“Road to Nowhere” or why the Black Dolphin prison is the most terrible colony in Russia?

On the territory of our country there are several colonies where the most brutal criminals are kept, sentenced to life imprisonment, and most of these places have quite poetic names among the people: Black Golden Eagle, White Swan, Polar Owl...

Information about life behind the walls of these prisons, as a rule, includes a fair amount of fiction due to the closed nature of the institutions. Today we will try to lift the veil of secrecy and tell how the largest colony for those serving life sentences - Black Dolphin - is set up.

Uniforms of convicts

There are no uniform standards for this in the colonies either.
According to the law, every woman must be given a set of clothes and underwear for a period of one year. But in reality, this rule is almost never observed. Based on the stories of the convicts, one can judge the situation with the provision of clothing in the colonies. For example, in Mordovia, convicts are often given the following set of forms:

  • shirt;
  • skirt or trousers;
  • handkerchief;
  • padded jacket;
  • one set of underwear.

Typically, such a set is worn for about three years, or even longer. In addition, in winter frosts, women do not have the opportunity to wear a jacket or T-shirt under a thin shirt. Women freeze in cold sewing workshops, and they do not have the opportunity to take off their headscarf until lights out. It must be on the head constantly, which is extremely inconvenient.

In other colonies, ladies receive only trousers and a padded jacket in the winter, this significantly complicates the life of women who do not have the opportunity to receive parcels with things from home. They have to buy clothes from their cellmates or wear cast-offs. This leads to unsanitary conditions and a large number of colds.

Teaching is light

Orderlies, according to the Unified Qualification Handbook approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development, can perform a variety of jobs: from cleaning the premises to bathing seriously ill patients. Therefore, they are often confused either with cleaners or with nurses. But unlike the former, orderlies are included in the group of junior medical personnel. This allows them to qualify for a reduced work week and additional vacations on an equal basis with other medical staff. At the same time, unlike nurses, orderlies bear significantly less responsibility for their work and may not have knowledge in medicine. Formally, to enter this position, only secondary general education is sufficient.

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science proposed to change the situation and presented a draft order according to which orderlies would have to receive vocational education. The duration of training would be determined by the specific program. But neither the program nor the order ever saw the light of day, so for now employers are figuring out the selection criteria on their own. Previously, for convenience, they divided the vacancy into several components. For example, a cleaning aide and a patient care aide. Now the need for them is gradually disappearing. Firstly, because hospitals prefer to use cleaning companies. Secondly, because the rate is divided among other employees. For example, special patient transportation companies have now taken up the problem of transporting patients. They are on duty for days in different departments of the medical institution. Patient care was given to nurses.

Formally, it is impossible to say that this caused the workload on staff to exceed the norm. If there is a sufficient number of personnel, employees will simply begin to perform the full list of duties that are prescribed in the Unified Qualification Handbook approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. Most of the responsibilities of orderlies, according to this document, overlap with the tasks of other employees or even duplicate them.

For example, the housewife provides the unit with the necessary household equipment, detergents, and linen for the sick. Nurse - receives equipment and linen from her, “ensures their proper storage and use.” The younger nursing sister changes the bed linen and underwear of patients, transports seriously ill patients, and keeps the room clean. Nurse - cleans bedside tables after each meal, accompanies patients to offices, helps them wash, cleans rooms and baths. And yet, in many hospitals where patients need constant care and attention, for example, psychoneurological ones, they are not yet ready to give up orderlies. Who gets into these positions?


When orderlies become featured in the news, most often they talk about beatings, bullying, and violations of the rights of patients. Workers are fired and put on trial, but the abuses continue. Izvestia found out why this is happening and what is included in the official duties of orderlies.

Women's zones in Russia general characteristics

According to the latest data, there are thirty-five colonies and prisons for women in our country. They contain about sixty thousand representatives of the fair sex, which is approximately five percent of all prisoners in Russia. If we compare all these figures with the total number of residents of the country, it turns out that for approximately one hundred thousand Russians there are forty convicted women.

Minor girls behind bars make up a fairly large percentage of prisoners. There are currently about thirteen thousand of them in Russia, according to the Federal Penitentiary Service.

There are three types of women's colonies:

  • general regime;
  • strict;
  • colony-settlement.

Most often, women are assigned to general regime colonies and settlements. For minors there is an educational women's zone. A strict regime is provided only for repeat offenders; there are two such correctional institutions in Russia. They are located at the following addresses:

  • the city of Bereznyaki;
  • Shakhovo village.

