How to write a complaint to the prosecutor's office on the Internet - a sample application and rules for filing

Before sending an application to the prosecutor's office, you need to figure out when and how to do this as simply as possible. This is usually done if a person's rights are violated, causing him to suffer. In addition, the law must be broken. Then law enforcement agencies can take action. A complaint to the prosecutor's office initiates a serious investigation, therefore, when the prosecutor's office intervenes, everyone is wary - from officials and people holding senior positions in enterprises to ordinary sellers. There are several ways to file a complaint, including online, so a person doesn’t even need to leave home. Despite the ease of submitting an online document, first you need to compile it correctly. Only in this case will the treatment achieve the desired effect.

Complaint, statement or claim

The question of concepts is no less relevant than how exactly these papers should be drawn up. If you write a statement, the document will be considered as a statement, and not as a complaint or claim, even if this was implied. That is why the design of each piece of paper should include not only the correct observance of the nuances of the text. So let's look at what each of the points mentioned in the section title means:

  • An application to the Russian prosecutor’s office is something akin to a person’s request to assist him on the path to realizing his constitutional rights. In addition, you can draw up a sample application to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation not only on your own behalf, but also on behalf of a person who needs assistance, but for a number of reasons cannot independently protect their interests. Concerns statements of self-will in government bodies or on the part of officials that affect the interests of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • You can write a complaint in cases where you need to protect interests that have been violated or restore human rights. That is, it turns out that both a statement and a complaint are written when a person’s interests and rights have been violated. But a complaint is valid if the action has already taken place and persons have complained about injustice, wanting order to be restored. The concepts are, of course, similar, but are not identical, since the measures when writing a statement will be a little tougher than when writing a complaint;
  • The claim form is a slightly different document in structure. To begin with, the Prosecutor General's Office has nothing to do with it. It is sent to those who cause trouble. That is, if a person has problems with the public utility service or public utility authorities, then complaints are filed with the housing and communal services. The letters are sent not to the prosecutor's office, but to the culprit of the trouble, that is, to the housing and communal services office. If this does not help, you can write a complaint and statement, moving on to a more significant method of resolving a legal dispute that expands the scope of measures.

In what cases is a complaint filed?

Each of us may have a situation related to a violation of the law by a legal entity or government officials, as well as their inaction or corruption.
That is why you should know how to correctly write a statement to the prosecutor’s office. A well-drafted complaint will take less time to process. And although the duties of the prosecutor’s office include responding to all submitted appeals, the correct form of the letter and its content will help to quickly and efficiently solve the problem that has arisen.

It is necessary to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office in the event of a refusal to consider a previously submitted application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or in the absence of any action on the part of this structure.

It should be understood that there is a slight difference between a complaint and an application. A complaint is a request from an individual to restore or protect his rights, while a statement is a request for help in exercising his rights in a certain situation.

If you need a detailed response from the prosecutor’s office to your appeal, and not a standard unsubscribe, then first think about what you will state in your letter.

Be sure to indicate all available evidence of violation of your rights. References to laws in the current Codes of the Russian Federation will not be superfluous. Such an appeal will be considered as soon as possible.

Most common reasons

According to Federal Law No. 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor’s Office” dated January 17, 1992, this law enforcement agency is obliged to monitor that authorities, commercial and government institutions comply with their legal activities.

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That is why, if a situation arises in which human or civil rights are violated, you should contact this structure.

Very often there are complaints to the prosecutor's office about the actions of police officers, officials and other officials, as well as against employers.

Here are the most common reasons for filing requests:

  • delay or non-payment of wages;
  • unlawful refusal by government agencies to issue documents or provide certain services (for example, refusal to approve the redevelopment of housing or other real estate without legal grounds);
  • violation of the rights of prisoners or detained persons;
  • failure to fulfill their official duties by investigators, bailiffs, etc., as well as the above-mentioned persons exceeding their official powers;
  • violation of mandatory standards for the provision of housing and communal services by the management company.

