Torpedo in a Russian prison: who is it, terms of reference

Profession of a prison killer

Contract killers appeared in the zone in the 30s of the last century, when thieves' prisoners began to occupy the top of the prison hierarchy and the basic concepts of thieves' law were formed. The first killers carried out orders back in Stalin's camps. At that time, completely different people were kept in prisons. Political prisoners, pickpockets and members of the intelligentsia could sit in one cell.

To stick to their own, the convicts created groups that often came into conflict with each other. The main struggle in those years was between thieves and “bitches”. The latter are persons who voluntarily cooperate with the prison management. Moreover, verbal skirmishes often turned into massacres.

But even during times of truce, the warring parties could not relax. To eliminate their opponents, thieves in law often used the services of hired killers called torpedoes. Moreover, it was at their hands that most of the volunteer assistants of the camp administration died.

As a rule, a torpedo is a daring and risky criminal who has nothing to lose. Most often, his account includes robbery, beatings, kidnappings, etc. This is not the first time that some prison killers have committed contract killings. However, a naive, ingenuous person, far from the criminal world, can also turn out to be a torpedo.

Given the specific nature of their activities, prison killers cannot count on a long and happy life. In most cases they die a violent death.

Often a prisoner becomes a killer not of his own free will, but as a result of addiction. For example, a person carries out a dangerous assignment, becoming a card debtor. Unable to return the money, he is forced to pay off creditors with services. Among the assignments may be murder, beatings and other criminal cases.

A torpedo can be not only a respected prisoner, but also a lowly one, who is forced to commit murders by an experienced criminal. Sometimes such killers receive specific assignments. For example, a prisoner may be given the following task: go up to another prisoner and kiss him. In this case, the kissed prisoner also becomes lowered. And this is a stigma for life.

Also, a narrow-minded convict who is easily persuaded can become a hired killer in prison. If the lack of intelligence is compensated by physical strength, then such a person can become a fairly successful executioner.

Among the torpedoes there are also young prisoners who received sentences of up to 15 years in prison. In prisons they are called “irons”, “mokryatniks”. Such prisoners are often equated to kamikazes, because they do not value their life and are ready to say goodbye to it at any moment.

The emergence of the profession

The profession of a prison killer appeared almost simultaneously with the emergence of the thieves' law, with the advent of thieves, that is, in the Stalinist camps of the 1930s. At that time, the zones were filled with completely different people. Many groups emerged, but the main struggle was between thieves and “bitches.” It often resulted in massacres. In times of peace, so to speak, especially active and cruel “activists” (voluntary assistants to the camp administration) were slaughtered by the camp executioners.

Killing technique

In most cases, the torpedo acted covertly, attacking the victim at night when he was most vulnerable. Often the murder took place with bare hands - the person was simply strangled. However, some killers used improvised means: pens, nails, spoons.

To quickly kill a person, a camp killer could use a sharpened pencil. Having driven it into the condemned man’s ear, he carried out the order and left unnoticed. By the way, this method of murder is considered the signature style of a camp assassin. Any sharp object could be used instead of a pencil. Most often it was a nail.

During the Soviet era, the Criminal Code did not provide for the possibility of the death penalty. The maximum penalty was 25 years in prison, which is what the camp killers used. A prisoner who had already received a quarter of a century in prison could carry out such orders without risking anything. Accordingly, some hired killers eliminated undesirables almost openly, acting in front of other prisoners. It was for this reason that the execution clause was subsequently introduced for disorganizing the work of the Executive Committee.

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It may take a lot of time for a killer to execute a sentence. As a rule, this is 2-3 months, sometimes up to six months. If the executioner is caught by law enforcement, he is obliged to inform the investigation that the murder is his personal initiative. The killer has no right to extradite the customer.

When the case is closed, the killer receives a new sentence. But even in the new prison he will not be left without work. There will also be clients here who want to “remove” their opponent.

Camp killers do not have to advertise the nature of their activities. Other prisoners recognize the professional camp killer by his tattoos. As a rule, executioners apply the following images to open areas of the body:

  • grinning wolf or tiger;
  • an executioner in a cap holding an ax in his hand (this is the most common tattoo among camp killers).

Having such tattoos is considered honorable, so they are applied to every person who has committed at least one contract murder.

Executioner in the prison hierarchy

The camp killer is a respected person in the zone. He occupies a fairly high place in the prison hierarchy, because he is, in fact, the punishing hand of the thief in law. If a crime boss has problems with other prisoners, they are most often resolved by turning to the executioner. Thieves in law prefer to resolve conflicts quickly and harshly, which is why ordinary prisoners prefer not to get involved with representatives of the top of the prison hierarchy.

The executioner carries out the order after the corresponding decision is made at the thieves' meeting. Most often, authoritative thieves sentence the following prisoners to death:

  • “rats” - people who steal from the common fund and from other prisoners;
  • “red” lawless people (as the most zealous activists are called);
  • “suckers” – former crime bosses who began collaborating with the administration;
  • informers.

