How to check the “break through” of a person (individual) on the Internet online

© Author of the article: Vladimir Belov If you need free legal advice
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Attention : The article has been double-checked and is relevant for 2021!

Many people are interested in the question of how to find out additional information about a stranger. And sometimes it's not just curiosity. For example, you conclude some important agreement with a person, but you know absolutely nothing about him. The most important transactions, as a rule, involve real estate, as well as expensive movable property (for example, a car). Also, checking a person’s data is simply necessary when hiring a future candidate for a job. It is extremely important for an employer to know what is hidden behind a person’s personality, and not just believe the resume written by him.

If you use the Internet wisely, you can find a lot of information about almost any person. In this article we will figure out how and where this can be done.

Warning : do not trust sites that promise to provide information about a person, but in return you will need to enter your mobile phone number, some other data or pay money. This is designed to deceive you. Simply put, these are scammers. A lot of information can be found completely free online.

On the website of the State Administration for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, you can completely legally check the validity of your passport (

To do this, you need to enter the series (the first 4 digits) and the passport number (6 digits after the passport series) into certain fields.

The first 4 digits (passport series) indicate the region of issue and the year of the passport form. For example, series 50 04 means that 50 is the Novosibirsk region according to OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division), 04 is a passport form of the 2004 model.

If you did everything correctly, the following message will appear:

On the website of the Federal Tax Service (Federal Tax Service) you can find out the citizen’s INN (

To do this you need to know:

  • Last name First name Patronymic,
  • date of birth,
  • series and number of the passport, as well as the date of issue of the passport.

If all the data is entered correctly, your TIN number will be displayed:

If a person does not have a TIN (which is rare), the following message will appear:

The TIN consists of 12 digits. The first 2 digits are the code of the subject of the Russian Federation according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the next 2 are the tax inspection number, the next 6 are the taxpayer’s tax record number, the last 2 are check digits to check the correctness of the entry.

Information from the Ministry of Internal Affairs database

Only a specified list of persons and in the prescribed manner can obtain information from the database.

Database search

It is possible to find out that a person is wanted only if the procedure for establishing his whereabouts is carried out through the involvement of the media. As a rule, this technique is used in relation to persons who have disappeared or who are suspected of committing a crime and their location has not been established.

In order to find out information about a person who is wanted, you must enter the following information in the appropriate fields on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

  1. FULL NAME.;
  2. Information about place of birth and date of birth;
  3. Email address of the person requesting the information.

    Fill in the empty fields with the required data

Attention! For assistance in finding a wanted person, a reward of up to 1 million rubles has been established.

In other cases, information is provided only on the basis of official requests by a government agency. Information is transmitted in accordance with the rules of internal document flow.

Criminal record check

An interested person can check his criminal record in the following way:

  1. Contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs at your place of residence;
  2. Fill out the appropriate form on the State Services website.

To obtain information from the authority, a person will have to fill out a corresponding request. The form must contain personal information:

  1. FULL NAME.;
  2. Information about the date and place of birth;
  3. Information about place of residence;
  4. Details of a passport or other document that confirms identity.

    Sample certificate of presence (absence) of criminal record

Important! A representative of a person can also request information, but in this case, you will have to submit a power of attorney, which is certified by a notary and which contains the right to request and receive such information.

After filling out the form, the official must accept it and issue a tear-off coupon with the date of acceptance of the document. The maximum period for searching for information is 30 days. After preparing the relevant certificate, an SMS is sent to the applicant’s phone with information that the certificate has been prepared.

When a person fills out an application form at State Services, a notification is also sent to the email address after the authority has prepared the certificate with information about where and when the document can be picked up.

By phone number

If you have a phone number, then using the information from mobile operators you can get a variety of information:

  • Call details
  • SMS details
  • Get a person's location.

Such information will be useful in various situations: checking for honesty, checking a spouse for fidelity, monitoring your child’s social circle, finding out the details of the owner of the number and others.

More details about call details can be found here.

More information about SMS details can be found here.

Read more about finding a location by phone number here.


In addition to the Ministry of Internal Affairs database, you can obtain information about persons on the websites of the Federal Bailiff Service and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

The FSSP website will tell you about whether a person has debts under enforcement documents, as well as about the measures taken by bailiffs, both in relation to the person and in relation to his property.

The traffic police website will allow you to obtain information about a person’s unpaid fines, as well as other administrative penalties imposed against him.

To obtain information about a person’s possible criminal record, you can also use court websites in the “Court Proceedings” section, but it is worth keeping in mind that not all categories of cases are subject to publication on the Internet.

Types of search

When checking whether a person is wanted, you need to know that there are three types of wanted:

  • Local.
  • Regional.
  • Federal.

As is clear from the name of these types of search activities, they differ in the coverage of the territory in which such activities take place. Information about a person is submitted to the local wanted list if law enforcement officers believe that he could not have gone far. When a search at the local level does not produce results, the missing person is put on the regional and then federal wanted list.

A separate type is international search through Interpol. Such measures are resorted to only in relation to terrorists and persons who have committed high-profile crimes on the territory of the Russian Federation and then disappeared abroad.

Inside the country, in addition to dangerous criminals, they can also look for evaders from military service, non-payers of alimony and fines.

How long does it take to find a person who is wanted?