If you decide to complain to the prosecutor's office, you should know that since 2011 it has not had its own investigative apparatus, i.e. This structure does not investigate criminal cases.

An application for such violations should be submitted to other authorities that have the right to prosecute: the police, the Investigative Committee, the FSB, etc.

How can I get acquainted with the inspection materials if I cannot come in person?

If you sent your application by registered mail, the official response will also be sent to you by mail; you can pick it up at the nearest branch. When sending an electronic document, you can view the response by email.

In addition, during the study of the issue, the applicant has the right to familiarize himself with all materials. This can be done during a personal appointment. If it is not possible to visit the prosecutor's office in person, you can send a legal representative there, who will have a power of attorney issued on your behalf. The citizen must write a statement with a corresponding request.

The decision to familiarize a person with the inspection materials or to refuse familiarization is made within 10 days from the date of filing such an appeal.

Functions of the government agency

The main function of the Prosecutor's Office is to supervise compliance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Prosecutor's Office carries out supervision in the following areas:

  • supervision of compliance with the norms of current legislation by state legislative and executive authorities at various levels, municipal authorities, their officials, as well as ensuring that the regulations issued by them do not conflict with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • supervision of compliance by state legislative and executive authorities at various levels, municipal authorities and their officials, as well as enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership and their officials of the rights and freedoms that, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, are guaranteed to its citizens;
  • supervision over compliance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation by state bodies engaged in operational investigative activities, inquiries, as well as preliminary investigations;
  • supervision of compliance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation by bodies and institutions executing sentences imposed by courts, as well as applying other coercive measures prescribed as a result of court proceedings. This includes supervision of the actions of the administration and employees of prisons, correctional labor and educational colonies, medical correctional institutions and other institutions of similar purpose;
  • supervision of compliance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation by employees of the Federal Bailiff Service.

In addition to the above supervisory functions, the Prosecutor's Office carries out:

  • criminal prosecution and supervision over compliance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation by bodies carrying out inquiry and preliminary investigation, over the compliance of their actions with the powers granted to these bodies by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation;
  • participation in the administration of justice. Despite the fact that the Prosecutor's Office does not administer justice (this function is vested exclusively in the courts), it is the prosecutors who act as prosecutors in trials. And it is the Prosecutor's Office that sends complaints to the higher courts about sentences, decisions and rulings passed by the courts that are too lenient, in the opinion of the Prosecutor's Office, or that contradict the current legislation;
  • consideration of complaints and applications received from citizens and organizations. In accordance with its powers, the Prosecutor's Office considers complaints and other requests received to it, which report a violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Based on the results of their consideration, a decision is made. It is worth noting that if the decision made by the prosecutor on your complaint does not suit you, apply to the courts to protect your legal rights and interests. In this case, the decision made by the prosecutor on a complaint against a sentence, ruling or court decision must be appealed to a higher Prosecutor's Office. The procedure for considering appeals received by the Prosecutor's Office, as well as the period for their consideration, are determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • coordinating the work of various law enforcement agencies aimed at combating crime. Within the framework of their powers, the Prosecutor General and subordinate prosecutors subordinate to him coordinate the activities of the Federal Security Service, Police, Federal Customs Service and other law enforcement agencies aimed at combating crime. To do this, they convene coordination meetings at various intervals and create working groups in which employees of the above-mentioned departments are involved. In their work to coordinate the activities of law enforcement agencies, prosecutors are guided by the Regulations on the coordination of the activities of law enforcement agencies to combat crime, which was approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 18, 1996 No. 567;
  • participation in law-making activities. Prosecutors have the right to submit to legislative bodies, as well as other bodies vested with the right of legislative initiative, various proposals to introduce changes, additions or complete repeal of various legal acts;
  • publishing activities. The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is engaged in the creation and publication of various publications for special purposes.