Typically, female killers who have repeatedly or repeatedly committed this criminal act end up in such zones. It is quite rare for people to end up in a strict regime for theft or robbery.

Women's areas are not the only place where women are detained. There are approximately twenty thousand representatives of the fair sex in pre-trial detention centers. They are awaiting trial and sentencing. If found guilty, the woman is gradually sent to a correctional facility. It is worth noting that pre-trial detention centers in our country are mixed, but recently there has been a tendency towards reforming the system of serving sentences. In this regard, three women’s pre-trial detention centers appeared in the country, located in the following cities:

  • St. Petersburg
  • Moscow.
  • Ekaterinburg.

The conditions of detention in some of them are an order of magnitude better than in mixed pre-trial detention centers.


Outside their cells, prisoners are escorted with their arms bent high behind their backs and handcuffed. The peculiarities of the prison regime of this colony are greatly influenced by weather conditions . Winter here is very harsh, with temperatures down to -40 degrees. Therefore, it is very cold in the cells at this time of year, the radiators heat poorly. Because of this, many prisoners die from serious diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis.

Due to the strict regime of the colony, many life prisoners commit suicide. On average, the life expectancy of a prisoner after entering the Black Golden Eagle is 10 years.

The lights in the prisoners' cells are constantly on. If they are carried out from body to body, then a black bandage must be worn. This is done so that the prisoners will not be able to recognize the route along which they are being taken.

The hen waits for the newcomer to lay eggs

You can’t force a seasoned prisoner to “confess.” He already knows the rules and keeps quiet until he thoroughly studies the local population. First movers will have to learn this. You need to keep your mouth shut from the very first minute of detention. Free life and “freedom of speech” ended there. Now the prisoner is monitored by both the prison administration and the entire colony.

An informer is always placed in the detainee’s cell, who is called the “mother hen” on the thieves’ hairdryer. His responsibilities include obtaining the information the investigator needs from the newcomer. The role of the “mother hen” can be played by any operative or detainee who earns himself a reduced sentence.

They bring you into a frank conversation—they force you to “get over it”—in different ways. Usually, the figurehead has some information about the prisoner who is being developed by the operatives. This information helps the “mother hen” earn the trust of her “comrade in misfortune.” Having heard familiar names or facts, a newcomer can trust the person in charge and lay out all his ins and outs to him “on a silver platter.”

Inexperienced prisoners need to remember that any “compassionate neighbor” may have information about them from the investigators themselves. Names, biographical facts, some kind of thieves’ gatherings and so on - all this is written in the prisoner’s file and is obtained by the “authorities” during the preliminary investigation.

A naive first mover, imbued with trust in the “mother hen,” can utter yet another article of the Criminal Code and seriously increase his time behind bars. For this reason, those detained in the detention center prefer to remain silent. Anyone who intrudes with extraneous questions can be severely beaten, suspected of collaborating with the authorities.

Informers can be useful even after a verdict has been passed. In each prison there is a certain number of prisoners who eavesdrop on conversations in cells and find out interesting details about certain prisoners. All this information is carefully collected by the prison administration (“godfathers”) in order to keep abreast of events and control the mood of prisoners.

Usually all the inmates know very well which of them is the informer. In the zone, they don’t beat “mother hens”, because the administration will plant a new one anyway, and prisoners have no reason to complicate their lives by finding out who it will be. When dealing with informers, they simply keep their eyes open and keep quiet more and more.

Characteristics of MLS

The colony is located at the address: Sverdlovsk region, Ivdel, village. Lozvinsky, st. Nagornaya 5 A/1, index 624579.

E-mail address

Mode: special.

Telephones and faxes of the main persons for receiving citizens on personal matters are presented in the table:

Full name, positionPhone numberBusiness hours
Dadashov Subkhan Dadashbala ogly, head of the colony8-904-546-52-49first Wednesday of every month, from 14:00-15:00
Chistyakov Sergey Vladimirovich, deputy head8-904-546-52-50second Wednesday of every month, from 14:00-15:00

The colony has its own page in the GUFSIN: https://66.fsin.su/proizvodstvo/ik-56.php, as well as a group in the VK “Black Golden Eagle” https://vk.com/black_eagle_001.

Map - how to get there

Visiting room opening hours

Monday08.00-17.00Lunch 13.00-13.48


The colony is located on a rock, for this reason it is impossible to dig an underground passage for escape. It is also surrounded everywhere by taiga, in which it is very easy to get lost. The nearest city is about 40 kilometers . It is very cold here in winter and autumn, and there are many insects in summer.

