Article 109 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation establishes a clear prescription for the use of one of the procedural measures. Prison
In Russia there is a complex system of executive punishment, which consists of special correctional colonies, prisons
If it is impossible to appear at a court hearing for some reason, file a petition to postpone the trial
Many of us do not know what the criminal-executive inspection is - getting to know it
A full-fledged punishment execution system has been created in the Russian Federation, which includes several types of correctional
Prisons don't fix things. After the prisoner has served his sentence, he leaves the penitentiary institution
The sentencing of a cumulative sentence is related to the time limits for a person to commit a new crime: rules
One of the most famous Russian prisons, Kresty, appeared in the 19th century. This name is in
Exemption from punishment due to illness 1. A person who, after committing a crime,
1. Representatives of the victim, civil plaintiff and private prosecutor may be lawyers, and representatives of the civil