used as weapons.
  7. Jewelry, photo and video equipment.
  8. Pornographic filming.
  9. Perfumery.
  10. Pencils and pens (colored).

Short-term date

Application for a short-term visit to a pre-trial detention center.doc

The document requesting permission for a short-term meeting must include the name of the correctional institution and information about the applicant, a request to approve the possibility of holding a meeting with the convicted person, a date and signature.

What if there are differences between transferring products and personal items?

Please note that a person in a pre-trial detention center has the right to financial assistance from relatives. This means that not only food products, but also basic necessities can be given to him. As well as other items not prohibited by law. We will return to this issue later and consider the list of restrictions for transferring things to a pre-trial detention center.

The application for the transfer of hygiene products, clothing, and so on is no different from the form for a food parcel. Everything is filled in as in the previous version.


Please note that the application form can be obtained from the Internet, as well as at the detention center itself. If there are additional requirements for document execution, you must be notified in advance at the place of detention of a relative or close friend.


Application for transfer to a pre-trial detention center.doc

If certain circumstances prevent a prisoner from being in a correctional organization/pre-trial detention center, representatives of his family may submit a petition to be sent to another institution. A classic application must contain a “header”, a text with a request to transfer the citizen to another colony/pre-trial detention center (indicate the reasons for such a decision), a date, a signature and its transcript.

Permitted things

As for personal belongings, hygiene products and other essential items, the list of objects acceptable for transfer is more impressive. It is allowed to transfer to prisoners in a pre-trial detention center:

  • Shoes, clothes and hats (according to the season).
  • Matches.
  • Underwear, socks, gloves and so on.
  • Sportswear.
  • Pocket mirror.
  • House slippers or sports shoes.
  • Mechanical razor.
  • Glasses and case for them.
  • Crutches and canes, prosthetics and so on.
  • A ballpoint pen, a pencil, notebooks and sheets of paper.
  • A washcloth, toilet paper (only from the store at the pre-trial detention center).


This is not a complete list of all permitted things that an arrested person can receive from his family and friends. The topic of cigarettes deserves special attention. They need to be bought in the store at the pre-trial detention center, and even if the prisoner does not smoke, he can use cigarettes to exchange for other important things or food.

Transfer rules and basic requirements

It is worth noting that not all food and things can be given to prisoners in a pre-trial detention center. There is a certain list of items that may be in the parcel. There are also requirements for the parcel itself:

  1. The maximum weight of one parcel is 20 kilograms. You can donate no more than 30 kilograms of items and products each month.
  2. For adults, the quantity and weight of the parcel is not limited.
  3. Special requirements are provided for sick prisoners (transfer of medicines and an additional list of food products is possible).
  4. There is no limit on the weight of the parcel for pregnant women and women with children under three years of age.


It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of prohibited and permitted things in advance, so as not to fill out an application again and not stand in queues at the pre-trial detention center.

Long date

Application for a long visit for a pre-trial detention center.doc

A family member or spouse of a convicted individual can meet with him by staying for a specific time on the territory of the correctional organization. To do this, the administration needs to provide an application that has a “header” and contains text asking for permission to visit (indicate the degree of relationship and confirm that you have read the provisions prohibiting the transfer of certain things).

Transfer at the place of registration

Application to the pre-trial detention center for transfer to the place of registration.doc

A convicted individual may be transferred to a pre-trial detention center or correctional facility located near the place where he is officially registered. The corresponding petition must contain the usual “header”, a text with a request to transfer the citizen (indicate the reasons), a list of necessary documentation, date, signature and its transcript.

Where should I apply?

There is one important rule when transferring food and personal belongings to prisoners in a pre-trial detention center - this is the place where the application and parcel must be taken. Remember that the application form is received and submitted in completed form to the pre-trial detention center where your relative or close friend is temporarily staying. It is recommended that you fill out the application on site so that it can be reviewed immediately. Also pay attention to the opening hours. You can find out by calling the unit’s phone number, or in the pre-trial detention center itself.


In most cases, parcels are accepted from 10 to 12 noon. The queue is quite long, so it is worth arriving early, before the opening of the pre-trial detention center. But even then, problems may arise - you brought prohibited items or filled out the document incorrectly, there were no authorities on site, and so on. Nonresidents should take care of overnight accommodation. It’s better to negotiate in advance with the staff of the detention center and strictly comply with all the requirements for filing an application.


Help for pre-trial detention centers.doc

In many cases, formal confirmation of the detention of a family member in a pre-trial detention center/correctional colony is necessary. It must include the aforementioned “header”, a text requesting confirmation indicating information about the prisoner and the applicant’s category of relationship with him, the date, signature and its transcript.

Allowed foods

The list of permitted products is much longer than that of prohibited ones. Such a distinction is necessary to prevent food poisoning among prisoners; this is a kind of safety measure. A standard food parcel to a pre-trial detention center includes:

  • Bread and bakery products.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Small leaf black tea.
  • Instant porridge. Ready puree.
  • Honey and candies, liver and gingerbread.
  • Cubes for making broth.
  • Creamy meat.
  • All kinds of canned food.
  • Sausage.
  • And other.


All transferred products are tested. The bread is cut into pieces to check for foreign objects. Liquid food is poured into a separate container, and so on. Lollipops, sweets, gingerbreads and baked goods must be unpackaged, otherwise they will not be accepted. It is better to find out about all additional requirements in the pre-trial detention center department.

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