Murder of two or more persons: features and punishment

The deliberate taking of a person's life in society is rightfully considered one of the most dangerous crimes. The state strictly punishes murderers. However, the investigation of such violations of the law is associated with many difficulties. Thus, the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for premeditated murder contains thirteen qualifying factors. Each makes the punishment heavier.

In addition, the judge is obliged to adhere to the principles of criminal law. And the main one speaks of the fairness of the application of articles of the Criminal Code (CC) of the Russian Federation. It prohibits convicting a person if there is minimal doubt about the suspect's guilt.

Meaning and concept of the term

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains 11 normative legal acts that provide for liability for committing murder. If during the investigation it is established that a person committed a crime intentionally, liability will arise under Article 105.

It is important to pay attention to one feature. From a legal point of view, deprivation of life is always an atrocity committed solely for deliberate reasons. If there is an unintentional loss of human life, judges will classify the situation as death due to negligence. Premeditated murder is the antonym of the term "manslaughter".

Problems of qualifying murders of two and (or) more persons

The main problem of qualifying murder under paragraph “a” of Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is the need to prove that the guilty person had a desire to take the lives of two or more persons, and to distinguish it from the totality of murders provided for in Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a description of the signs that make it possible to distinguish one type of murder from another. If the murders were committed simultaneously or after a very short period of time, then the court or investigator has no doubts.

However, in practice situations arise when, with the same intent, the death of the victims occurs:

  • in one place or several places;
  • one action or several actions of the guilty person;
  • for the same motive and for different reasons.

In such situations, it is not always necessary to classify several murders as the murder of two or more persons. Currently, there is no uniform approach in judicial practice.

Liability for “ordinary” deprivation of human life

The measure of responsibility is determined by the first part of Article 105 mentioned above, which indicates that the crime was not committed with the presence of an aggravating factor or several of them. This includes murder that was committed as a result of a physical conflict, personal hostility, or as a result of aggression towards another person.

Note! The law treats murderers very strictly. Therefore, you will always have to lose your freedom here, regardless of the circumstances.

Article and features

The murder of two or more people is an aggravating feature. This is due both to the severity of the consequences resulting from the commission of a crime, and to the personality of the criminal, who is capable of taking the lives of two or more people.

In order to recognize the murder of two or more people as such, it is necessary that the actions of the perpetrator were covered by the same intention to take the lives of two people and were committed simultaneously (clause 5 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated January 27, 1999 No. 1 “On judicial practice in cases of murder" (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 1).

When two or more persons are killed, as a rule, the deprivation of life of the victims occurs either simultaneously or with a short interval without a large gap in time.

But in some cases there may be a significant gap between murders. The fact that a person had the intent to commit such a crime is evidenced by a single motive for committing murders. This also includes cases where the criminal committed a murder in such a way that the investigation and the court understand his desire to kill two people.

The murder of one person and the attempted murder of another person cannot be considered as the murder of two or more persons. In this case, it is considered that the person has committed a crime under Part 1 or paragraph “a” of Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

A person may have the following types of intent:

  • direct - in this case, the person consciously plans in advance that he will kill two or more people;
  • direct intent to kill one person and indirect intent to kill others. For example, a person intends to rob a jewelry store, kills the seller and a witness who accidentally entered the store;
  • indirect intent to kill two or more persons. For example, an intoxicated person shoots at passers-by from the window of his apartment.

Aggravating circumstances

The qualifications of this crime are disclosed in the second part of the above-mentioned article. The legal act identifies a number of factors that can add a couple of years to serving a sentence. These include the following:

  • As a result of the crime, several people lost their lives;
  • the murder is caused by the activities of the victim, which he was engaged in during life;
  • the victim was previously abducted or was in a helpless state;
  • the woman was pregnant, and the criminal himself knew this very well;
  • the murder was committed using generally dangerous methods, or with an increased level of cruelty;
  • the conflict was provoked on religious, racial and other grounds;
  • a person was deprived of his life by several persons who acted by prior conspiracy;
  • the victim had to be killed as a result of concealing another crime or obtaining internal body parts for further transplantation to other persons.

For such atrocities the punishment is always very severe. At a minimum, attackers risk receiving eight years in maximum security prison. The maximum punishment is life in prison.

Characteristics of premeditated murder

The intentional deprivation of the life of another person is described in Article 105 of the Criminal Code. The characteristics of the act are:

  • An object - human life. The last concept is interpreted in law in two ways:
      how the physiological functioning of the body;
  • as a constitutional right to exist in this world.

