How to prepare a transfer and send a parcel to a person under investigation held in custody in the correctional institution “Prison No. 8” in Zhodino

FKU Pre-trial detention center No. 1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in Moscow

Address: 107076, Moscow, st. Matrosskaya Tishina, 18

Phone(s): 8-499-268-43-56

Head: Klochek Vladimir Leonidovich

Attention! This map is for illustrative purposes only. The Yandex service is not yet able to accurately determine the position on the map in all cases. In more or less large populated areas, as a rule, the location is determined correctly, but in rural areas and remote areas errors are possible.

Extended information

FKU SIZO-1 Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in Moscow

Federal State Institution "Pretrial Detention Facility No. 1 of the Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the City of Moscow"

Postal address: 107076, Moscow, st. Matrosskaya Tishina, 18

Contact phone numbers:

Duty department: 8-499-268-43-56

Fax: 8-499-268-43-56

Head of the institution: Klochek Vladimir Leonidovich

Website: https://sizo-matrosska.rf

At the current location of the pre-trial detention center, in 1771, Catherine II founded a restraining house for the “insolent,” which was administered by the Society of Contempt.

In 1870, the house was renamed the Moscow Correctional Prison, which was built for 300 men and 150 women. After 1917, the prison was destroyed, then rebuilt and expanded.

The history of “Matrosskaya Tishina,” listed in archival documents as Prison No. 14, begins at the end of 1946.

In 1947, it consisted of two secure buildings with a total capacity of more than two thousand people.

In 1949, the third security building was built. Until 1953, there was a special prison here with a separate entrance from the current psychiatric hospital No. 3 named after. V.A. Gilyarovsky. In 1949–1950, Nazi war criminals were kept in separate cells while they awaited the verdict of the tribunal. During the same period, engineers, inventors, and rocket scientists were kept in a special prison.

In 1950-1951, additions were made to the security and administrative buildings. Exercise yards were built on the roofs of the first and second security buildings, in which prisoners still exercise today.

The expansion of buildings on the territory of “Matrosskaya Tishina” is due to the cessation of the existence of other prisons in the city: Sretenskaya children’s colony, Taganskaya prison and Novinskaya women’s prison.

Due to the division of prisons into regional and city in 1956, “Prison No. 14” was renamed “Prison No. 1”.

After the death of L. Beria, juvenile delinquents began to be kept in the third regime building until 1997. Here, minor prisoners received secondary education and at the same time earned money to purchase goods for personal use in the pre-trial detention center kiosk, working in cardboard workshops, making small consumer goods (Christmas tree decorations, envelopes, etc.). Since 1982, the resettlement of the housing stock of employees began, located in the administrative building (in the third entrance there was a family dormitory for prison employees) and in the house to the right of it. After reconstruction, the converted and reconstructed buildings housed a hospital with 706 beds, in which suspects and accused persons arriving for treatment from pre-trial detention centers in Moscow receive qualified treatment.

In 1997 - 1999, major repairs and minor reconstruction of the third regime building were carried out. Since August 1999, the hospital's tuberculosis department opened in this building.

Since 1990, a canteen for personnel has been operating. In 1997, the catering unit was put into operation, newly built and equipped with new equipment.

In 1985, construction of the central heating station began, and in 1987 it was put into operation.

In 1991–1993, a major overhaul of the fifth security building was carried out, in the residential sections of which prisoners from the economic service detachment were housed. Currently, this is a comfortable residential building, equipped with new plumbing equipment.

With close cooperation between the administration of the institution and the leadership of the Moscow State Medical Dental University, since 2003, departments of phthisiology, therapy, dermatovenerology, surgery, medical and social examination, infectious diseases, and dentistry have been opened on the basis of the pre-trial detention center-1 hospital.

Reception room opening hours

Day of the week Accepting applications Working hours
Monday 09:00 – 16:00 09:00 – 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 – 16:00 09:00 – 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 – 16:00 09:00 – 17:00
Thursday 09:00 – 16:00 09:00 – 17:00
Friday 09:00 – 15:00 09:00 – 16:00
Saturday 09:00 – 16:00 09:00 – 17:00
Sunday 09:00 – 16:00 09:00 – 17:00

4th Monday of the month – sanitary day


What is a pre-trial detention center now?

Currently, the prison is called the first pre-trial detention center, abbreviated as SIZO 1, Minsk. It is located in the building of a historical castle. Criminals who are being investigated or sent to court go there. About 95% of prisoners are under investigation, accused or suspected of committing a crime.

Here they serve time for economic and financial fraud, crimes related to the storage or distribution of drugs.

About 50% of prisoners in pre-trial detention center No. 1 (Minsk) are pioneers, that is, people who were behind barbed wire for the first time.

Death sentences

Prisoners are awaiting execution by shooting in the prison located at the address: Minsk, st. Volodarsky, 2. Pre-trial detention center No. 1 is exactly the place where those accused of especially serious crimes await the execution of their death sentence. This fact makes the prison truly creepy.

