Author: Andrey Onegin
03 October 2016 15:07
Tags: wars history politics facts
A disciplinary battalion is a special formation in the armed forces of Russia and some CIS countries, a military unit (separate battalion) in which military personnel convicted of criminal offenses during military service and cadets of higher military educational institutions serve their sentences until they receive their primary officer rank.
Disbat: is it true what they say about him?
As soon as it began, most of the individual disciplinary battalions (except those stationed in the eastern regions of the Soviet Union) were disbanded. The servicemen serving their sentences in them were sent to the front line and enrolled in ordinary military or penal units - this depended on the severity of the crimes committed. At the end of the summer of 1942, in accordance with Order No. 227 (popularly referred to as “Not a Step Back”), it was decided to create front-line penal battalions for command personnel, as well as army penal companies for Red Army sergeants and petty officers.
This is how the first disciplinary battalions were created,
Tough New Year in the disbat near Chita
The devil was going on in the units; hazing was turning into hazing.
According to the combat schedule of penal units and units of the Red Army in 1942-1945, there were more than 50 penal battalions and more than 1000 penal companies. In the post-war period, most of these units and units were disbanded or reformed.
Soldiers were sold into slavery: to construction sites and markets, and some even into sexual slavery, an example of this is the scandalous story from the security brigade of the mother of his GENERAL STAFF! Disciplinary military units were no exception; many who served there as variable and permanent personnel characterize these places as follows.
Military units with once titanium discipline have turned into places of lawlessness and Zonov’s concepts.
1 out of 4 companies is ostentatious, the rest are under the control of “godfathers” in an agreement with the administration.
What's going on there is pure chaos. They might rape you, or they might kill you.
It is run by sadistic grandfathers and people with a distinctly southern appearance. Yes, this is a disbat and these are convicts. The place where those who have committed an offense must be corrected has turned for some into heaven on earth.
Such ordinary gatherings of convicts characterized the atmosphere of those years. The new head of the disbat near Chita did not like this situation.
News from Chita and Transbaikal region |
Today it was officially confirmed that the terrible video scenes of mass army brutality, discovered by Transbaikal journalists on YouTube, were filmed 10 years ago in the disciplinary battalion of Chita. “It also turned out that Bastrykin’s department, having all the grounds for an investigation, did not allow it to proceed, clearly considering the statute of limitations,” human rights activists say.
About this IA Forget. Ru was informed by the press service of the Transbaikal Human Rights Center.
The video recorded the suppression of a riot in a disbat near Chita in December 2003, the head of the military investigative department for the Chita garrison, Mikhail Petrushin, affirmatively told the portal today.
At the same time, the website quoted the words of an unnamed representative of the same investigative department: “The video captured the December 2003 riot, when prisoners tried to impose their living conditions in the disbat on the administration. They asked not to be searched, to be allowed free movement, to drink alcoholic drinks... The rioters barricaded themselves and for three days did not allow the administration to see them, broke windows, and beat up prisoners who were “informers.”
“Representatives of the investigation clearly exceeded the limits of their powers. They are lawyers, not press secretaries of the Ministry of Defense. The video shows no signs of a riot. Only footage of uncomplaining soldiers being beaten with batons, kicked and punched, thrown - including undressed and shoeless - face down on a snow-covered parade ground. The investigators only required a legal assessment of these personnel, and nothing more, says Vitaly Cherkasov, director of the Trans-Baikal Human Rights Center.
But military investigators, judging by their explanations, are more impressed by the role of “gravediggers” of a video of army tyranny that inappropriately surfaced after many years.
According to representatives of the military investigation department for the Chita garrison, this video came to them about a year ago. Of the three hundred people who served or served sentences in the disbat, almost 200 people have already been interviewed. “Now surveys are being conducted throughout the country,” the website quoted the head of the department, Mikhail Petrushin, as saying.
— How can there be surveys for so long? This is not sociology! The verification period is strictly prescribed in the Code of Criminal Procedure. But it is not followed! On the other hand, the footage of this video itself is the basis for initiating a case under Article 286 of the Criminal Code for abuse of power with the use of violence, human rights lawyers are convinced.