In some cases, citizens are detained after several years, and they are found not only by their last name, but also by photo. Stories where violators use false passports or radically change their appearance mostly happen in movies. The practice turns out to be more banal: there is a known case when a young guy committed a serious crime and immediately went into the army as a contract soldier.

While he served on a fake ticket, the authorities established his guilt. But the search conducted by the investigative committee was not carried out in hot spots. As a result, the offender received medals, earned money, returned to his hometown and got married using a fake military ID. He was identified by chance when friends of the victim saw a photo on a social network. Since the crime was serious, there was no statute of limitations for this case, and the offender was punished.

How the police search for stolen phones

For the police to start searching for a mobile phone, you need to be sure that it is stolen and not lost - law enforcement officers do not search for lost things. To start a search, you need not only a statement from the victim, but also the corpus delicti.

On a note!

A person who finds a mobile phone and does not return it to its owner is neither a thief nor a criminal, since the item found is not considered stolen.

In order for the police to begin investigative actions, a person who has lost his phone due to malicious intent (theft or robbery) must give the police:

  • a statement written in your own hand;
  • documents for the phone and its IMEI;
  • a copy of the purchase receipt.

The applicant must indicate the significance of the damage in monetary terms. It is determined based on the income of the victim, taking into account the wear and tear of the phone, its brand and duration of use.

Where can you find IMEI:

  • on the packaging in which the gadget was sold;
  • on the phone body (after the gadget is stolen, this option will not help);
  • on the documents for the phone.

After receiving the statement, the police begin searching for the stolen phone. Police can use different search techniques - technical and informative.

Ways to find stolen smartphones:

  1. Technical search. This method involves searching for a phone by imei. To detect the gadget, the police use special satellite navigation programs. IMEI is unique and consists of 15 digits. When stopping a citizen on the street, police have the right to check his phone. Mobile devices are also taken for checking from all those detained and taken to the police station.
  2. Operational search activities. This is an old, proven method that was used back in the days of the police. Police officers collect information, interview witnesses, watch surveillance footage, and receive information from informants. It happens that police find a phone by making a call to a stolen gadget. The operatives resort to cunning, agreeing with the thief on some matter that requires a personal meeting. There he is caught red-handed.
  3. Call details. This option is mainly suitable for child thefts, which often occur, for example, in schools. The pros immediately change the card and do not make calls using the stolen gadget. Children, out of ignorance, neglect the “safety rules” for thieves. Based on calls made from a stolen phone, the police identify the criminal by sending inquiries to the operators.
  4. Use of repeaters. Each phone has a connection to the network (until the SIM card is removed). This allows you to determine within the radius of which repeater the stolen gadget is located. But this method does not allow you to find out the exact location of the device.
  5. Bearing. A highly accurate but expensive method that allows you to determine where the phone is located with an accuracy of up to a meter. This search method is used only when investigating particularly serious crimes.
  6. Technical programs. There is special software that allows you to find mobile devices. This search method is usually used not by the police, but by the victims themselves.

If the citizen who wrote the statement deliberately misled law enforcement officers: he made up a story about a robbery, but his smartphone was actually lost or forgotten, administrative liability arises. A person faces a fine for falsely reporting theft.

On a note!

With the help of smartphones today it is possible to determine the location of wanted persons. This practice is called billing and is often used by private investigators. Access to such information is limited by law, so ordinary citizens cannot obtain it without a court decision.

Who has the authority to search for people by last name?

The following bodies have the right to put a person on the wanted list and carry out searches:

  1. The scope of police includes finding out the location of missing persons or criminals.
  2. Are we talking about an escaped prisoner? The Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) deals with such cases .
  3. If a person owes alimony, the bailiff service .

In some cases, search duties are also performed by the FSB or customs services.

As for the police, the authorities have a division of operational-search activities. It can find both a murderer hiding from justice and a malicious alimony worker who owes payments for 10 years. The department coordinates the work of other subsections and also cooperates with the Federal Penitentiary Service.

The listed bodies have access to special information databases, which facilitates their work. Thanks to this, it is possible to find even people who disappeared several years ago by last name.

How to confirm that a person is not on the federal wanted list

Checking databases by last name is suitable for individuals, but sometimes organizations need confirmation that a person is not wanted and has not been convicted. It is asked for by those applying for a job in the police, those wishing to take a position with financial responsibility, or those trying to obtain a visa to another country. In such cases, they will receive a free criminal record certificate : you can read more about its issuance here.

How to put a person on the federal wanted list

If we are talking about a crime, then the relevant law enforcement agencies can put the offender on the wanted list. When the question concerns a relative or friend who has stopped communicating, the speed of search actions depends on the speed of your request.

You need to do the following:

  1. Go to the duty station of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or to the local police officer at the citizen’s place of residence. Take your passport and all documents issued in the name of the missing person. You will also need a photograph of the person you need to find.
  2. At the department you will write a statement according to the sample. If they do not provide you with a form, compose the text in any form. List the circumstances under which the missing person was last seen, specify whether he took his passport with him. Be prepared for the police officer to ask about the missing person’s travel routes or his social circle.

The application is registered in a special journal; you will be given a coupon with these records, the name and position of the employee who accepted the appeal. After this, he is obliged to begin operational detective actions.

To search for a person by name on the Internet, watch the video:

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