how to pay a court fine in a criminal case without a UIN number

A judicial fine is a type of monetary penalty that can be imposed by a court on court participants who have violated the requirements of civil procedural legislation. Currently, this is the most common penalty, determined for violation of the rules of conduct in court, as well as contempt of court, which can be applied to the accused, the defendant, and various officials. The cases in which bailiffs can impose fines, as well as the amount of such fines, are fully stipulated by the Civil Code.

Where can I get a UIN if it is not listed?

The UIN number is a unique accrual identifier, a special detail introduced to systematize payment orders for payments to the state and municipal budget when the recipient is a government body.
It consists of a unique combination of 2025 numbers, which cannot be repeated twice - that’s why this prop is unique. With its help, the treasury can find out which authority issued the payment order and track its payment. In payment documents and receipts for payment, this detail may be called differently and consist of a different number of digits. Typically, the UIN is assigned by the recipient of the funds and brought to the attention of the payer. Usually, but not always. But the bank will always ask for it when paying a tax or, say, a fine. To avoid problems with this, Pravoved.RU tells you how to find out the UIN and what it is called in various documents.

How to obtain a UIN when transferring taxes and fees?

The first direction of payments for which individuals need a UIN is taxes and fees. These are, in particular, property tax, land and transport taxes. Their citizens pay on the basis of a tax notice received from the Federal Tax Service and the attached payment notice in form No. PD (tax). They are generated automatically by the Federal Tax Service, and they are also assigned a unique identifier - in the payment notice it is displayed in the “document index ” field.

If a citizen intends to pay taxes without notification and a payment notice, he can generate them and obtain a UIN on his own. To do this, you can use the electronic services of the Federal Tax Service. When using them, the index that performs the UIN function is also assigned automatically.

If taxes are paid through Sberbank, when filling out a notice in the PD-4sb form, the index and UIN are not indicated. When filling out full-format notices in other credit institutions, the UIN is indicated in field 22 “Code”. We remind you that the index of the document is used as it, or you can put “0”.

You can also pay taxes using UIN online. To do this, use the electronic service of the Federal Tax Service “Payment of property taxes by document index.”

How to find the UIN in the traffic police resolution?

Similarly, a unique identifier will be required to pay an administrative fine for violating traffic rules. In the traffic police resolution, the UIN function is performed by the 20-digit number of the resolution itself. It can also be found on the fine payment receipt, which the traffic police sends by mail, including if the violation is recorded by cameras. There, the 20-digit code is indicated in the “Resolution” detail.

In some old-style receipts, the identifier is directly indicated - UIN. There is also a receipt format where the UIN is indicated in the “Code” column.

In relation to traffic police fines, payment by UIN is also available - through the State Services website. It is enough to enter a 20-digit code, and the system itself generates the accrual, details and the required amount for payment. All that remains is to pay the fine online.

Decoding the number of the traffic police fine

For an example of decryption, let’s take UIN No. 18810064170502666274, where:

UIN in a court order

Not only traffic police officers, but also the courts can be held administratively liable. The decisions they make must contain the information necessary to fill out payment documents, including the UIN (Part 1.1 of Article 29.10 of the Administrative Code). To check the UIN, look at the column “ Administrative fine is payable according to the details” , it is under the sanction that the court applied to the offender. For example:

UFK for the Chelyabinsk region (OMI of Russia for the Snezhinsky district, l/s 03671416180); TIN 7415013410; Gearbox 745802002; BIC 057602003; account number 40201810500000010802 GRKTs GU Bank of Russia for the Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk, OKTMO 74669306, UIN 18887717033050384868.

How to find the text of the resolution on the UIN?

Unfortunately, the text of the court ruling on the UIN cannot be found. The fact is that in relation to a court order, the identifier is only one of the mandatory payment details, to which the court, in principle, has nothing to do. The official who compiled the protocol on the administrative offense (for example, traffic police officers) is required to prepare and send it to the court along with the protocol and other materials of the case.

The accrual administrator (the administrative body that compiled the protocol) ensures the transfer of information necessary for the transfer of funds by sending accrual notices to the GIS GMP operator.

If the materials sent to the court do not contain the UIN, the judge may return the documents to the body that sent them to eliminate the violations. Thus, the UIN identifier is not a requisite of a court ruling; it is impossible to find the text of a legal act using it.

