Interrogation by the Investigative Committee: risks and rights of entrepreneurs
How to find out the last name of the investigator who is leading the case 1. I need to find out the last name of the investigator who
Interrogation of a minor - what to pay attention to?
A minor under 16 years of age can be summoned for questioning through his parents or educational institution. Alert
Crimes with a truncated composition: what are they, the main features
Crimes with a truncated composition: what are they, the main features
The corpus delicti is a set of characteristics that allow the identification of a criminal act. The simultaneous presence of these factors indicates
Was your license stolen? Find out what to do in this situation
A driver's license is a mandatory document for people driving a car. It's illegal without them
LifeBossing: What to do if your boss is bullying you
We are accustomed to thinking that bullying is a problem exclusively for children or teenagers. What
preliminary investigation authorities
Concept, tasks and significance of the preliminary investigation stage
The detection and subsequent investigation of crimes are primarily the responsibility of the police department and the prosecutor's office. Relatively
Stop bullying: what to do if a child is bullied at school?
You can listen to this article. Here she is in the podcast: Listen to the “Own” podcast wherever it is convenient for you:
What is the responsibility and punishment for phone theft? Composition of the crime and difference from robbery
According to statistics, mobile phone theft is one of the most common crimes punishable by
What to do and how to defend yourself if you are accused of theft that you did not commit?
Crimes often occur in everyday life, this could be theft, as well as other types
What should a woman do if her husband threatens physical violence?
Unfortunately, physical and psychological violence in the family is a fairly common occurrence, the cause of
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