Hint: death is defined as the final cessation of the functioning of all human organs. Clinical death is not the absence of life.

  • as the subject of a criminal offense.
  • The objective side consists of active actions aimed at taking the life of the victim. The methods can be different, and the options for implementing the plan can be the most inventive and incredible. The investigator is obliged to figure out what caused the person’s death and who became the source of the disaster. The objective part can also be expressed in inaction . This happens when a person does not take action to save a dying person (the rescuer did not pull the drowning person out of the water).
  • Subjective characteristics consists of the intentionality of criminal activity. That is, the suspect had a thought (plan) about taking a life in advance. This one realized:
      the criminality of his intention;
  • unacceptable harm to the victim.

Attention: the crime is considered over when the victim dies.
Moreover, when qualifying an offense, the time of death is not taken into account. This may follow immediately after the actions of the suspect, or occur after a certain time. If the connection of events is established, then the intentional taking of life is classified. In a situation where the killer’s plan is not carried out, the victim remains alive, the attempt is recognized.

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Article 105. Murder of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Problems in the investigation of premeditated murder

Criminologists distinguish two types of attackers, differing in the degree of sophistication in committing a criminal offense:

  1. Ordinary people who became murderers for everyday reasons. These include: jealous;
  2. vengeful;
  3. prone to hatred;
  4. compassionate;
  5. cowardly (trying to hide traces of another crime).
  • Bandits who make attempts on someone else's life for reasons of self-interest. This group is usually classified as hooligans. Often the killing is carried out by a group.
  • During the investigation, it is necessary to determine the guilt of each of the killers. The difficulty is that the bandits themselves are trying to confuse the specialists. Most often they resort to the following methods:

    • one of the gang members (a minor, for example) takes the blame;
    • each of the accomplices tries to present himself as an instigator or accomplice, which confuses the investigation even more;
    • testimony changes, criminals retract their words and use other methods to complicate the task.

    In addition, there are different punishments for killing a person. The bandits are trying to develop the investigation in such a way as to gain privileges. And the court is obliged to adhere to the principle of fairness, which means taking into account the provisions of the General Section of the Law when making a verdict. That is, mitigating circumstances also apply to murderers.

    For information: the investigation is obliged to find out the intentions and goals of the killers. And this can be difficult given the reluctance of criminals to cooperate.

    Privilege murder

    Sometimes an illegal act is called a privileged act. The law provides for a much less severe punishment for him:

    Mom killed her own baby

    The crime is classified under Article 106, the maximum period of imprisonment is no more than five years.

    The heat of passion

    The measure of liability is chosen in accordance with Article 107 of the Criminal Code. Liability is similar to the previous legal act - up to 5 years.

    Exceeding self-defense measures

    Maximum liability is imprisonment for three years. Regulated in accordance with Article 108 of the Criminal Code.

    Statute of limitations

    In the legal framework, all atrocities are divided into four categories depending on the level of public danger. In the case of premeditated murder, liability will be especially severe. The total statute of limitations under the first part of Article 105 of the Criminal Code is no more than 15 years, while for the second part of the same article, the application or non-application of the statute of limitations is entirely decided by the court.

    On the other hand, if the judge considers it necessary to abandon the application of the statute of limitations for qualified murders that were committed more than 15 years ago, the attacker will still not be able to be sentenced to the most severe punishment.

    Chapter 2. Criminal legal aspects of serial murders


    Serial killers have appeared with fatal regularity in all countries, at all times and under all regimes. They have always caused and continue to cause in society an almost mystical horror and a feeling of unaccountable fear: anyone could become the next victim. In past centuries, such people were considered possessed by demons and burned at the stake.

    It should be said here that the term “serial murder” itself arose in 1971 and was coined in the United States by Robert Resley, who first created the “behavioral structures” department in the FBI in 1978.

    The topic of serial murder is more relevant now than ever before. Over the past few years, the number of serial murders has increased in the country. From 1995 to 2000, law enforcement agencies investigated more than 150 criminal cases involving criminals whose victims were five or more people. These statistics are given by the deputy head of the department of organization of operational-search activities of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Evgeniy Samovichev. “Such crimes are difficult to solve, because until the killer completes his planned program of exterminating people, there is no way to expose him. Unfortunately, we still have a poor idea of ​​their thinking,” Samovichev told reporters.