Grounds for filing a complaint against the FSSP

Two key grounds are the action and inaction of the bailiff. An action is understood as the adoption of any unlawful decision, for example, a resolution that infringes on the rights of a creditor or another subject of enforcement proceedings (for example, a loan debtor). Inaction is the actual failure of the SPI to fulfill its main responsibilities.

The concept of “inaction” should also include the failure of the bailiff to perform any action or failure to make a decision within the period allotted by law. It is important to take into account that a complaint against bailiffs, regardless of the grounds, is filed in the order of subordination. This is the most commonly used way to resolve the issue and does not limit the applicant’s right to appeal to the court or supervisory authorities.

How to write a statement to the prosecutor's office correctly

In some cases, an appeal to the prosecutor's office occurs in order to exercise the rights or freedoms of a citizen. In such a situation, we are talking about a statement.

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If the subject of the appeal is a violation of rights (for example, non-payment of maternity benefits), which occurred through the fault of government bodies or officials, then in this case it is necessary to file a complaint. Of course, in some situations you can file a claim in court.

There is no strictly defined form or special form for submitting such a document.

However, there are quite strict rules that must be followed when filing a complaint:

  1. It is allowed not only to type on a typewriter or print out using a computer, but also to write such a document by hand. In the latter case, the handwriting must be clear and legible.
  2. It is not recommended to send an anonymous letter to the prosecutor's office. In this case there will be no consideration. You must indicate your last name, first name, patronymic and postal address. The response will be sent according to the specified data.
  3. The complaint must indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the prosecutor to whom the appeal is being sent or the name of the prosecutor's office.
  4. The style of writing such a document should be businesslike. This does not mean that only strict legal language should be used. In this case, the submitter must receive appropriate notification. However, excessive emotions and slang expressions must be avoided. From the submitted paper the legal essence of the issue and the available arguments for its solution should be clear.
  5. If the prosecutor's office does not have enough information to consider the issue, the complaint may be returned to obtain the required information from the complainant and resubmit it. Returns may occur within seven days. The prosecutor can tell you exactly how to obtain the necessary data.

Please note: if a handwritten document is difficult or even impossible to understand, the prosecutor's office has the right to leave the complaint without consideration.

Complaints regarding one specific issue cannot be submitted multiple times. If you overwhelm the prosecutor's office with multiple complaints on one issue, only the first of them will be considered on its merits, the rest will be left without consideration.

If it is required that the situation be reviewed by a certain government agency, a request for this must be present in the text of the complaint.

When a complaint remains unanswered

Here are the reasons why representatives of the authority do not respond to the sent document:

  • The complaint does not contain the full name of the person applying and a return address for sending a response (in this case, the application will be considered anonymous).
  • The document does not contain the information required for its mandatory review and approval.
  • The prosecutor cannot determine the essence of the appeal.
  • The applicant directly interferes with the competence of the prosecutor's office.
  • The text of the complaint is unreadable, the specialist cannot identify the person’s details.
  • The document contains obscene language, insults, and threats against the life and property of other citizens.
  • There is no clearly discernible logic or meaning in the complaint.

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Gavrilova Olga

Work experience as a lawyer - 21 years. Since 2015, he has been an expert of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Chelyabinsk Region A.N. Goncharov.

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If the document does not fall within the competence of the prosecutor's office, it is forwarded to the appropriate body that has the right to consider it. The person receives a corresponding notification. If the official paper was left unanswered, you have the right to re-apply; the number of such applications is not limited.

Where can I get a sample application to the prosecutor's office?

We warn you right away that all cases are unique, which means that there is not and cannot be a single sample for writing an application to the prosecutor’s office. If you find it difficult to compose a document yourself, you have the opportunity to seek help from free site support. Our lawyers will help:

  1. Make an application;
  2. They will select articles from the Codes of the Russian Federation and Federal Laws that you can refer to to protect your interests;
  3. They will give you a step-by-step action plan for filing your application.