According to eyewitnesses, many of those who face execution do not live to see it, committing suicide. Some people go crazy. Those who come to the death penalty in adequate condition are really few. As a rule, the portrait of convicts sentenced to death looks the same: these are previously convicted people who committed an extremely cruel crime. Most of the “death row” prisoners had previously been in prison. The prison walls broke them so much that they came out bitter. This means that it is not difficult for them to commit a new crime, because they hate this world so much. This is a global problem of prisons, including Belarusian ones. In essence, the colony must correct the criminal, making him a normal person. But so far the opposite situation is more often observed.

How to send a parcel via the Internet?

Thanks to the worldwide computer network, making transfers to pre-trial detention centers has become much easier. Everything you need can be ordered on the website or similar resources.

Advantages of this transmission sending option:

  • All products on the site are transferable.
  • They will arrive to the prisoner in their original packaging.
  • There is no need to go to the pre-trial detention center and stand in a long line.

The only downside to transferring via the Internet is the need to pay commission costs. But, if you compare them with the cost of travel to another city, they turn out to be disproportionately less.

To send a parcel, you will need to register on the website and fill out a special form in which you indicate:

  • General information about the parcel.
  • Recipient details.

Next, you need to select products and place an order, as in any online store. The order will need to be confirmed and a receipt for payment printed. It must be paid within three days. The same amount of time is given to transfer the parcel to the prisoner.

Is it possible to send things to the pre-trial detention center by mail?

It often happens that due to territorial restrictions, it is impossible to visit a prisoner or hand over things in person through the reception point. In this case, his relatives have no other choice but to send food and belongings by parcel via Russian Post to the address of the pre-trial detention center.

The weight of the shipment cannot exceed 20 kg, and its composition must comply with both the regulations for the transfer of things to the pre-trial detention center and the postal rules for dispatch.

There are additional rules for transferring to a pre-trial detention center via mail:

  1. Place all products and items in transparent packaging (bags or containers);
  2. Make three inventories of the items included in the parcel; the inventory is signed and stamped by a post office employee. Their forms can be obtained from the post office. Two must be included in the parcel, and one must be kept for control;
  3. A prisoner can receive parcels no more than once a month.

If several parcels are sent to a prisoner within one month, the detention center staff will receive only one of them. And the second one will be sent back to the sender.


Among the products that are always in demand is vegetable oil. This nutritious product is added to prison gruel and porridge, increasing its energy value.

Passing the tea is equally important. Don't be foolish with different varieties. Black, non-granulated tea is in demand. It is better to put more of this product in the package. You can immediately divide the tea into two bags - for a relative and his cellmates.

Cigarettes replace money in prison. With their help, you can buy other things and negotiate with prisoners and pre-trial detention center employees to perform certain services. Therefore, even non-smoking prisoners should be given cigarettes.

It is worth giving inexpensive cigarettes, but you can also invest a couple of packs of expensive ones to resolve important issues. If cigarettes were purchased in the wild, then they will have to be put into delivery unpacked - they are poured from packs into plastic bags. When purchased at a prison kiosk, they will fall into the hands of the prisoner in their entirety, in original packaging.

Since the pre-trial detention center is allowed to have boilers, the parcel to the place will contain various instant products - pasta, cereal, mashed potatoes. To give them extra flavor, prisoners use bouillon cubes. So they should also be sent to a pre-trial detention center. By the way, such cubes are added to the prison gruel.

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The butter is transferred melted or replaced with chicken fat. This is due to the lack of refrigerators. For the same reason, there are restrictions on the transfer of certain types of sausages. You can only support a prisoner with smoked sausage in limited quantities. But it is better to replace it with salted lard, which can be stored for a long time without refrigeration.

Fish is allowed only when dried and salted in transparent plastic or polyethylene packaging. Canned food in iron cans, both fish and meat, will be opened during inspection during delivery, which will make them unsuitable for long-term storage. Therefore, there is no point in putting more than two cans of canned food in the package so that the recipient can eat them right away.

Considering the problems with saturating the body with vitamins in prison conditions, it is important to send fresh vegetables, especially onions and garlic, in the parcel. You can also please the prisoner with fruits, but it is better to give dried fruits due to their longer shelf life and lower weight.

You can transfer honey, and without restrictions on quantity. Limits have been set for sugar to prevent moonshine brewing within the walls of the detention center.

It is important to note that all products must be unpacked to simplify the process of inspecting the transfer. So the candies should be poured into a transparent bag without wrappers. It is best to pass on candy, again due to its long shelf life.

In summer, prisoners add citric acid to their tea. Among other seasonings, tomato paste is popular. It is important that it is in plastic packaging. Condensed milk also needs to be poured into a transparent plastic bottle. Bulk products should be transferred in a plastic mayonnaise bucket. This is a convenient container for later storing and preparing food.

Conditions of detention

The cell, which is also called a “hut,” is a room of 15 square meters. m. It is designed for 18 prisoners. The cell has three-tier bunks, a table, and benches. All of them are firmly concreted.

Behind a small brick partition there is a toilet with a washbasin. The window openings are “decorated” with bars and metal blinds. Prisoners keep all their belongings with them. There are no wardrobes or refrigerators in the cells.

In pre-trial detention center 1 (Minsk), one prisoner is supposed to be given a mattress, a pillow, 2 sheets, a blanket, and only a mug for kitchen utensils. Plates, spoons, and forks are provided only for the duration of the meal, and are taken back afterwards. One spoon is for 3 people. They eat with cutlery one at a time.

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