What is it about, how did it glorify the prison, who is its author and why is it great in its own way?
There are many reasons why a citizen might contact the police. As a rule, to the police
Demand is the procedure for making a particular decision at the “gangway” (i.e. at a meeting of criminals)
Our practice in parole cases shows that a new unwritten law has appeared in Russia, called
The profession of a prison killer Contract killers appeared in the zone in the 30s of the last century, when
General regime colonies are divided into women's and men's. This includes those who have committed for the first time
Colony-settlement: conditions of detention, features of the regime, norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Measures of influence required for behavior correction
Any prisoner dreams of seeing his relatives, because a long stay behind bars makes him longing for
General regime women's colonies in Russia list of cities Sergey Gerasimov 68. FROM 15/2 general
16 To automatically enter data about the father into children’s documents, parents must be members of