Sample applications are available: on the official website of the prosecutor's office, in the Consultant Plus system, in the office (reception) of the prosecutor's office.

The legislative framework

To complain to the prosecutor's office, you can rely on the following legislative acts:

  1. Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" No. 2202-1-F dated January 17, 1992. (as amended on July 29, 2017).
  2. Federal Law “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” No. 59-FZ dated May 2, 2006.
  3. Instruction on the procedure for considering applications and receiving citizens in the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation No. 45 dated January 30, 2013.
  4. Civil Code of the Russian Federation No. 14-FZ dated January 26, 1996. (as amended on March 28, 2017).
  5. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation No. 63-FZ dated June 13, 1996. (as amended on July 18, 2017).

Complaint to the prosecutor's office - samples for different cases

If such a need arises, a complaint must be sent to the prosecutor's office. The sample and filling rules for this must be carefully studied.

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If everything was done legally correctly, the chances of a successful outcome in processing the appeal increase significantly.

Sample application to the prosecutor's office for an inspection

In this case, the sample application must be completed in the usual way.

In the main information part of the document they write about the current situation, where they talk about a possible violation of the law. Next, the applicant’s request for an inspection is expressed.

Download an example of a completed application to the prosecutor's office.

Sample application to the prosecutor's office regarding fraud

The application template consists of three parts: the application header, informational and final.

The introductory part contains information about the prosecutor's office to which the application is made. Next, indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the prosecutor to whom the application is written.

The information part sets out the essence of the application, and the final part contains the date of completion and the signature of the applicant.

In the main part of the sample it is necessary to indicate what kind of fraud we are talking about. Next, you need to formulate what the applicant’s request is in connection with the investigation. There are several options here:

  1. The complaint may be against the police. Oblige her to accept a statement about the fact of the crime committed.
  2. Conduct an audit of the structure, legal entity that uses fraud. The application may be against the employer.
  3. Bring the criminal to justice.


Download a sample application to the prosecutor's office about fraud.

Sample complaint to the military prosecutor's office

It may be submitted in one of the following situations:

  1. The violation of the law took place on the part of the military man.
  2. There was a violation of the charter or internal regulations.
  3. The crime was committed on the territory of a military unit.

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If you write a complaint, you need to take into account that it must be extremely reasoned and justified. The complaint may contain a direct accusation of a crime. The reaction will be faster, but it must be remembered that there is liability for false accusations.


Download a sample complaint to the military prosecutor's office.

Another type of complaint is an appeal through prosecutorial supervision. In this case, it will be considered longer, since additional checks and requests will be made.

The period for filing complaints is limited to the time when the law provides for liability for the crime in question.

Sample complaint about the prosecutor's inaction to a higher prosecutor

In this document, in the initial part, it is necessary to record the data of the applicant and the prosecutor to whom the document was sent.

The main part contains information about the prosecutor on whose part there was inaction. The following describes the situation that took place and indicates the applicant's request.

The date and signature are placed at the bottom of the document.


Download a sample complaint about the prosecutor's inaction.

Sample of appealing a prosecutor's decision to a higher prosecutor

The document is drawn up without unnecessary emotions.

The essence of the problem needs to be formulated briefly and clearly:

  1. At the beginning of the document, information about the applicant and the prosecutor to whom the complaint is sent is indicated.
  2. They indicate which prosecutor is being complained about and what exactly the applicant’s rights were violated.
  3. At the end there is a date and signature.

The document can be sent to a higher authority, including the Prosecutor General's Office.

complaints against the prosecutor's decision to a higher prosecutor's office.

Sample complaint to the prosecutor's office against the city administration

Submission of a document is possible in one of the following cases:

  1. Does not monitor the performance of duties by city services (for example, housing and communal services).
  2. Employees neglect to perform their duties.
  3. They use their official position for personal interests.
  4. Shows inaction in situations where it threatens the health and lives of citizens.
  5. Previously filed complaints to the administration are being ignored.
  6. Authorized persons violate the civil rights of the population.
  7. Local authorities make decisions that contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation (for example, in the field of environmental protection).