It will also not be possible to pay court debt using the UIN: the State Services service allows you to pay only fines assigned by administrative authorities by ID. To search and pay court debt, more data will be required, for example, full name and tax identification number.

Reasons for use

A person may be released from criminal liability in the following cases:

  • Committing a minor or moderate crime for the first time in life.
  • It compensated for the damage caused for the commission of the crime.

If a person has committed several crimes of minor or moderate gravity for the first time, then this is not a reason to bring him to criminal responsibility. Here it is likely that a court fine will be awarded.

Citizens who have committed a crime for the first time include those whose criminal records have been expunged or expunged.

Compensation for damage refers to the adoption of various measures to make amends for the guilt of the person who committed the crime. This could be monetary compensation for the harm caused, an apology, or other assistance that will be sent to the victim for his recovery.

It is worth noting that promises regarding compensation for damage suffered do not relieve the guilty person from criminal liability in the future.


UIN is a unique payment information that is used to make transfers to the budget of taxes, fees, fines, arrears and penalties. In some cases, it is also used to identify not only the payments themselves, but also the decisions on the basis of which these same fines arose. As a rule, this detail is indicated in the receipt, order or other payment document on the basis of which the accrual was made. If you make a payment without indicating the UIN, the budget administrator may not see the payment and may not recognize it in the system, which creates a risk for the payer that the payment will be recognized as failed.


Similar questions

I can’t pay a fine in a criminal case, there is no guilt, the court said that the criminal case does not require a fee, the bank does not accept payment, what should I do? In court they say that my case was handed over to the bailiffs, but the bailiffs say that they do not have my case because the fine has not expired.

The court appointed a fine as the main punishment. They gave me the details. I went to the savings bank. I cannot pay the fine due to the lack of a UIN. I'm going to court. They tell me that a UIN is not required to pay a criminal fine. I'm going to the savings bank. They send me to court again, because in order to pay I need to fill out a form, which again requires a UIN.

So what should I do? Where to pay? Are there banks that allow you to pay a fine without a UIN? Saratov.

I can’t pay the fine because the username is incorrect; not a single bank accepts payment; I don’t know what to do.

Where can I see if the traffic police fine has been paid? In court they gave me a receipt for payment of the fine with the UIN. I wanted to pay the fine through the Internet bank, but it says UIN was not found.

The problem is this. I received a ticket for not wearing a seat belt and forgot about it. The court issued a fine for 2000. But I can’t pay. They can’t find the UIN in the bank, I searched in all sorts of databases using my passport, INN, and UIN. There is no fine anywhere, even for government services, what should I do? Is it possible to forget about the fine?

Where can I pay a fine in a criminal case? Many banks refuse to accept payment, and the court also said that it is impossible to pay through Sberbank.

In another region there was a court and a criminal fine was issued. They didn’t take the decree, and now we can’t pay the fine without the decree number and identification number. Tell me what to do.


Application difficulties

Despite the fact that such a law has existed for quite a long time, its application causes some ambiguities:

  • The deadline and amount to be paid are not clearly stated. The law only has a maximum size, but the minimum is not specified.
  • It is possible to avoid punishment for persons who have committed more serious crimes. For example, persons who force sexual acts, engage in prostitution, etc. may be exempt from criminal liability. All this causes resonance in society.
  • It is still unclear whether it is possible to dismiss a case if one of the conditions cannot be met: no damage or no opportunity to make amends. For example, illegal possession of weapons, drugs, etc.

I can't pay the court fine

Hello, UIN is not a required detail. If it is absent, “0” is indicated in the payment order. When transferring funds to the budget, only OKATO and BIC are important.

It cannot be that a Sberbank requires a UIN. They don’t take it at Sberbank - contact any other bank. You can also pay yourself if you open an account with a bank that has.

Another option is to pay through bailiffs, who will open a deposit account for you.

Igor, the execution of criminal punishment in the form of a fine is carried out by bailiffs, to whom the court is obliged to send a writ of execution within 3 days from the date the sentence enters into legal force. If you want to pay the fine before the sentence comes into force, but cannot, then you should contact the magistrate in writing with a request to provide a complete list of details for paying the fine. The court must do this! If the writ of execution is already with the bailiffs, the same written petition should be sent to the bailiff. The bailiff is obliged to give you details. All this should be done in order to protect yourself in the event that it is not possible to obtain the details and the fine is not paid.