The colony is located behind five fences with barbed wire, there are watchtowers everywhere, and cameras hanging everywhere. It is guarded by a large number of patrol soldiers and dog handlers with guard dogs. The colony capacity limit is 499 places.

There are two buildings on the territory, one contains those who are sentenced to imprisonment for 20-25 years, the other contains those who are imprisoned for life.

It is planned to build a new building for life prisoners, designed for 300 people. Also on the territory of the MLS there is a bathhouse, a local stall, a temple built by the convicts themselves in 2006, and a headquarters for barracks workers.

List and location of them

Correctional colonies are located in different regions of the Russian Federation. Each of them has its own characteristics.

There are those that include women's areas with a children's home.

These include the following correctional institutions:

  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Samara;
  • Moscow region;
  • Kemerovo region;
  • Vladimir region;
  • Krasnodar and Khabarovsk Territories;
  • Mordovia;
  • Chelyabinsk;
  • Sverdlovsk region.

Why do they give life imprisonment? Find out the answer right now.

For minors

Correctional colonies for persons who have not reached the age of majority exist in Russia.

About 21 thousand young girls are serving their sentences there.

One and a half thousand girls were placed in educational colonies. One of these colonies is located in Bryansk on Komarova Street 30.

Maximum security colonies

Strict security zones are provided for the detention of dangerous repeat offenders. They are located in the Perm region at the address: Berezniki Ave. Lenin 81. The second maximum security colony is located in the Oryol region in the village. Shakhovo.

Life imprisonment zones

In accordance with Article 57 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a woman cannot be sentenced to life imprisonment.

This means that there are no women’s prisons with life sentences in Russia.

However, those women who received 25 years in prison for one crime or 30 for a combination of several crimes live hard. Because they cannot go for walks, and they serve their sentences in prisons located in the taiga.

Who gets there and why?

The colony houses the most dangerous criminals, sentenced to life imprisonment.

This sentence is imposed relatively infrequently in our time and is applied to those who have committed a particularly serious crime.

Murders with extreme cruelty, cannibalism, terrorism, rape of minors - this is not a complete list of acts for which they serve time within these walls. Such a severe punishment is not provided for everyone.

For example, there are no women in the Black Dolphin: for them, life sentences are prohibited by law . Also, such punishment is not provided for persons who committed a crime as minors, and for those who were already 65 years old at the time of sentencing.

Among the prisoners there are also those who were initially sentenced to capital punishment, but were saved (or perhaps, on the contrary, prolonged their torment) on the basis of a moratorium on the death penalty introduced in 1996.

One of the criteria for placement in prison is the increased social danger of both the crime committed and the personality of the defendant himself: recidivism, lack of repentance, motives for the crime play an important role in the decision of the judge and authorized employees of the penitentiary service and can significantly increase the dubious “chances” of spending the remainder of your life right here.

No even minimal help at first

Of course, it’s difficult to call my case typical, and I can’t be called an ordinary prisoner. Even before prison, I received my education and worked as a lawyer. After prison, I continued my legal practice. I had somewhere and someone to return to. And there are those who return and do not find their home: either it was transferred to someone else, or relatives drank away. Sometimes they find themselves physically with nowhere to live—and yet many women return with children.

Even if a woman has housing, the main problem remains - finding employment. Now all work forms contain a question about criminal record: employers do not want to get involved with those who have been in prison. Unfortunately, the state does not help former prisoners with this. Charitable foundations and activists help, but it is always difficult: any rehabilitation program requires a lot of money.

When a woman gets out of prison, she receives about seven hundred and fifty rubles for travel - that's all. No even minimal help for the first time, no special benefits. If a woman and her child are entitled to some kind of state benefits, then they need to be processed, and this requires time and money - at least for the same journey to this or that department. Often former prisoners have problems with documents, registration, they need to collect all kinds of certificates - for example, to send a child to kindergarten and to go to work.

How is treatment and therapy carried out?

Many people do not understand what therapy looks like in a public clinic. Firstly, this is working with a psychotherapist.

- In a hospital, surrounded by depressed people - how will this help? Here you work with a psychotherapist every two days. The tablets are free here. You don’t have to look for money, which is also very reassuring. It’s better to treat yourself under the supervision of doctors while surrounded by sad people than to get drunk surrounded by happy people,” says the girl.

Secondly, this is drug treatment.