When executing an order, the executioner must be guided by a certain code. He is not only obliged to kill the condemned man at all costs, but also to divert suspicion from his immediate customer. In order not to “expose the gang,” prison killers often came to the office of the head of the colony with a cut off part of the victim’s body (most often, the head) and confessed to what they had done. Subsequently, the killer was given a considerable sentence.

"General" and "thieves'". What is it and do I need to pay?

When ending up in a pre-trial detention center or a camp, a person may be faced with the fact that they will demand money from him for the so-called “general” and/or “thieves’ money.” A person who has never heard of these things and has not encountered the criminal subculture will be confused and will not know what to do in this situation. To pay or not to pay!? And if you pay, how much? Can someone force him or does he have the right to make a decision himself?

“General” is what is collected by prisoners for the needs of a specific institution: pre-trial detention center, prison, camp. The general is formed due to the peculiar “contributions” of prisoners, which they contribute in money or some other useful things that can be useful in captivity. These could be cigarettes, tea, sugar, food and medicine - everything that prisoners need. In the future, this money or things are used for specific needs. For example, someone is seriously short of tea or cigarettes and may be allocated some of these products from the “common” one.

However, most often “contributions” to the “common” are collected in money. Each prisoner is asked to make his contribution “if possible,” that is, to pay as much as he can now.

“Vorovskoye” (or “black” by analogy with the black color, symbolizing the thieves’ world: “back doors” “black colonies”) is what is collected for the needs of the so-called thieves - crime bosses who occupy the highest position in the hierarchy of the criminal world . The procedure for forming this capital is approximately the same as in the case of general capital - money and any useful things, as far as possible.

It is important to understand that no one has the right to force you to pay for the “general” or “theft”. Neither according to the law (of course), nor according to the so-called prison concepts. Contributions to the “common” are voluntary. Each person, depending on his attitude to the prison system, his financial and family situation, decides whether he needs to be paid. And if necessary, then how much. You can always contribute some small, symbolic amount, which, on the one hand, will not burden you financially, and on the other hand, will show that you are interested in solving general issues and maintaining a certain standard of living in places of detention and imprisonment.

It is important to remember that by law you are not obligated to pay anyone anything! However, life in captivity can be so difficult that the only way to improve conditions is through joint efforts. In this case, you can voluntarily help your team, being careful not to go beyond the law. We must not forget that the entire informal system of self-government of prisoners actually runs counter to the requirements of the law. Before you do anything, take a closer look at the real state of affairs in a particular institution. You will quickly understand what your environment is like and what the generally accepted way of life is where you are.

It also happens that money for “general” and “thieves’” is literally extorted from prisoners by force or under threat of violence. In this case, you should know that you are dealing with banal extortion, which is extremely common in Russian prisons and camps. Moreover, extortion is carried out not only by prisoners, but also by the employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service themselves. Remember, we are no longer talking about some kind of voluntary and feasible help to the team around you. No, they are already simply sucking money out of you and will suck everything out of you if you allow it.

In this case, you can use two ways: formal and informal. Formal means filing a statement about a crime to law enforcement agencies, as well as complaints to the administration of your institution, the prosecutor’s office and other supervisory authorities. It is important to remember that in this case, you are taking yourself outside the confines of the group of prisoners, since in a criminal environment, filing reports of a crime and complaints to authorities is extremely unwelcome. This will most likely end with you being asked for security and being placed in a secure location, most likely alone, where you will have to spend the rest of your detention.

You can also use an informal way to resolve the conflict. Explain to those who extort money from you that you are under no obligation to do so. And if you were unable to reach a compromise, turn to the responsible persons in the shadow branch of the prison authorities: the supervisors, the guards and the thieves. You may be able to solve this problem.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, you must first comply with the requirements of the law.

Your status as a prisoner or a person in custody is regulated primarily by the relevant regulations. For persons in custody, this is the Federal Law of June 15, 1995 No. 103-FZ “On the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes” and the Internal Regulations of pre-trial detention centers of the penal system, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2005 No. 189 (Rules). For convicted prisoners, this is the Criminal Executive Code and other legal acts, such as the Internal Rules of Correctional Institutions and the Internal Rules of Educational Colonies.

Use the law and common sense, avoid unnecessary conflicts, and you'll likely get through the rest of your sentence without too much trouble.

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Famous executioners

A prison killer is a balanced, cold-blooded and strong-willed person. By nature, he is a loner who does not show leadership qualities. He is used to following orders, acting independently and without fear of retribution. As a rule, those people who had nothing to lose became hired killers. For example, prisoners without families who received a significant sentence for murder or robbery.

The most famous prison executioners are:

  1. Alexander Kushnerov, called Sasha Kushner. A thief in law who began his criminal activities in the Morozovtsy group. He had to carry out various assignments, including committing contract killings. Kushnerov is one of the few prison killers who have survived to this day.
  2. Vasya Brilliant. The legendary thief in law, together with his accomplices, committed the murder of one of the prisoners on May 20, 1950. Moreover, Brilliant took the blame upon himself. In August of the same year, he, together with one of the convicts, strangled a prisoner in a pre-trial detention center. He was subsequently sentenced to 25 years in prison.
  3. Thief in law Alexander Egorov recalled a case when the “right” prisoner became a killer, acting on his own initiative. The prisoners called him Torba. He served his last year in prison, but witnessed the abuse of prisoners by a contractor. Torba promised the prisoners that he would cut off the aggressor’s ears. An hour later he returned, took the cut off ears out of his pocket and threw them on the floor. As it turned out, the prisoner stabbed the contractor, for which he was sentenced to death. According to Egorov, such cases are not uncommon. Therefore, administration representatives are often loyal to convicts, fearing a similar fate.