Thanks for your reply. The verdict was passed on 08/15/16, and on 08/16/16 I went to pay to Sberbank. The court secretary gave the details: name of the payment recipient, INN/KPP, account number of the payment recipient, name of the recipient's bank, BIC, OKTMO, KBK and at the top she wrote the number of the criminal case. I wanted to pay immediately, but when in Sberbank

The operator, when entering the details, reaches the number of the criminal case, the program does not accept it. I went again to the secretary. She said that everything was correct, go and pay. At the bank everything was repeated again. As far as I understand you, it is impossible to pay using the criminal case number until the verdict comes into legal force and the bailiffs have the number of the enforcement proceedings.

Approximately two weeks after the verdict, you can go to the bailiffs and get from them again the payment details with the number of the enforcement proceedings.

Did I understand you correctly? Thank you again.

Thanks for your reply. The verdict was passed on 08/15/16, and on 08/16/16 I went to pay to Sberbank. The court secretary gave the details: name of the payment recipient, INN/KPP, account number of the payment recipient, name of the recipient's bank, BIC, OKTMO, KBK and at the top she wrote the number of the criminal case. I wanted to pay immediately, but when at Sberbank the tellers arrive when entering the details the program does not accept it until the number of the criminal case. I went again to the secretary. She said that everything was correct, go and pay. At the bank everything was repeated again. As far as I understand you, it is impossible to pay using the criminal case number until the verdict comes into legal force and the bailiffs have the number of the enforcement proceedings. Approximately two weeks after the verdict, you can go to the bailiffs and get from them again the payment details with the number of the enforcement proceedings. Did I understand you correctly? Thank you again. Igor

Yes, Igor, around the beginning of September, contact the bailiff at your place of residence, I am sure that the sentence will already be executed. You will not miss the deadline for payment, since you are required to pay this fine within 60 days from the date the sentence enters into legal force, and it will enter into force on August 26, 2016.


What is judicial debt and why does it arise?

Legal debt of a legal entity is a debt of an organization to an individual, legal entity or state, which was transferred for collection to the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP).

One of the most common causes of legal debt is unpaid traffic fines. Bailiffs can also transfer overdue taxes or debts of an organization to other legal entities or individuals.

The organization is given 5 days to voluntarily pay the debt from the date of receipt of the decision to initiate enforcement proceedings. You can also notify about the debt by SMS or through State Services, and then the period for voluntary payment is counted from the moment the notification is delivered. If you do not repay the debt on time, the bailiffs will forcefully collect it.

The statute of limitations for collecting money from traffic police fines is 2 years. If the period has expired and the fine has not been collected, then the enforcement proceedings end (Article 47 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”).

I can't pay a criminal fine. No UIN. What should I do?

I can't pay a criminal fine. No UIN. What should I do?

Answers to the question:

contact the court that passed the sentence and specify the details for paying the fine.

Good luck and all the best.

What is it and how to pay using UIN

Unique accrual identifier (UIN) is a code by which the Federal Treasury tracks from whom and when the payment was received

The code consists of 20–25 digits and can be found on your payment receipt. The column with the code can be called differently: for example, “Resolution”, “Document Index” or simply “Code”

To pay the charge, enter the UIN on the payment page. After processing the data, pay in one of the following ways: by credit card, mobile phone or electronic money.

The UIN is indicated by the investigator/inquiry officer in the indictment/conclusion; when passing a verdict, the court indicates this information to pay the fine. I advise you to contact your investigator who led the case, let him tell you the UIN.

The details are there, but there is no UIN, and the bank does not accept the payment without the UIN.

Paid in the process: the Supreme Court was figuring out what to do with a consumer fine

In December 2016, Timur Shchepkin* bought a Lada Vesta for 631,000 rubles, but it turned out that the car had many manufacturing flaws. By that time, the warranty period had not yet expired, and on July 10, 2019, Shchepkin sent a claim to the manufacturer - AvtoVAZ JSC.

Shchepkin demanded the return of the money he paid for the low-quality car, as well as the difference between the price of the car in 2016 and its current value. AvtoVAZ received the claim on July 16, and a week later, on July 23, it checked the technical condition of the car. After waiting some more time, but still not receiving the money, the buyer went to court.