— Pills do not destroy your personality. During depression, you don’t even have the strength to get out of bed, let alone go to therapy. Pills don't cure depression. Pills are needed to artificially support a person. To have strength for therapy. It's like a depressive Theraflu. It simply relieves symptoms,” says Tanya.

At the same time, serious work is being done inside a person; defeating depression is not so easy.

— The brain resists therapy. For him, stopping suffering after years is a way out of his usual comfort zone. You will hate the psychologist and everything around you. The brain will convince you: “Brothers, we don’t need this. Let's get out of here, they won't help you. It's soft here at the bottom. Brother-a-a-n.” This relationship is long lasting. You need to know this and adjust yourself. Therapy is work. It will take years. Every day is a struggle. Constant struggle. It is very difficult not to give up. But this life is worth it,” the girl shares.

The girl admits that therapy has changed many of her attitudes.

— When delving into yourself, be prepared to lose yourself. This is scary. Your world will turn upside down. For example, I realized that all my life love = suffering. I fell in love with those who offended me. And for me, suffering and self-sacrifice = comfort. I realized with horror that I knew nothing about happiness or love. Oddly enough, postulates that contradict themselves coexist in the brain. You should only delve into this together with your doctor. You’ll be blown away by your ambivalence,” Tanya shares.

The girl urges anyone who suspects depression to be thoroughly examined.

— Take all the tests, examine your body. Nothing fuels depression like illness.

And if therapy does not help, then you need to be more careful in choosing a doctor.

— Not all doctors are professionals. First of all, they are people. You may not be able to communicate with them. If you initially don’t have the slightest sympathy for the doctor, or after a long time you realize that nothing is changing at all, change the doctor, Tanya advises.

The girl advises not to deny your illness, but to find help and support as quickly as possible.

- Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings. You pay money to be listened to. Don't deny your condition. Don't listen to your friends. Denying the existence of depression is like denying HIV. People are dying because of her. If you think you have it, immediately go to a psychotherapist. Don't be afraid to go to the doctor! I am alive now only thanks to the timely intervention of doctors. Thank you,” the girl sums up.

It's hard to maintain self-esteem in prison

Before going to the colony, I only read about prisons in fiction. The same Solzhenitsyn, for example. These books were, of course, not about Russian, but about Soviet prisons, about the Gulag. I never thought that I would ever encounter a similar world.

Conditions in the colonies have changed greatly since then: what Solzhenitsyn described is almost gone. Although I had the opportunity to visit one of the transit prisons, where you had to sleep on the floors - these large two-story beds covered with wooden flooring. Several people literally sleep on them side by side. I still had this. Now, I hope this is no longer the case.

What has really survived from Soviet times and is unlikely to disappear soon is the attitude towards prisoners in prisons. It is very difficult to maintain self-esteem in Russian colonies. A person is seen as an object, a creature without rights, and not a person, and this attitude is manifested in everything, from the arrangement of everyday life to the appeal to prisoners. In prison, everyone will address you as “you.” I remember that, out of habit, I tried to address both prisoners and prison employees as “you.” The female prisoners were alarmed by this; they saw some kind of catch in this, they were so unaccustomed to such treatment.

People end up in a mental hospital forever

This is partly true, now I will explain why. Chronic patients (experienced schizophrenics, organic patients) can go to bed ten times a year, and often go to bed of their own free will. Patients end up in the same department each time (according to their registration), they have a familiar atmosphere there, even friends, the medical staff knows them, and in general, they feel calmer there than in society. Therefore, it turns out that they spend almost their entire lives in a mental hospital. In general, doctors have hospitalization periods, a plan for those treated for the month, etc. It is not practical to keep a patient for longer than the prescribed period, and it is not necessary - paperwork begins. If you want to treat for more than a month, convene a commission, have your boss sign it, etc. From experience, I will say that more than a month is usually not required - the patient can continue treatment on an outpatient basis. So on average it’s about a month and they’re discharged; doctors don’t need extra hemorrhoids

Right to parole

Parole means conditional early release. In other words, this is a situation in which a person serving a sentence is released from prison early. This means that the woman has changed her behavior for the better and can count on parole:

  • if the judicial authority made such a decision based on the available facts;
  • the damage from the crime was partially compensated.

Many women believe that after parole a person becomes completely free. This decision means parole, that is, the main requirement is compliance with the law.

By decision of the court, the following obligations may arise:

  1. Get treatment for alcohol or drug addiction.
  2. Complete your studies or get a job.
  3. Refuse to visit places determined by the court in the verdict.
  4. Do not change your place of work, study or residence.