A prison hitman can retire and do bodyguard work. As a rule, representatives of this “profession” protect authoritative thieves in law.

However, many only dream of getting into a hospital bed. Any way. It’s no secret that life in zones and prisons is hard. In hospitals for prisoners, morals are milder. By the way, contrary to popular belief, these institutions treat and treat patients normally. Against the backdrop of gray everyday life, getting to the medical unit is like going to a resort. But to do this, you still have to manage to get sick. Some people engage in self-harm. In the jargon, they do a mastyrka. They often foolishly hurt themselves. There are a great many ways (besides manipulation of the penis). The plaque is scraped off the teeth and driven under the skin of the arms or legs. Soon the infection begins. Gangrene occurs and, as a result, amputation. The same sad consequences can result from the action when a prisoner takes a syringe of someone else’s saliva and injects it into his own limb. To induce a high temperature, cold water is injected into the vein. Mastyrchiki “mow” at the ulcer by taking bleach inside.

Sometimes they swallow an “anchor”: they sharpen both ends of the pin, bend it in the other direction until it stops (let go - it springs back), insert it into half of the caramel, and swallow. Stomach juice eats away the candy, and the pin returns to its original position, digging into the walls of the stomach. Naturally, surgery and disability are inevitable. There are many more ways to go to the hospital, but of course they are not interesting to you. You won't do that, even behind bars.

I’ll tell you better how, besides masturbation and homosexuality, prisoners satisfy themselves. Everyone, of course, has heard that pederasty flourishes in places of detention. But not everyone likes to have a partner of the same sex. And “roosters” are not always available. There are plenty of them in the zone, and in prison the “offended” are not necessarily kept with “men”. What remains is masturbation. This is the only way for many to reduce stress. But among the prisoners there are also not very squeamish people with perverted imaginations. For sexual satisfaction they use very exotic techniques. In the pre-trial detention center, a medical worker visits the cells once a week. He asks who is sick with what, and can give out simple medicine. Some people ask for valerian. The drops are used in a very unique way. There are many cats running around the territory of the detention center. The prisoner smears valerian on his genitals, and the cat intensively licks them until the pervert reaches orgasm. Poor animals are also used in other ways. The cat is placed in a felt boot or boot, head first, so that it does not scratch. Then the unfortunate animal is raped in the anus. Of course, the cat has no chance of surviving such an execution. But such mockery of smaller brothers is a rare exception.

The most perversely exclusive method of sexual release is the following. Many cells now have basins for washing. A naked prisoner sits in the basin so that his foreskin sticks out of the water. Having caught a large fly and torn off its wings, he places it on the head of his penis. The fly won’t go into the water, it can’t fly away, so it runs around like crazy. Pleasure in prison is rare, release comes quickly...

There are only a few such cases. To do this, it is necessary that only skotopidors gather in the cell. Normal people won't let them have fun like that.

Let's return once again to the conversation about lawlessness. In general, shouting about him and injustice is stupid. If you are treated poorly over a long period of time, it is your fault. Why do some prisoners weighing sixty kilograms hang out in the authorities, while at the same time strong guys weighing one hundred and twenty kilograms hang around in the “sixes”? In captivity, as elsewhere, everything is in your hands. Under the communists, people were fooled with slogans about universal equality. Until now, many, acting like scum, being idiots and lazy people, want to live well and richly. You have to fight for a good life. Usually a person is treated the way he allows himself to be treated. Of course, there are rare cases when you run into thugs who press for fun. And yet they only tyrannize the weak. Sometimes you are surprised how a person breaks down in prison. He falls because of his own cowardice. There is an old joke in endless huts and zones. From the very beginning, a newcomer is asked questions: where do you live, are there any shortcomings (misconducts) in life? The main thing is to answer normally and act independently. There are people who immediately begin to “behave” (become overly nervous). They begin to deceive such people, scare them, and slowly attack them. They ask: why are you acting like this, maybe you feel something behind you? If the newcomer makes absurd excuses, they increase the pressure: “Listen, maybe you’re a fag?” A decent prisoner must answer harshly for such an insult. Cowards babble: “No, I’m not a fag.” They are finally finished off: “You know, we doubt it. There is a way to prove that you are not a “cock”. We are all long-time repeat offenders here, we constantly fuck fagots, we understand something. Show us a hole in your ass, by its structure we will understand whether you were “playing around” or not.” There are idiots who take off their pants and spread their buttocks. Although it is possible to put the Makhnovist in his place without a fight. To say that it is easy to check whether I get fucked in the ass or not. I will sit in a basin of water, and you will blow on my penis. If bubbles come out of my ass, that means I'm fucking.

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