Definition Any murder, by definition, is a manifestation of cruelty towards the victim. However, in
Researchers about Russia, that is, the penetration of culture and morals prevailing in places of detention,
The greatest and most significant invention of mankind is a rather simple and commonplace thing today, this
Property damage is a negative impact on material objects, as a result of which they lose their
Commentary to Art. 333 of the Criminal Code 1. The objective side is expressed alternatively by two actions. Resistance
During the judicial investigation, violations are often traced, expressed in deliberate non-compliance with professional regulations.
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Characteristics of concepts Liability for intentional damage or destruction of property belonging to a person, organization or state,
The most terrible, dangerous and large-scale crimes in criminal law are considered sabotage and terrorist acts.
Over the past few years, Internet technologies have deeply penetrated human everyday life. Today at