To release a woman, the following information is required:

  • positive opinion of the administration of the correctional institution;
  • information about behavior, compliance with conditions of stay in prison, participation in activities, as well as attitude towards studies.

Prison is a scary experience for many women to go through. The principle of discipline is intended to influence a woman’s behavior and encourage her to abandon her usual way of life.

However, it is necessary to comply with the disciplinary rules and internal regulations established by the administration, so that in the future there will be a chance to reform or be released on parole.

One day in a women's colony:


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Nothing to do other than work

Some necessary things can be bought with money earned from. I was lucky to find myself in a colony where I could work: I ended up in a sewing workshop. For many this is a great help. In colonies where there is no work (and such exist), it is more difficult. Not only because it is impossible to earn even the smallest things. The fact is that in prison, apart from work, there is nothing to occupy oneself with. We felt this very much on weekends. I usually read in my free time if there was such an opportunity, but few of the prisoners liked to read.

Another available entertainment is TV. He was in a separate room, and, of course, he could not spend the whole day there. In addition, no one could decide for themselves what to watch, because there was only one TV for dozens of women. And there weren’t really any other options. I remember that on weekends there was a lot of squabbling in the colony, and there were fights.

In women's colonies there is no such rigid system of “concepts” as in men’s colonies. There is no obvious division between thieves and ordinary prisoners. Although there are also so-called short-term offenders. They try to use criminal jargon and behave accordingly. Now, as far as I know, such prisoners are kept in separate colonies, which, in my opinion, is correct.

How things work in a psychiatric hospital

— I am in a psychiatric hospital with depression. There are many people here with the same diagnosis. There is a huge aquarium in the corridor. The girl from the next room buried her face in him, was silent for a long time and said: “Fish... ******** [good] for you, fish,” - this is how Tatyana begins her story.

This tweet received more than 11 thousand likes and reposts and inspired the girl to create a whole thread about treatment in a psychiatric hospital - in the department of nervous disorders.

The first stereotype that Tatyana debunks concerns safety. No violent patients or straitjackets like in the movies.

- It's safe here. Everyone on my ward suffers from depression and anxiety. All sad, but not dangerous. There was only one case in a month when a dude was kicked out of the men's ward for masturbating on his neighbors. Apparently, he was jealous of the success of their therapy,” writes Tatyana.

The second stereotype is that treatment for depression in a clinic necessarily costs a fortune. Actually this is not true. The state pays for a month of hospital stay.

— I am at the institute named after. Bekhterev in St. Petersburg. The first visit to a psychotherapist is free of charge. If he says that you need to go to bed, you can choose paid hospitalization or budget. I'm on a budget. The state pays for a month of stay. While you are in the hospital, everything is free. Further visits to the doctor are paid, says Tatyana

But the food, as in many Russian hospitals, is very bad. But it's free.

“The food here is simply terrible.” It's impossible to eat. Make some friends before you come here. So that someone would bring normal food,” writes Tanya.

The third stereotype is that you cannot use technology and leave the territory. Actually this is not true. Tatyana emphasizes that the conditions of hospitalization depend on the diagnosis.

— They don’t take away equipment here. Visits are allowed every day. You are not put in a straitjacket. You are free to leave the area. We have depression, not schizophrenia. We want to kill ourselves, not others. Everyone understands that if you take away our phones, we will do it even faster,” Tatyana writes. “It’s quiet, calm and unbearably boring here.” So before you go to bed, subscribe to Netflix and load up on books. Then you will say thank you.

But the place where the hospital is located really does not contribute much to recovery.

— It’s very gloomy on the hospital grounds. Bare trees, gray buildings with bars, a huge pile of crows. Through their croaking one can hear: “You are a nonentity.” Force yourself to get out into the city at least once a week,” the girl writes.

Rules in the women's area

Judging by the reviews of former convicts, the zones are radically different from each other. Some of them resemble hell, while in others life can be quite bearable and tolerable. Of course, if you have money and the ability to constantly receive parcels. Life in women's zones directly depends on the amount of money; for it you can buy yourself a relaxation of the regime, tasty food and a relatively quiet existence without duty and harassment from fellow inmates. But let's talk about everything in order.

Women live in barracks designed for approximately forty people. Typically, such cells are large in size, they have a shower, a designated area for the toilet and a fenced off small kitchen area. In conditions where privacy is almost impossible, this layout allows you to at least sometimes be away from the noisy crowd of people. It is much more difficult to stay in smaller cells; they do not have a separate kitchen, and the TV is always turned on at the request of the elder.