    Indeed, the biggest problem at the moment is the organization of special structures for solving serial murders, analogues of which exist in the USA and Great Britain. The fact is that the collapse of the USSR was followed by the dismemberment of a single, decades-old system of the Union Ministry of Internal Affairs. Archives were thrown out, extensive dossiers were destroyed as unnecessary, specific criminal cases were divided into episodes, connections that helped solve crimes and find killers were severed.

    The purpose of this work is to conduct a study of the circumstances of the commission of some of the most famous serial murders from foreign and domestic practice. An analysis of the qualifying features existing in Russian criminal law that characterize serial murders will also be carried out.

    The main material for writing the work is the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of January 27, 1999. No. 1 “On judicial practice in murder cases (Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).” Also, theoretical material will be drawn from comments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by various authors and articles on the topic of qualifying murders.

    Structurally, the work consists of two chapters, each of which is divided into two parts. Chapter one will talk about some serial killers and methods of committing murders that occurred abroad (part 1.1. Foreign serial killers) and in Russia (part 1.2. Russian serial killers). In chapter two we will talk about the elements of the crime - murder (part 2.1.) and some qualifying features characteristic of serial murders (part 2.2.). This structure of work is determined by the goal.

    Chapter 1. Killers and methods of committing serial murders

    Foreign serial killers

    Perhaps the most famous criminal, whose atrocities introduced the term “ripper” into the criminologists’ dictionary, is considered the killer of London prostitutes. His name remains unknown. The police, despite unprecedented efforts at that time, failed to detain the criminal. But the nickname Jack the Ripper, which English reporters gave him, stuck, became a household name and is remembered every time another maniac appears.

    The six murders were committed between 6 August and 9 November 1888 in three London boroughs: Whitechapel, Spittlesfield and Steepney. The maniac cut the throats of all the victims down to the cervical vertebrae, and disemboweled five after death. Moreover, the operation itself, according to forensic experts, was carried out with great knowledge of the matter.

    Who was the killer - a pathologist, a surgeon, a medical student? According to one version, he could have been a certain paramedic from Russia (even specific names were named), who worked briefly in the east part of London. He arrived in England from Paris, where he was also suspected of the brutal murder of a tabloid woman. Information about the mysterious paramedic, whose story inspired the work of many writers and film directors, is quite contradictory and vague. His strange escape from Great Britain to St. Petersburg and his death in an insane asylum, where he allegedly ended up after stabbing another woman, are often mentioned. Of course, it was not only people from Russia who became famous murderers. Rippers of various “profiles” existed in different countries and at all times. Over the years, their already terrible adventures acquired incredible details, the number of victims increased exponentially, and the stories themselves turned into dark legends. Therefore, we will not dive into the depths of centuries, we will limit ourselves to events that have been sufficiently well studied by forensic science or mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records.

    The book names Colombian Lopez as the “black” record holder, who over seven years, starting in 1973, killed 300 girls by hunting them in Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. Strictly speaking, the figure is questionable, because after the arrest of the maniac, the remains of only 53 children were found. Sexual maniac Lüdke, detained in Vienna in 1943, killed 85 women.

    The “achievements” of the Frenchman Henri Landru, who killed his own wives, are much more modest. He has nine victims whose property was taken over by an insidious seducer after their death.

    Former US Army infantrymen York and Latham raped and strangled young women. After the seventh murder, they were caught by FBI agents.

    Fellow rapist fellow countryman Richard Speck created a real nightmare in one of the rooms of the medical college dormitory, where he brutally dealt with eight students in turn.

    American Jeffrey Dahmer was sentenced to fifteen life sentences in prison - one for each person he raped, killed, and then ate.

    Thirty-six-year-old Bob Berdella had exotic tastes, matching the assortment of goods in the curiosities and unique souvenirs store he owned in the center of Kansas. Berdella set up a kind of laboratory at home, where he carried out monstrous experiments. He rendered the people he kidnapped unconscious by mixing their food with anesthetics intended for animals, and then gradually dehumanized the prisoners. He killed “without pleasure,” as he later explained at trial. Berdella’s joy came from something else: “communication” with the experimental subjects. He blinded them and “probed” their eyes with his fingers, pushed a dry drainage tube down their throat, pricked them with needles, connected electrical wires to their limbs and, in addition, used them for his perverted sexual fantasies.

