Computer Fraud
Features and types of fraud in the field of computer information
Illegal acts such as computer fraud are considered the most controversial. They stay
Article 30 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Composition of the court (current version)
Article 30 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Composition of the court (current version) 1. Consideration of criminal cases is carried out by the court
At what point is the robbery considered over? Attempted and completed crime
General characteristics of robbery, robbery, theft Robbery, robbery, theft are crimes against property. In
Complaint against the investigator
In what cases and where can you complain about an investigator?
Illegal actions of the investigator or his inaction should not go unpunished. Citizens don't always know
bringing criminal liability for alimony
Concept and general conditions of criminal liability.
Grounds for bringing to criminal liability The grounds for bringing to criminal liability are reflected in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
At what amount does criminal liability for theft begin?
At what amount does criminal liability for fraud begin?
Fraud is a type of theft that is committed by deceiving or abusing the victim.
decision to reinstate the criminal case
The RF Armed Forces explained to the courts the rules for resuming criminal cases under newly discovered circumstances
The procedure for reopening criminal cases has been changed. This happened along with a number of other amendments and additions
What is the difference between theft (Article 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and theft of a car (Article 158)?
Criminals often steal cars because the vehicle can be sold at a profit or used for
Child suicide: how to distinguish real danger from blackmail?
My ex is blackmailing me with suicide Last week I put an end to my relationship with MCH.
How to write and submit a statement about the theft of money or property to the police? We will also analyze the completed sample in detail.
Encroachment on someone else's property is one of the most common crimes, which must be reported as
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