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Inciting hatred on national, racial, religious or social grounds is a crime dangerous to society.
Crime is not only a national but also an international phenomenon. To increase the effectiveness of the fight
Fraud on the Internet, Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, is a new type of crime. With the arrival in
The criminal legislation of the Russian Federation traditionally qualifies six forms of unlawful taking of another’s property: fraud, misappropriation,
Pros and cons of using the Internet to file a fraud report Pros: No connection to
The classification of crimes is of great importance in the criminal process. She is the guardian of the principles of legality, justice,
Consideration of a case in court is a procedure clearly regulated by law, therefore almost all judicial
There are 8 pre-trial detention centers on the territory of Moscow, which are not fully operational today.
Colony-settlement. Drivers sentenced to imprisonment end up in specialized colony settlements, where life is