    Berdella killed only two of his test subjects at once. Four others died later - unable to withstand the torture, getting an infection or being poisoned by medications. It is unknown how long Berdella would have continued his experiments if the seventh victim, twenty-two-year-old Christopher V., had not been lucky. After three days of chemotherapy and mental treatment, V., pretending to be an obedient zombie, lulled the tormentor’s vigilance and fled. He jumped out of a second-floor window and rushed towards passers-by, screaming for help - a naked man with a dog collar around his neck and festering abrasions on his skin from handcuffs and shackles...

    The New World is not the only place where the crimes of maniacs attract media attention. In 1983, all British newspapers discussed the adventures of a certain Nilsson, who lived in his own apartment in north London. Over five years, fifteen people became his victims. In the pub closest to his home, he met young men and invited them to his place for “a small drink.” Those who agreed to respect the good-natured and hospitable eccentric faced a cruel death. First, having thoroughly pumped the guest with alcohol, Nilsson strangled him and, to finally make sure of his death, immersed the victim’s head in a tub of water, and then washed the corpse in the bathroom and transferred it to bed.

    Sexual contacts with the dead were not an end in themselves for Nilsson. At the trial, he complained that he suffered from loneliness and therefore did not limit himself to the typical entertainments of a necrophiliac. Nilsson carefully looked after the bodies of the dead, giving them manicures, combing their hair, and changing their suits. He sat the dead at the table opposite him, dined with them, talked, discussed news and television shows.

    Nilsson tried to keep the most pleasant “interlocutors” for as long as possible, for which he equipped a cold cellar in the cottage. When the bodies finally lost their “attractiveness,” the maniac carefully dismembered them, burned them in the fireplace, and flushed the illiquid remains down the drain. The police found the quiet bachelor only after a frightened plumber came running to the station and found pieces of flesh and bones, clearly not of animal origin, at the site of the blockage.

    In 1994, England was again in shock. The culprit of the scandal turned out to be a resident of Gloucester, previously convicted of theft and rape, Frederick West. After three months of “excavation” in his house, the police recovered the body parts of twelve young girls from under the floor, dug up in the garden and chiseled out of concrete. There were also more innocent objects in the killer’s lair: a bed for four people, adapted for torture and torture, shackles. West’s wife Rosemary was his assistant in West’s amusements, but it is now difficult to prove her direct participation in the crimes. The sadist took all the blame on himself and, without waiting for a trial, hanged himself with tourniquets twisted from sheets in a solitary cell in Birmingham prison.

    In the fall of 1995, tragic events unfolded in Belgium. The police, after many unsuccessful attempts to trace the kidnappers of the girls, finally managed to detain the pedophile Marc Dutroux. He and several other perverts were charged with kidnapping, rape and murder, and the bodies of two eight-year-old girls, Melissa Rousseau and Julie Lejeune, were found in the garden near Dutroux's house. The corpses of seven more victims were also found. And this list will probably continue.

    More than 100 thousand people from all over Belgium gathered in provincial Liege for the funeral of schoolgirls who died from torture and starvation. The funeral procession was accompanied by people holding placards demanding the death penalty for Dutroux. The requirement is quite understandable, especially since the maniac has already been prosecuted for a similar crime. In 1985, he kidnapped several schoolgirls, raped them, and filmed his orgies. Then Dutroux was sentenced to fifteen years, but after five years “for exemplary behavior and repentance” he was released early. What this led to is now clear. However, the pervert will obviously avoid fair punishment. The death penalty in Belgium has been abolished for reasons of humanism...

    The list of cannibals, rapists, dismemberers and sadistic necrophiliacs goes on. Well, there are plenty of villains in our age. By the way, FBI special agents in the mid-seventies came up with a term to refer to such criminals - “serialists.”

    The first “honor” to be called a serial killer was Ted Bundy (he had 39 victims), who told the FBI and psychiatrists a lot about the motives of his actions and the mechanism of an irresistible desire to kill. Bundy's revelations and the public outcry that his case received led to the creation of a "behavioral structures" department in the FBI in 1978.

    The department's special agents are exclusively engaged in searching for maniacs, compiling their psychological portraits and search methods. The importance of the unit can be judged by the following figure: every year in the United States, criminologists register up to 100 serial cases, the victims of which are children, old people, women, police officers, taxi drivers - it all depends on the “profile”. And yet, no matter how much we strive to understand the horror of what was done by individual citizens of civilized Europe or their overseas colleagues, the “exploits” of domestic home-grown monsters are geographically closer, and therefore make a much greater impression.