Each squad has four separate beds. Only a select few sleep on them. Usually this is the eldest and those whom she herself appoints. A sleeping place can be purchased for money or cigarettes. The rate depends on the person in charge of the detachment; she sets the rates and the number of days when you can use the special position.

The eldest is always elected by a general vote of women, but her candidacy must be agreed upon with the administration of the colony. In general, the person in charge can be appointed directly by the administration; she is responsible for everything that happens in the detachment. The slightest violation of the regime, disorder or fights immediately become a reason for punishment by the eldest, and she, in turn, will begin to deal harshly with her cellmates.

In order to maintain cleanliness, the elder draws up duty schedules. This makes women's zones significantly different from men's - here almost every action is regulated by a schedule. Even washing and drying clothes occurs in every woman’s day. Being on duty is not considered something shameful, but it is quite difficult to clean the entire cell area three times a day alone. Many women who have money hand over their duty to fellow inmates in exchange for cigarettes. Together with tea, they are the most popular goods.

Fights and showdowns in cells, of course, happen. But still they are not as frequent as they show in movies. Many women live in “families,” but such groups do not have sexual overtones. It’s just that several people lead a joint household and communicate; usually the whole detachment eventually splits into such groups. People communicate only within the “family”; loners can communicate with anyone.

Cases of rape, which, according to journalists, abound in women's colonies, are in fact extremely rare. Lesbian couples usually form among women who have been incarcerated for more than ten years. This is not particularly welcomed or advertised, but no one will force you to cohabitate.

The most famous prisoners and escapes

Quite a lot of well-known criminals are and have been imprisoned in the Black Golden Eagle colony. Among them:

  • Vladimir Belov is a serial killer who received the nickname “Khovrinsky maniac.” He killed people in Moscow in the Khovrino area. He has more than 8 victims.
  • Vladimir Mirgorod - killed and raped girls. Until 2004, he accounted for 16 victims. After that, he stopped his criminal activities and was caught by chance in 2010 when his fingerprints matched those at murder scenes.
  • Ilya Tikhomirov - organized a terrorist attack on the Cherkizovsky market. As a result of this, 14 people died on the spot and 61 were injured.

There are no opportunities for escape here due to the location of the colony. But nevertheless, there was one escape attempt here in 1989. Several convicts tried to escape, but special forces arrived very quickly and the uprising was suppressed. After this incident, the escapes did not occur again.


Prisons with orphanages have maternity wards. These institutions help women serving time.

In accordance with the law, these institutions must be designed so that the children living in them feel comfortable. A convicted mother has the right to communicate with her own child if she has free time from work. They are allowed to live together.

After the child turns three years old, then, with the consent of the mother, he is given to his closest relatives. Otherwise, he will be sent to a state institution for education.

The arrangement of the child is that the woman is given fifteen days leave. In the future, the administration will provide the mother with the same leave to visit the baby.

If the mother is serving a sentence of less than three years, then the child can be left in the orphanage and the woman will take him immediately after release.

However, this right is granted only if all rules are followed and behavior is impeccable.

About motherhood in women's prisons in this video:


Teaching is light

Right to callThe Ministry of Labor will figure out whether it is possible to prohibit residents of mental institutions from talking on the phone and receiving visitors

Orderlies, according to the Unified Qualification Handbook approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development, can perform a variety of jobs: from cleaning the premises to bathing seriously ill patients. Therefore, they are often confused either with cleaners or with nurses. But unlike the former, orderlies are included in the group of junior medical personnel. This allows them to qualify for a reduced work week and additional vacations on an equal basis with other medical staff. At the same time, unlike nurses, orderlies bear significantly less responsibility for their work and may not have knowledge in medicine. Formally, to enter this position, only secondary general education is sufficient.

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science proposed to change the situation and presented a draft order according to which orderlies would have to receive vocational education. The duration of training would be determined by the specific program. But neither the program nor the order ever saw the light of day, so for now employers are figuring out the selection criteria on their own. Previously, for convenience, they divided the vacancy into several components. For example, a cleaning aide and a patient care aide. Now the need for them is gradually disappearing. Firstly, because hospitals prefer to use cleaning companies. Secondly, because the rate is divided among other employees. For example, special patient transportation companies have now taken up the problem of transporting patients. They are on duty for days in different departments of the medical institution. Patient care was given to nurses.

Photo: Depositphotos The work of doctors will be standardized by 2019. The proposed rules will be advisory in nature.