When drawing up a document, showing emotions is unacceptable. The complaint must be drafted in such a way that the essence of the appeal is clear. You must provide reasons for your claim and attach a list of documents that will help consider the issue.

The document is compiled as follows. In the header you must indicate information about yourself and the prosecutor's office to which the application is made.

It is also necessary to indicate basic information about the city administration, those bodies and officials to which the complaint relates:

  1. The main part contains all the relevant data that is related to the situation under consideration.
  2. First, you should talk about the reasons for the conflict, then move on to the essence of the complaint.
  3. It is necessary to describe previous attempts at a peaceful settlement and their results.
  4. A request from the applicant is given.

The final part contains the date of the document and the signature of the applicant.


Download a sample complaint to the prosecutor's office against the city administration.

Sample complaint to the prosecutor's office against the developer

In this case, the document can be submitted to various authorities. Contacting the prosecutor's office is the most serious option.

This is possible in one of the following cases:

  1. The developer violated any of the applicant's civil rights.
  2. He committed a different kind of crime. One example is fraud.
  3. The developer refused to comply or simply ignored the instructions of the supervising service.

This is what the complaint should contain. Let's look at the introductory part. Here you need to enter the details of the prosecutor and the applicant, the name of the prosecutor's office to which the appeal is being made.

The main part is formed as follows:

  1. Data about the developer himself and his activities;
  2. Information about the existing problem;
  3. What was the developer’s reaction to the claims made;
  4. Information about other settlement options, if any;
  5. A request made to the prosecutor's office;
  6. Applicant's argument.

At the end of the document there is a list of attached documents, the date of completion and the signature of the applicant.


Download a sample complaint to the prosecutor's office against the developer.

When can an applicant's request be denied?

If, based on the results of the audit, it is clear that the decision of the lower-ranking prosecutor complies with the requirements of regulations, you will have to comply with his instructions.

In this case, you can try to go to court, and the application indicates attempts to resolve the issue pre-trial, as well as links to regulations.

General recommendations for filing a complaint to a higher prosecutor’s office:

  • Please provide only accurate personal information and contact information; all information will be verified.
  • Do not send the document to the same authority again, this will only slow down the process.
  • State the essence of the complaint consistently, in competent Russian, the text must be understandable.
  • Do not use emotional overtones; an impartial presentation of the facts is much preferable.
  • Provide current regulations from the current legislation, documents in the form of evidence in the case.
  • Do not forget that there is criminal liability for providing knowingly false information or slandering an official.

How to write a collective statement

Both individual applications and applications from a group of citizens (collective) can be submitted to the Prosecutor's Office. Collective statements are more effective, as they indicate that the offenses being committed are widespread.

Therefore, if, in addition to your legal rights and interests, the rights of other persons were violated, it makes sense to unite and file one collective complaint.

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If an application to the Prosecutor's Office is submitted on behalf of two or more persons, then when drawing up and processing it it is necessary to take into account a number of features. All parts of it are changed, except for the part that lists applications.

How to make a collective statement:

  • Introductory part. A header is created in the upper right corner. First, it indicates to whom the appeal is specifically addressed, indicating the position and full name. After this, list the details of all persons whose signatures will appear on the appeal. This is a rather difficult task, since the number of applicants can be quite large. To simplify this situation, they can elect their own representative. In addition, you can write the phrase “From the organization’s staff” or equivalent, but in this case, complete the full list of applicants, indicating all their data, in the form of a separate document and attach it to the complaint filed;
  • Main part. Here the task becomes even more complicated, since in one complaint it is necessary to set out violations of the rights of all persons who file a given complaint. This is very difficult, since the interests of each applicant and the entire team must be represented at the same time. It is for this reason that complaints filed by collectives are usually large in volume. Therefore, in order to outline the essence of the problem and the demands put forward in as much detail and at the same time as briefly as possible, seek help from a professional lawyer;
  • Final part. Like the previous one, it will be very voluminous. In this part, list all documents attached to the complaint;
  • After the complaint has been drawn up, seal it with the handwritten signatures of all citizens on whose behalf it is being submitted. If at least one signature is missing, the complaint will be declared invalid.