    Russian serial killers

    Forensic scientists who want to write an objective history of serial murders in the former USSR will face a difficult task. In a country where literally everything was already classified, legal statistics were under special control. In addition, during one of the reorganizations of the authorities, the next minister ordered the destruction of unnecessary “trash” - thick archival volumes with materials about maniacs, which experienced detectives passed on to young colleagues. There is nothing to be surprised about. According to the official ideological position, crime, as a phenomenon alien to our society, was supposed to disappear by itself. At one of the party forums, state leader Nikita Khrushchev even named a specific date when the last swindler would be caught. The collapse of the USSR was followed by the dismemberment of a single, decades-old system of the Union Ministry of Internal Affairs. Archives were thrown out, extensive dossiers were destroyed as unnecessary, specific criminal cases were divided into episodes, connections that helped solve crimes and find killers were severed. Nevertheless, some high-profile cases, despite information bans and rash decisions of the authorities, are well remembered not only by detectives, but also by ordinary citizens not associated with the legal institutions of the state.

    In December 1963, the familiar abbreviation “Mosgaz” suddenly acquired an ominous sound. At first there was talk in Moscow. A gang, they say, wanders around houses under the guise of gas service workers, robbing, killing, raping.

    Having committed the brutal murder of an eleven-year-old boy on Baltiyskaya Street, hacking the child to death with an ax, the criminal showed up in Ivanovo a week later, on December 25.

    The handwriting is the same: he introduced himself to the residents of the house on Kalinin Street as a master from the city gas industry. In one of the apartments I found a twelve-year-old teenager at home and hacked him to death with an ax. He was content with a worn jacket, a sweater, two pens, and bonds. Then he went to neighboring Oktyabrskaya Street, where he killed a seventy-four-year-old old woman with an ax. I found a three-ruble flashlight and seventy kopecks. Enraged by the pitiful prey, he returned to Kalinin Street and began to look around the apartments. In the seventies, to her misfortune, a fifteen-year-old schoolgirl opened the door. The maniac raped the girl and struck her seven times with an ax. Miraculously, the child survived, and later helped get on the trail of the criminal... The maniac was last spotted in the Maryina Roshcha area on Sheremetyevskaya Street. A forty-six-year-old woman who opened the door to the “housing office representative” died after receiving almost two dozen blows to the face and head with an ax.

    The dry lines of the verdict say little about the identity of the killer. Official certificate: “Vladimir Mikhailovich Ionesyan, born on August 27, 1937, native of Tbilisi, Armenian, secondary education, married, has a two-year-old son. Tried in 1954 according to the Decree of June 4, 1947. Sentenced to five years of suspended imprisonment. In 1959, for evading military duty, he was sentenced to two years and six months in prison. The punishment has been served. Charged under Article 102, points a, d, e, i; 146 points b, d; 117 paragraph 3. In aggregate, sentenced to death - execution.” The verdict was handed down on January 30 - forty days had passed since the first crime was committed. And already in early February, Ionesyan was shot. Today, any criminologist dealing with the problem of serial murders would not hesitate to put Ionesyan on a par with the maniac Chaika, who hunted for women in Moscow - his prey was also cheap things, the Omsk killer of beggars and lonely old people Gerankov (9 murders) and Onuprienko caught in Ukraine (confessed to the murders of 52 people), who shot and chopped everything that breathes, moves or moans, including infants.

    All these killers lived one life - the life of a criminal, but in the history of Russian serial murders there are more dangerous maniacs who led a double life. Such serials as Slivko, Chikatilo, Mikhasevich did not at all give the impression of a cruel killer.

    Outwardly, the biography of Anatoly Slivko looked prosperous and even respectable. He headed the children’s and youth tourism club “Chergid” in the city of Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory, enjoyed unquestioning authority among the pioneers and earned respect from his parents for his selfless work. The director of “Chergid” was written about dozens of times in “Pionerskaya Pravda” and other newspapers, more than twenty programs were broadcast about him on All-Union Radio, and there were countless certificates of honor and gratitude.

    He was detained almost by accident in 1985 on suspicion of the disappearance of a thirteen-year-old boy. And when they searched the club premises, they could hardly believe their own eyes.