Formally, it is impossible to say that this caused the workload on staff to exceed the norm. If there is a sufficient number of personnel, employees will simply begin to perform the full list of duties that are prescribed in the Unified Qualification Handbook approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. Most of the responsibilities of orderlies, according to this document, overlap with the tasks of other employees or even duplicate them.

For example, the housewife provides the unit with the necessary household equipment, detergents, and linen for the sick. Nurse - receives equipment and linen from her, “ensures their proper storage and use.” The younger nursing sister changes the bed linen and underwear of patients, transports seriously ill patients, and keeps the room clean. Nurse - cleans bedside tables after each meal, accompanies patients to offices, helps them wash, cleans rooms and baths. And yet, in many hospitals where patients need constant care and attention, for example, psychoneurological ones, they are not yet ready to give up orderlies. Who gets into these positions?

What problems do women face in colonies?

Each correctional institution has its own rules, established, among other things, by prisoners.

Therefore, conflicts that occur against the background of misunderstanding are not uncommon.

Some try to live peacefully, while others start quarrels and fights.

Problems are most often associated with mutual conflicts and misunderstandings, as well as the fact that in many prisons there is a shortage of personal hygiene products. This problem is especially acute for those whose relatives do not carry out the transfer.

Cases of beatings do occur, but not in all correctional institutions. Rape also occurs, but it is very rare because lesbian couples are not welcomed or advertised.

Such cohabitation can only develop among women who have been in prison for more than ten years.

History of the colony, why the prison is called “Polar Owl”

Until the sixties of the last century, this place on the banks of the Sobi River was a typical wasteland of the polar Urals. Then the builders founded the closed village of Kharp here. It was inhabited not by inveterate robbers, but by ordinary citizens whom the Soviet government, for one reason or another, considered inconvenient for itself. They built a colony here for the “especially dangerous”.

In 1981, it became an ordinary correctional institution and remained in this status for twenty-three years, when the new government of the renewed state again made it the last refuge for outcasts of society.

Why this place is called that becomes clear immediately - outside the gate, newcomers are greeted by a huge statue of a white owl, preparing to grab its victim.

On the one hand, this is connected with nature, but also this bird symbolizes the newcomer’s meeting with the other world, which will take place here. He will hope for parole, like all criminals, not knowing that death is already chasing him and the realization of its approach will come too late, it will strike like the claws of a polar predator.

Also, a newcomer to prison needs to remember that you should never take other people’s things

You can only take what is on the table, the so-called dorm, within reasonable limits, of course. Then, if possible, you should give part of your package to the hostel. You can’t take other people’s things without asking, even a book - you can be accused of theft, even if you didn’t do it, and those who steal from their own are subject to very strict demands. In the cell you should be prepared for the fact that fellow inmates can beat you or “put you down” - that is, rape. The reasons for this are various.

Restrictions in prison

Black dolphin A look from the inside: The most terrible prison in Russia

In prison you cannot hit anyone or shake hands when meeting or greeting anyone.

All misunderstandings must be resolved on the basis of concepts, without stooping to assault, for this they can be asked - but prisoners know how to beat. An exception can only be if you were called a person of non-traditional sexual orientation or were asked to become one, or your mother was insulted. This must be answered immediately, otherwise you will join the caste of “devils”, that is, people unworthy of any respect.

Watch your speech

You should better remain silent in the very first months, so as not to run into a “jamb” - incorrect behavior. If someone doesn't like you, they will try to catch you with words. Remember that among prisoners it is strictly forbidden to send someone away, as well as to call someone a person of non-traditional sexual orientation. Swearing in the zone is also not welcome.

Compliance with prison rules

Try to avoid contact with the administration

Your cellmates may accuse you of writing denunciations, and if there are more or less compelling arguments to accuse you of this, then the consequences can be dire. In the best case, you will find yourself completely isolated from your cellmates; in the worst, you may be beaten or even deprived of your life. However, if you find yourself in a zone where power and arbitrariness of the administration reign, then you can cooperate with it. But do not forget that in this case denunciations against cellmates should be excluded. The police department may not be against your parole, but in what condition will you be released? What if you go out at all?

You shouldn’t join the thieves or the reds, stay a man

Simply put, prisoners in prisons are divided into three categories:

  • men are convicts who are trying to peacefully serve their sentence, working in production, not cooperating with the administration, but not contradicting it;
  • reds - administrative assistants, informers and traitors to cellmates;
  • thieves - who do not accept contacts with the administration of the correctional institution, do not work, try to enter into conflict with the administration if, in their opinion, any rights have been violated or any amenities have been removed.