Collective complaints submitted to the Prosecutor's Office have many advantages over all types of appeals.

The main advantages of a collective complaint to the Prosecutor's Office:

  • Such complaints are subject to more careful consideration. This is explained by the fact that it sets out facts of violation of the rights of a large number of citizens, and these violations have much in common. This greatly facilitates the work of the Prosecutor's Office employees;
  • Collective complaints rarely go unconsidered. If an application submitted by one citizen can simply be rejected for purely formal reasons, or simply lost, then this cannot be done with collective applications. Practice shows that collective complaints are rejected only in cases where gross violations were committed during their preparation, or inaccurate documents were attached to them;
  • Collective complaints are much more likely to produce positive results for complainants. This is explained by the fact that it is much more difficult to defend against a group of people united by a common position.

Application methods

A complaint to the prosecutor's office can be submitted not only in person, but also sent by Russian Post by registered mail with notification of delivery to the addressee. The prosecutor's office itself should have a special mailbox for collecting such requests.

It is now possible to file a complaint electronically online. This is done through the website of the prosecutor's office of the desired unit on the portal

To submit a complaint to the prosecutor's office via the Internet, you must comply with the same requirements as for the written form, namely, indicate all the necessary data, attach evidence and scans of documents.

Within a week, a preliminary consideration of the appeal is carried out, after which the applicant is sent a notification about whether the complaint will be accepted for consideration or not.

It is also possible to return the letter for revision. It may take up to a month for your application to be fully reviewed.

How to file a complaint with the Prosecutor General's Office online

Submission via the Internet is possible. In order to carry it out, you must first find the website of the prosecutor’s office, which is located at the applicant’s place of residence. Then you can submit a complaint through it by filling out the required fields of the electronic document.

For example, in Moscow, you can complain via the Internet on the website of the Moscow Prosecutor's Office:

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After completing the input, the document must be sent by clicking on the appropriate button on the page. A document sent via the Internet must comply with all the rules that apply to filing a complaint electronically.

The response may be sent electronically or in paper form, depending on the applicant's choice.

Timing of the prosecutor's inspection

After the complaint is filed, the inspection period is no more than thirty calendar days.

Within the first seven days, preliminary results of the review must be presented.

Here we are talking about accepting or rejecting a received document or transferring it to other authorities.

If the appeals are relatively simple, it is considered that it will take no more than fifteen days to make a decision.

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There may be times when additional checks need to be carried out. In these cases, the consideration may take up to thirty days.

Deadlines for consideration of applications

There are two types of deadlines for considering a complaint: general and shortened. The total is 30 days. These are statements that do not require the prosecutor to immediately respond to the current situation. Shortened period – 15 days. The issue under consideration is accelerated if the essence of the case stated in the application does not require the official to conduct an additional check.

The timing of a specific request is influenced by several factors:

  1. The need to consider a controversial case by lower-level law enforcement agencies.
  2. Hollow or partial restoration of the violated rights of a citizen or group of persons.
  3. The need to carry out explanatory work on the complaint materials.

How should the prosecutor's office respond to a citizen's appeal?

Once your request is accepted by the prosecutor's office, your actions end there, and you only need to wait for the results of the consideration of the appeal. For the established period starting from the date of acceptance of the appeal by the prosecutor's office, the prosecutor must:

  • Analyze the application and conduct a preliminary review;
  • Decide whether to accept the application or return it;
  • If there are similar requests in the work, the prosecutor will add yours to them. Lawyers confirm that the more statements from different persons on one issue, the sooner the prosecutor’s office will conduct an investigation;
  • Submit the application and relevant instructions to the subordinate bodies or make a decision on an unscheduled prosecutorial inspection;
  • Collection of additional information from the organization and persons specified in the applicant’s application, further processing, analysis and synthesis of the received data.