Why the investigators, violating the requirements of the Code of Criminal Procedure, never began an investigation, became clear from the words of the second representative of the military investigation department for the Chita garrison, who refused to give his last name. From his words published on the website, it followed that “today, due to the statute of limitations, this is not relevant,” since “the events captured in the footage took place 10 years ago.”
Indeed, the Criminal Code stipulates that the period for bringing to criminal liability for serious crimes, which includes Part 3 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, is 10 years. And in December this period will expire due to the events that occurred in the Chita disbat.
But the law in any case requires investigators to initiate criminal proceedings, regardless of how soon the perpetrators are expected to be released from liability.
What “pitfalls” prevented military investigators from opening a criminal case during the year when they became aware of signs of army arbitrariness? Human rights activists now intend to address this question to the head of the Investigative Committee, Anatoly Bastrykin.
As already reported, on November 18, Transbaikal human rights activists invited representatives of the Military Investigation Department of the Eastern District of the Russian Federation in Chita to give a legal assessment to the video footage of army brutality, which appeared on the website “” on November 17. In turn, Chita journalists discovered this video on YouTube, where it is posted under the title “ODB 36 city of Chita village Kashtak.”
— Video footage dated December 2003 shows how a group of military personnel - with batons, handcuffs and shields - beats and humiliates for a long time and with gusto another group of people dressed in disbat uniforms, or generally standing on a snow-covered parade ground in underwear and without shoes “,” Vitaly Cherkasov, director of the Trans-Baikal Human Rights Center, shares his impression of what he saw.
The video is replete with many brutal scenes of violence: resigned guys in soldier's pea coats are forced to lie on the parade ground for a long time with their heads down or crawl on their bellies, while they are beaten with batons, hands and feet. Many of those who have already been beaten are tied up several at a time, while the video camera takes a close-up view of their faces, on which traces of cuts from blows with batons and blood are visible. Commands from commanders can be heard calling for the continuation of mass executions, as well as swear words with which ordinary rapists sought to humiliate the human dignity of those being beaten as painfully as possible, including on the basis of nationality.
Disbat riot reasons
The sleeping quarters in the barracks are separated by a locked metal lattice door. If at night a fighter feels the urge to go to the toilet, he must check in on a special list and proceed to the place of discharge of natural needs strictly in splendid isolation. Already together, for example, you can’t rush to the toilet at night.
While we were photographing the orderly, the outfit sleeping in the barracks received the command “Rise!” Those on vacation instantly flew over their beds and marched in a clear, short formation to the washing room. The national question is largely absent; various kinds of “community communities” and other groups are not encouraged.
But the so-called “Caucasians” are present. Approximately every fourth of the 170 current “convicts” is from the Caucasus. Interesting because it previously languished in some safe and only recently saw the light of day.
But first I’ll make a digression.
I don’t know how well military training is going in the Russian army today
Mulino disbat riot
And again there are a lot of sub-points. In the disbat there are former thieves, brawlers, robbers, unprincipled hooligans and simply amazing fools (for those interested, there is an almost hour-long film with real stories).
But there are no rapists, murderers or other criminals.
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Some are painted green for some reason. Inside the protected perimeter there are bars on the windows, buffer gates made of metal mesh and other restrictions. The sleeping quarters in the barracks are separated by a locked metal lattice door. If at night a fighter feels the urge to go to the toilet, he must check in on a special list and proceed to the place of discharge of natural needs strictly in splendid isolation.
Already together, for example, you can’t rush to the toilet at night.
While we were photographing the orderly, the outfit sleeping in the barracks received the command “Rise!” Those on vacation instantly flew over their beds and marched in a clear, short formation to the washing room.
Riot in disbat 2003
But these are my fantasies, of course; I don’t know how it really is.
Important But I know that there are no marks of a criminal record in the passport of a serviceman who spent time in a disbat.
Of course, it won’t be difficult for the military commissar to understand what lies behind the lines about being in military unit 12801, but for the rest, for those not involved, the person’s reputation is not tarnished.
This, there is an opinion, in a number of circumstances can be costly for a young man.
“Nothing makes a warrior’s life easier than discipline...”
In companies there are only privates.