There is also a caste of “devils” - people with whom a decent prisoner cannot communicate. These are, as a rule, homeless people and the most weak-willed, broken people, and in prison there is also a caste of “roosters” or “offended” (as a rule, these are those convicted of rape).

Don't cheat, don't smoke, don't borrow, don't play cards

In order not to become dependent on someone or to avoid falling into the caste of “roosters”, you should not start smoking or chifir. These are such bad habits that in prison conditions a person is especially dependent on them. ! Borrowing is also not recommended, even if they say that there will be no interest, and you can pay it back at any time. According to prison concepts, a person who does not repay a debt automatically becomes a “rooster”, and if there is no specific time frame for repayment, then the creditor can do this at any time. Playing cards is also not recommended; you can get into debt in the excitement, or get caught, which will entail putting you in a punishment cell.

By the way, in the zone, in the absence of money, tea and cigarettes serve as currency. Having a supply of this food and regularly sharing it with your fellow inmates will gain you a certain amount of respect. But often it’s not worth being so noble - you’ll simply be tormented with requests, and there won’t be enough for everyone. By the way, the same tea and cigarettes can be exchanged for things that you need - from socks and toothpaste, to a call home through an illegally obtained cell phone.

Play sports that are available to you. Prison food causes weight and muscle loss, so exercise will help you stay in good shape, even if you eat poorly. In addition, they try not to offend a physically strong person over trifles.

Women's prison in Russia. How do women live in the zone?

Anyone can end up in a mental hospital

There are subtleties. For example, your neighbor doesn't like you. He calls an ambulance and says that you are inadequate, you throw yourself at people, you talk to yourself. In most cases, the ambulance will not pick you up, because you will behave adequately with them. But if he is very convincing, and even asks his friends to fit in, and the emergency doctor is suggestible and inexperienced, he might give you a ride. The next stage is the admissions department. Everything is simple here - you refuse hospitalization and that’s it. Yes, the emergency department doctor can involuntarily hospitalize you for a short time, but to do this you must pose a danger to yourself or others. If you can’t imagine, then you refuse and go home to hang a cradle for your neighbor. The reception doctor will only be happy - there will be less paperwork without you. If there is a zombie sitting in the emergency department, taking everyone around him at their word and not seeing beyond his own nose, while being dumb as a plug, then there is a possibility that, contrary to common sense, you will still be hospitalized. Next is the department. There are also doctors in the department. You write a statement and check out. There are no questions here. Another thing is that the doctor cannot discharge you without a diagnosis - the rules are as follows. But in such a case (if the doctor sees that there is a healthy person in front of him and he got here by mistake), there are a lot of soft diagnoses (accentuation of personality traits, neurasthenia, etc.) that will not affect his subsequent life. Thus, anyone can fall into a fool, but for this to happen, so many unlikely circumstances must coincide that such cases become exclusively a theory. Although this happens, of course.


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Russia in which region are the most women's colonies located?

Traditionally, Mordovia is called the camp region. There are twenty correctional institutions located here, three of which are women’s zones. Mordovia is a rather difficult place to serve a sentence; former convicts talk about difficult living conditions, cases of bullying by the administration, poor nutrition and lack of basic hygiene supplies. Even uniforms are not always issued here or are not complete.

The list of women's correctional institutions in Mordovia is as follows:

  • IK-2 (Yavas village).
  • IK-13 (Partsa village).
  • IK-14 (Partsa village).

Each of the colonies has an industrial zone, some have their own subsidiary farms.

See also edit

  • Alphabetical list of dependent territories of the world
  • List of countries and territories of the world that were ever colonies, by their metropolises
  • Central Asian possessions of the Russian Empire
  • Colonial empires
  • Russian empire
  • Russian history
  • Imperialism
  • Colonialism

Colonial Empires of the WorldColony | Colonialism | Imperialism | Neocolonialism | Separatism | National liberation movement | Sovereignty

Colonies of Germany | Colonies of Belgium | British Colonies | Colonies of Denmark | Colonies of Spain | Colonies of France | Colonies of Italy | Colonies of Japan | Dutch Colonies | Colonies of Portugal | Colonies of Russia | Colonies of Sweden | US Colonies |18px Ottoman Empire | Austro-Hungarian Empire | Chinese Empire List of dependent territories of the world | List of countries and territories of the world that were ever colonies, according to their

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