    Domestic criminology, and the world too, have not yet encountered such facts. Slivko sadistically killed seven teenagers, and the death of the children, their agony, the subsequent dismemberment of the bodies and manipulations with them, the “honored teacher” carefully filmed with a film or camera, and carefully stored all the material in the closet. When Slivko was arrested he was forty-six years old. He was the father of two boys, had a party card and bore the title “Shock Worker of Communist Labor.” But the most amazing thing is that he killed children for twenty-one years, remaining above suspicion.

    Scientists have selected many medical terms that characterized his mental state at the time of the crime. His behavior includes vampirism, fetishism, necrophilia and sadism.

    He received sexual release without coming into direct contact with the victim.

    Unlike Slivko, Chikatilo was not such a prominent and respected person, but nevertheless his wife considered him a caring husband, a zealous owner, smart and kind. Other relatives shared the same opinion. His daughter spoke of him as a kind, gentle person, his nephew considered him erudite, calm, decent... According to the testimony of his wife, Chikatilo could not stand the sight of blood, he could not even cut off a chicken’s head with an ax. But what a “master” he was in the forest belt, gutting victims with the speed and dexterity of a pathologist.

    In the case of Chikatilo, the nightmare lasted twelve years. When he was detained and charged with 36 premeditated murders with extreme cruelty, he confessed to... 53! He cut, raped and killed women, girls and boys indiscriminately.

    Chikatilo’s first victim was a girl in 1978 in Shakhty, but a certain Kravchenko was detained on suspicion of this murder, who several years earlier had committed a similar crime - he raped and killed a child. Kravchenko was sentenced to an exceptional measure - execution and carried out. Only twelve years later Chikatilo admitted to committing this crime.

    This case of investigative error and court bias is not the only one. Fourteen people who had nothing to do with the crimes were convicted for crimes committed by the Vitebsk maniac Mikhasevich. One of them was shot, another committed suicide in his cell, and the third innocently served in prison for almost ten years.

    Belarusian serial killer Gennady Mikhasevich, like Slivko, lived a double life, remaining a completely respectable, normal person to those around him. His personal life was no different from the average man: he got married and had two children - a girl and a boy. As expected, he joined the party and was elected secretary of the party committee. He worked in his specialty, was actively involved in social work - he was a people's vigilante and was listed as a non-staff police officer. It was this fact that allowed him to commit 36 ​​murders, since he was among the first to learn about all the actions against himself and the plans of the operatives. The method of committing the crime was the same - strangulation: with a scarf, belt or a tourniquet of grass. He left the corpses of raped women near the road.

    The list of bloody crimes can be continued for a long time. From what was written above, we can conclude that each criminal deals with his victim in his own way, but similar signs can be traced in their actions. How these acts are qualified will be discussed in the next chapter.

    Chapter 2. Criminal legal aspects of serial murders


    Considering the above, we can draw the following conclusions.

    1. Murder is a crime, the commission of which is accompanied by direct intent.
    2. The main legal act in accordance with which the penalty for committing illegal actions is established is Article 105 of the Criminal Code.
    3. For committing an “ordinary” murder, a person can face 15 years in prison, and in most cases the sentence is served in a maximum security colony.
    4. If the murder was committed with aggravating circumstances, it will have to be answered even more strictly - the penalty will be twenty years of strict regime, or life imprisonment in prison.
    5. In the case where the crime was committed in self-defense, or the killer was very worried when carrying it out, the maximum sentence will be no more than five years. The only condition for mitigation of punishment is that the person must prove the commission of actions without selfish motives.

    Are you accused of murder? Don't even try to defend your interests on your own. The most reasonable solution in this situation would be to seek help from a highly qualified, experienced lawyer.

    Attempted crime

    The concept of attempted crime (including murder) is enshrined in Part 1 of Art. 30 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. These may be actions aimed at creating conditions for the commission of a crime, but the crime is not completed, that is, the goal that the criminal was striving for was not achieved due to circumstances beyond his control.

    Note! Only persons who wish to commit a grave or especially grave crime are brought to criminal liability for attempted murder (Part 2 of Article 30 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

    Since the murder of two or more persons is a particularly serious crime, a person who has committed a number of actions to commit such a crime, for example, acquired a firearm, prepared a place for burying corpses, is subject to criminal liability and can be sentenced to a real term of imprisonment.

    Attempted murder can only be committed with direct intent, in contrast to murder, which can be committed with both direct and indirect intent (clause 7 of Resolution No. 1).

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