Past achievements, titles and distinctions do not count.
Conditions of detention
Unlike prison, the disbat is allowed two visits with relatives every month. But, as in the penal colony, they can be deprived of their privileges for violating the regime.
But food cannot be given to imprisoned soldiers. They can only move around the prison by marching or running at the command of the guards.
The regulations allow soldiers to have:
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- A fountain pen.
- Two rods.
- Ten envelopes.
- Two notebooks.
They end up in disbat for committing criminal offenses. Most often, these are hazing, which resulted in fights with other soldiers, as well as theft.
New Year's riot
The original, of course, you’ll find hell, so I do it this way. 12/31/2003 - suppression of a riot in the disbat.
The type of military service and specialization also do not play a role. One is located near Chita, the second is in Mulino. We'll talk about the latter. But during the times of the USSR, there were more disbats throughout the country, Mulinsky was considered one of the most prosperous, if at all the words “well-being” and “disbat” can be placed side by side.
Great 20 minute movie. I watched it in one go. The operator periodically says the right things, like: “Let them look at you in your units.” Watch here First part: Second part: /blog/crashes/1173.htmlReserve if it doesn’t work:UPD: Here are the videos directly: Part 1 Part 2 Backup links, if suddenly DDOS are completely rude: D0%A1%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8+%D0%B8+%D1%83%D0%B6%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B0%D0% B9%D1%81%D1%8F.+%D0%A7%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C+1.html 94%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%82.+%D0%A1%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8+%D0% B8+%D1%83%D0%B6%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%81%D1%8F.+%D0%A7%D0%B0%D1%81%D1% 82%D1%8C+2.htmlEven if it turns out to be a mossy button accordion (and the shooting date is kagbe nomekae) - don’t give a fuck.
Riot in disbat floss 2003
A kitchen with stainless steel boilers, a washbasin with towels and soap, a daily updated menu on a stand at the entrance - everything is like in other military units where I have been.
The citizen in the picture, who has the signs of a person of high culture, is twower himself. After the “tour” of the unit, those gathered were given the opportunity to listen to brief stories of four disbat soldiers.
The most harmless of them is the “self-propelled gun”. He ran away from the unit home, ran for three days, and now he will spend nine months behind the fence in Mulino.
Next to him is a guy with a Georgian surname and restless eyes.
He beat the officer who was filming him on a video camera, and broke the video camera. Why? For what? Unclear. Today, surveys are being conducted throughout the country of the participants in the sensational video about the beating of soldiers in the disbat located in Kashtak, the head of the military investigation department for the Chita garrison, Mikhail Petrusuchin, told Zabmedia.Ru on November 19.
“We’ve been working on this case for six months now; we’ve interviewed almost 200 people.
Riot in the Mulino disbat
Difficult conditions of detention lead to attempts to escape from this place of detention. Most of them end with the capture of the criminals and the addition of their prison term.
In addition to single escapes, in the history of the Mulino disbat there was a collective revolt. In 2003, 28 people raised it due to the conditions of detention. The riot was brutally suppressed with the help of conscript soldiers. The rioters were beaten and dogs were set on them. All this was filmed on video, which can still be found on the Internet.
The system of punishing soldiers who commit a crime in Russia has not changed since Soviet times. Disciplinary battalions are one of the most serious punishments that can be applied to a soldier. Isolation and harsh conditions of detention are very difficult for prisoners to endure. But if they comply with the requirements of the charter, they are promised early release.
Disbat Mulino: what kind of place is this?
But there is one feature that distinguishes such a quarantine from a prison one. Here prisoners are taught to march on the parade ground.
Conditions of detention Unlike prison, the disbat is allowed two visits with relatives every month. But, as in the penal colony, they can be deprived of their privileges for violating the regime.
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But food cannot be given to imprisoned soldiers. They can only move around the prison by marching or running at the command of the guards. The regulations allow soldiers to have:
- Ten envelopes.
- A fountain pen.
- Two notebooks.
- Two rods.
They end up in disbat for committing criminal offenses.
Most often, these are hazing, which resulted in fights with other soldiers, as well as theft.
