The corpus delicti is a set of characteristics that allow the identification of a criminal act. The simultaneous presence of these factors indicates
General information What is punishment in criminal law? This is a certain type of punishment
A driver's license is a mandatory document for people driving a car. It's illegal without them
As you already know, pre-trial detention centers hold people under investigation and those suspected of committing crimes.
What is document forgery? Forgery is the production of papers in an appropriate manner, but containing false information.
Tweet In 2013, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation declared a number of conditions for admission to work unconstitutional
We are accustomed to thinking that bullying is a problem exclusively for children or teenagers. What
What are human rights? In the international system of law, based on the concepts of democracy and legal
The right to challenge a court or judge is an inalienable right of participants in legal proceedings. This right means
Recently, such a violation as child abduction has become more and more common. Neither