Didn't pay extra 5000 rubles

Shchepkin took advantage of the help of the Samara regional public organization for the protection of consumer rights “Justice”, which filed a lawsuit in his interests. She demanded that AvtoVAZ be obliged to accept a low-quality car, recover from the manufacturer the cost of the car, the difference in its price (damages), a penalty, compensation for moral damages and a consumer fine. The organization asked that half of the fine be awarded to it.

Buyer versus: The Supreme Court summarized the practice on consumer disputes

Two days after filing the claim, AvtoVAZ transferred 727,900 rubles to Shchepkin, 631,000 rubles. of which is the paid price of the car, and 96,900 rubles. – price difference. After this, the organization clarified its requirements. She considered that the difference in price was not 96,900 rubles, but 101,900 rubles, asking the court to recover the remaining 5,000 rubles from the manufacturer. At the same time, “Justice” confirmed its claims regarding penalties, compensation for moral damages and a consumer fine.

The Avtozavodsky District Court of Togliatti, having assessed the presented price list, agreed that the difference in price was 101,900 rubles, and awarded Shchepkin 5,000 rubles. In addition, he ordered AvtoVAZ to pay a penalty for late fulfillment of requirements from July 27 (10 days from the date of receipt of the claim) to August 30 (the day the decision was made), reducing its amount to 10,000 rubles. The first instance also awarded Shchepkin a penalty for the future - from the date of adoption of the act to the day of actual fulfillment of the obligation. The amount of this penalty was determined as 1% of 5,000 rubles. for each day of delay, but not more than 5,000 rubles.

And finally, the first instance ordered AvtoVAZ to pay the fine provided for in paragraph 6 of Art. 13 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, reducing its size from 5,000 rubles. (50% of the awarded amount) up to RUB 4,000. (No. 2-7749/2019). The appeal and the first cassation agreed with the conclusions of the district court (No. 33-15015/2019 and No. 88-8474/2020). But the organization was not satisfied with this outcome, and it filed a complaint with the Supreme Court.

Not a refusal, but a clarification

Considering this case, the trio of judges, chaired by Sergei Astashov, drew attention to two shortcomings in the acts of the lower courts - regarding explanations regarding the consumer fine and penalties for the future.

The fine, as the Supreme Court recalled, is not collected from the manufacturer if he voluntarily satisfied the requirements after filing the claim. At the same time, it is important that the consumer abandons the claim and the court terminates the proceedings, the Supreme Court recalled. In the case under consideration, the plaintiff did not renounce his claims regarding the amount paid, but only clarified them regarding penalties and losses. The proceedings on this dispute did not stop due to the plaintiff’s refusal to part of the claims.

But due to clarification of the requirements, the court decided that the fine should be calculated without taking into account the amount paid to Shchepkin. At the same time, he did not take into account that clarification of the requirements is not identical to the abandonment of the claim, and therefore “cannot serve as a basis for calculating the fine due to the plaintiff without taking into account the amount paid by the defendant,” the Supreme Court emphasized.

With regard to future penalties, the Supreme Court noted that the court can limit its size only if this is provided for by law or contract. Neither the law on the protection of consumer rights nor the contract provides for such a restriction. Thus, the court erroneously set the penalty limit in the amount of 5,000 rubles, the civil panel emphasized. She canceled the acts of the lower courts and sent the case for a new trial at the first instance (No. 46-KG20-24-K6).

Expert opinion

The mechanism for reducing consumer penalties, which was applied by lower courts, does not follow from the law and is more like judicial rule-making, says the head of the judicial practice of the law firm Cliff Cliff Federal Rating. group Intellectual property (Registration) group Tax consulting and disputes (Tax consulting) group Private capital group Intellectual property (Protection of rights and litigation) group Intellectual property (Consulting) group Corporate law/Mergers and acquisitions (mid market) TMT group (telecommunications, media and technology) 12th place by number of lawyers 25th place by revenue per lawyer (more than 30 lawyers) 44th place by revenue Oleg Kharitonov. It is quite fair that the Supreme Court did not support it, the expert adds.

The comments of the civil panel regarding the consumer fine, in his opinion, are more of a “technical” nature. The lower courts did not establish a formal waiver of the claim, which means they could not exempt the manufacturer from paying a fine in connection with the voluntary satisfaction of the requirements, explains Kharitonov. This, according to the lawyer, was brought to the attention of the Supreme Court.

That is, upon a new consideration, the first instance will have to establish that there was a refusal of the claim and terminate the proceedings in the case regarding these requirements, Kharitonov sums up. The amount of the fine will remain unchanged.

According to the head of the property and liability relations practice of the National Legal Service AMULEX, the National Legal Service AMULEX Federal rating. Galina Hamburg, the Supreme Court, on the contrary, drew attention to the incorrect determination of the amount of the fine, explaining that it should be calculated based on the amount that the plaintiff initially demanded.

“The problem lies in the not entirely correct wording of clause 6 of Art. 13 of the Consumer Protection Act,” Hamburg comments. This clause states that the penalty is calculated from the “amount awarded.” But in judicial practice, an approach has taken root when this formulation is understood as “the amount that, in general, the plaintiff initially demanded to recover,” explains the expert (for example, paragraph 14 of the Review on issues of judicial practice related to voluntary insurance of property of citizens).

This approach is fair, since a consumer whose demands were not satisfied voluntarily must spend effort and money going to court. But this does not negate the fact that clause 6 of Art. 13 of the law on consumer protection needs clarification.

Galina Hamburg, head of property and liability relations practice at

*Name and surname have been changed by the editors.

  • Kira Klimacheva

Similar questions

I can’t pay a fine in a criminal case, there is no guilt, the court said that the criminal case does not require a fee, the bank does not accept payment, what should I do?

Hello, I want to pay a fine at Sberbank, but they say that without a UIN number or a resolution number, it won’t work, but they won’t give them to me. What should I do?

I can’t pay a fine in a criminal case, there is no guilt, the court said that the criminal case does not require a fee, the bank does not accept payment, what should I do? In court they say that my case was handed over to the bailiffs, but the bailiffs say that they do not have my case because the fine has not expired.

I cannot pay a fine in a criminal case through Sberbank, since I do not have a UIN.

I am tormented by one inappropriate situation, in general it’s like this:

They issued me a fine in a criminal case, the secretary gave me a piece of paper with the details in which the following data was indicated: TIN, KPP, BIC, OKTMO, OGRN, KPK and the name of the bank, I went to the local savings bank, they told me I needed a UIN (unique identification number), I went again to the court district to the same secretary to find out this UIN, to which he answered me: he can give a UIN for an administrative case, but not for a criminal case, supposedly they don’t know how to draw it up, where to get it, etc., supposedly that’s how they do it There has been this confusion for about a year now, people also came again and asked him for this UIN again and also left in confusion. The secretary said to go or call the police officer on duty and explain.

2 I literally have 5 days left before paying the fine, can they double the fine for stitching due to inaccurate details? If not, what needs to be done so that they don’t increase it, because I would have already paid it a week ago.


Amount and period of payment of a court fine

The legislation does not provide for a specific fine amount. The final value is determined by the judicial authority and depends on:

  1. From the gravity of the crime committed.
  2. From the financial situation of a citizen who is exempt from criminal liability.
  3. From the possibility or ability of the guilty person to receive income.
  4. From the financial situation of his family.

At the moment, there are only amounts above which a court fine cannot be collected:

  1. No more than half the maximum fine under the article to which the guilty person is charged.
  2. No more than 250,000 rubles, unless the article provides for penalties.

Expert opinion

Bikmaeva Elmira Fanovna

Arbitration manager with more than 10 years of experience

The period for payment of such a fine is also determined by the court. Each case here is considered individually, taking into account the financial and other situation of the guilty person.

How to pay a fine in a criminal case

I cannot pay a fine in a criminal case through Sberbank, since I do not have a UIN.

Answers to the question:

Pay not according to the UIN, but according to the details. These details are in the verdict.

Marina, go to court, which awarded a fine as a criminal punishment.

All necessary details for paying a fine must be in the office of the court that made the decision on the criminal case. You can also ask them additional questions about the procedure, if necessary.

What is an enforcement fee and in what cases can it be collected?

After the initiation of enforcement proceedings, the bailiffs have the right to withhold an enforcement fee from the debtor. Its amount is:

  • for individuals - 7% of the fine amount, but not less than 1,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities - 7% of the fine amount, but not less than 10,000 rubles.

The enforcement fee is an additional penalty in favor of the FSSP; it is not deducted from the total amount of debt. That is, if an organization does not pay its debt voluntarily, even for a small fine of 250 rubles you will have to pay another 10 thousand.

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