The Mulino disbat is officially called military unit No. 12801. It is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region near the village of Mulino. There are many military units located in this area, but this one even outwardly differs in the recognizable zone “ban” - a control strip around the prison fence
The conditions for entering and exiting the unit’s territory are much stricter than in other military garrisons. A hundred meters from the checkpoint there is a building, the entrance to which is always locked, and the orderly unlocks the door only when convicts are launched and released.
The guards here are conscript soldiers.
There are about 600 prisoners permanently housed in the Mulino disbat.
As in the penal colony, newly arrived prisoners undergo quarantine (for 30 days). But there is one feature that distinguishes such a quarantine from a prison one. Here prisoners are taught to march on the parade ground.
Investigators across the country are interviewing participants in the suppression of the riot in the disbat
Until then, you can continue to admire the piles.
“Another landfill, already KSK - these are the disadvantages of a comfortable urban environment, these dumps appeared, according to local residents, along with the renovation of Labor Square”
There are fears that this will last for a long time. You don't have to look far for an example. Companies - TGK-14, Vodokanal, DMRSU, USK - their style is to delay the work, leave trenches instead of curbs, open up new asphalt and stop traffic for a couple of weeks.
And here there is little that can be done - monopolists have fines for overdue work - which has long been a common expense item. Construction companies that win competitions and cannot cope with the volume of work go bankrupt. In the meantime, finances will be found, and a new contractor will be found - snow will fall, which will skillfully camouflage the dug up city.
Evgenia BATUEVA, Minister of Housing and Communal Services, Energy, Digitalization and Communications of the Trans-Baikal Territory: “There is a lot of preparatory work on Labor Square, we hope
In the units they mocked the spirits, so now let them mock them in diesel. But there is one “but”. Again, few people know - there are a lot of people on diesel who should not be there at all. Not only scumbag grandfathers are serving time there, but also ordinary Sochi runners, deserters who could not stand the bullying in their unit and went on skis.
That is, to the former torment in the unit, the fathers’ commanders added a couple more years of real hell on diesel. There are at least a third of these. Plus here you can add the cunts who ended up in the article due to stupidity. For example, a girl sent a letter from home: “Hello, Vanya!
I fell in love with someone else. I'm marrying him!
You know him, this is your best friend Vitalik! Smack!” It is known: the call of the pussy is stronger than the will of the commander. Stupefied with jealousy and resentment, Ivan quits his service and goes home to sort things out with his beloved.
Of course he gets caught. The army is no joke. And they give you a deadline. They can give you a month of arrest in a guardhouse (if you’re lucky), or they can give you a year and a half of diesel.
Military unit 12801 is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, Volodarsky district, in the village of Mulino. Outwardly, this military unit resembles others, of which you can find dozens of them in the local forests.
An ordinary reinforced concrete fence, with guard towers around the perimeter. But there is one important difference here - the control and trail strip, nicknamed the “ban”.
At the entrance is the main Mulino checkpoint. The number of the military unit is written on it, and a small piece of the parade ground is visible behind it.
Disbat Mulino on the map
Then all possible similarities end. A couple of meters from the checkpoint there is a gray building with a simple door, behind it is a second, metal one. It is always locked. The orderly opens this door only in two cases:
- releasing convicts from the territory of Mulino;
- launching the newly arrived contingent.
Conscript soldiers act as security. They stand guard and check the convicts.
According to statistics, 600 people are serving sentences in the disciplinary battalion.
From the very morning they only have to walk along the parade ground at a marching pace.
There is a second way to move - running. Every person dreams of being released early.
All soldiers have different reasons for being in Mulino. Some used hazing, others stole something from commanders or their colleagues.
In disbat they give a maximum term of one and a half years.
New arrivals undergo quarantine. Here they are taught to march intensively for 30 days, after which they are sent to companies.
You are allowed to see relatives twice a month.
It is forbidden to bring even tea, not to mention alcohol.
According to the regulations, each soldier is entitled to:
- one fountain pen;
- two rods;
- ten envelopes;
- two notebooks.
In rare cases, they try to escape from here. Almost all escape cases were doomed to failure. They caught people, held an educational conversation and added time limits.
Disbat in Mulino, watch a video on the topic: