Article 186. Production, storage, transportation or sale of counterfeit money or securities
1. Manufacturing for the purpose of selling counterfeit bank notes of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, metal coins,
They accuse me of stealing a phone or money, what should I do? What to do when accused if you are innocent?
○ Theft from the point of view of the law “Theft is the secret theft of someone else’s property”
Article 219 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Violation of fire safety requirements
New edition of Art. 219 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1. Violation of fire safety requirements committed by a person on
Article 269. Repealed. Violation of safety rules during the construction, operation or repair of main pipelines
ST 269 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Lost force. — Federal Law of April 23, 2018 N 114-FZ.. 1.
PROCEDURE for receiving, registering and verifying reports of crimes (extract from the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation)
Commentary on Article 28 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation 1. Termination of criminal prosecution in connection with active
Step-by-step instructions for debt repayment + personal experience
Money lent to friends and acquaintances is not always returned on time. Most often your own funds
The difference between discovery and theft. In what case can you consider a thing yours?
Home / Rights Back Published: 04/28/2021 Reading time: 5 min 2 4931 –
Unauthorized recusal of the investigator as a reason for returning the case to the prosecutor. Difficulties on the ground
Recusal during an investigative action Quodcunque aliquis ob tutelam corporis sui fecerit jure id
The concept of guilt. Intellectual and volitional elements of guilt
Types of intent A crime is recognized as committed with direct intent if the person who committed it was aware of the public
Article 221 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Prosecutor's decision in a criminal case
New edition of Art. 221 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation 1. The prosecutor considers a criminal case received from the investigator
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