All actions of the prosecutor's office have deadlines for their execution:

  1. To transfer the application to subordinate, state and municipal bodies, the law allocates only 7 days from the date of filing the application, no more;
  2. No more than 30 calendar days are allocated to conduct a prosecutorial review of the appeal.

Please note that the delivery time for written notices is not included in the above deadlines, since the delivery of registered letters is in no way dependent on the prosecutor's office.

Additional questions

How to write an anonymous letter to the prosecutor's office

Sometimes there is a desire to make an anonymous complaint: against neighbors, against a boss, against a local police officer, or in other cases.

Although anonymous complaints are not usually considered by the prosecutor's office, there is one exception: reporting a crime in progress.

There is usually no way to be completely anonymous, but there are workarounds:

  1. You can contact through another person. He will know the complainant and will take responsibility for the complaint if there is one. This method may be used if the complainant is afraid of being fired for complaining.
  2. You can send a letter disclosing your details, but ask that personal data not be disclosed during the review.

What are the dangers of contacting the prosecutor's office?

It should be remembered that any false appeal is a punishable offense.
For false denunciation, the Criminal Code provides for liability under Article 306. However, in practice, this type of liability more often arises during the initiation of criminal cases or refusals to initiate them. This topic is not the subject of this article, since the form of appeal to the prosecutor’s office considered here is aimed at resolving issues largely outside the scope of criminal procedural relations. However, I note that you can contact the prosecutor's office with a request to initiate a criminal case, but this procedure requires drawing up a protocol, personal presence and identification of the applicant. If, during the process of filing an application to initiate a criminal case, you provide an employee with knowingly false information and all four elements of a crime are discovered, including false information about a specific person and a specific crime, then in this case you may actually be held accountable under Article 306 of the Criminal Code .

Also for reasons of severe liability for such crimes, you should never distort facts, invent or embellish events. The statement must describe the problematic situation in line with the events that actually occurred. It is advisable to support your position with copies of documents, photographs or video materials.

How not to get unsubscribed

I do not exclude the possibility that your first letters to the prosecutor will end in receiving a formal response. This occurs due to a lack of understanding of the jurisdiction in considering those issues that are sent to this structure. Over time, you will become clearer in which cases a direct appeal to the prosecutor is more effective, and in which cases preliminary correspondence with third-party organizations is required. That is why here I have tried to outline in detail how to correctly file an appeal to the prosecutor’s office, a sample of which is given above.

What actions are taken next in response to a complaint received?

After receiving an application, prosecutors are required to check the submitted materials and study the circumstances of the case. If certain facts are revealed that confirm fraudulent actions on the part of another person, all materials are transferred to law enforcement agencies to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case.

Reason for contacting

All citizens whose rights have been affected as a result of violations of the law have the right to send complaints to the Prosecutor General’s Office. In particular, the RF Civil Prosecutor's Office considers complaints in which prosecutors at the local level refused to satisfy them or the result of the appeal does not satisfy the applicant. The subject of appeal may be a violation of the law by:

  • executive authorities, state enterprises;
  • law enforcement agencies: police, FSSP, courts, investigative bodies, Rospotrebnadzor, Investigative Committee, Labor Inspectorate, FSIN;
  • local government bodies;
  • commercial enterprises, banks, insurance companies, trade enterprises, travel agencies, industrial enterprises, private entrepreneurs;
  • housing and communal services enterprises, including cooperatives, management companies;
  • non-profit organizations, for example, public organizations, committees;
  • institutions of health care, education, physical culture, sports.

Any violation of the law may become a reason to contact the Prosecutor General's Office.

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