Security elements of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

How to spot a fake passport?

How can you avoid becoming a victim of a fraudster and notice in time that this document is forged?

The first thing I would like to note is that we - people who do not work in law enforcement agencies - cannot accurately determine whether a passport is fake or not. Only an expert can do this. It is necessary to distinguish between types of printing and signs of changes; you need optics to see all this with high magnification. An ordinary person who does not have such knowledge can examine the document and only suspect changes that should be alarming.

So, the most common types of fakes:

1. Mechanical. This may involve deleting pages, changing their content - using chemicals, erasing, scraping.

2. Changing the content of the document. This is the correction of letters, numbers; in free columns it is possible to make entries that should not be there.

3. Replacement. This means replacing photographs and sheets.

What you need to pay attention to when visually inspecting your passport:

1. We examine the passport from different lighting angles. We check the presence of all pages and the glossiness of the paper. Please note that there are no changes in the color and structure of the paper caused by chemicals.

You should be wary of: colored spots, streaks, oiliness, increased glossiness in certain places (perhaps there was an erasure with further sanding of the page), ruffled page fibers.

2. Inspection of entries in the passport. We draw attention to the presence of all details and complete data of the person, signatures and seal. In addition, you need to remember that the passport is filled with special ink, which has a special shine. Do not forget that there should not be the inscription “USSR” on the title page.

What should alert you: signs of outlines of letters and numbers. Different ink structure. No relief prints in the photograph. By the way, it makes sense to look at the photo itself (to see if it’s the same person). We remember that the department code and the numbers on the round seal must match.

3. We check the pages of the passport. We check the series and number on each page with the number and series on the first page.

What should alert you: the absence of a two-color thread (pages 10−11), entries are indicated in inappropriate columns (for example, children are not recorded on pages 16−17), different paper structure, signs of treatment with chemicals, lack of lamination, obvious or hidden inconsistency with the photograph Apparently, different page sizes.

These are the main signs.

Please note that if you have a passport that is not in proper shape (torn, wrinkled, very tattered), you have the right to ask for a replacement before conducting the transaction. The notary or government authorities may not accept it. In addition, the passport must be replaced upon reaching 20 and 45 years of age.

And most importantly, friends, do not hesitate to look at and check your passport. It's necessary. Agree, it is better to review, turn over and even smell this document a hundred times than to then write a statement to the relevant authorities.

Good luck to you and respectable partners!

Tags: passport, transactions, laws, documents, security, fake passport

From the “secret folder” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: facts about the Russian passport that you did not know

In 2022, more than 519 thousand Russian passports were issued in Moscow. A citizen's passport is the main document in the life of every person. Did you know that all the lines on the main page of your passport consist of tiny letters? What about the fact that every passport has a stamp? “Evening Moscow” talked about these and other secrets of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the capital, Dmitry Sergienko.

— All Russian passports have two rectangular marks on the second page (they are visible in the light of the page in the area of ​​the photograph - note “VM”). What are they needed for?

- These are typographical marks. They are designed to orient the head based on a photograph.

— Some countries’ passports have hidden “tricks.” So, if you shine ultraviolet light on a Norwegian passport, an image of the aurora will appear. And if you do the same with the pages of a Canadian passport, you can see fireworks. If you quickly pass the pages of a Finnish passport through your fingers (like animated books - note by “VM”), the elk drawn on them will “come to life”. Do we have something similar? Or maybe it's planned?

— The Russian passport form is sewn along the entire length of the spine with a two-color thread with a dotted glow in ultraviolet radiation. The internal pages of the citizen's passport form have a visible image of a common watermark, which, when viewed in transmitted light, contains three-dimensional outlines of the letters “RF”.

— Few people know that all the lines on the main page of the passport consist of tiny letters. Moreover, they form meaningful words (for example, the line where the last name of the passport holder is written actually represents the sequence of letters “last name last name last name ..." - note “VM”). Although these words are difficult to discern with the naked eye. Why are they?

— This is a protective element of the passport form. This microtext is located on the second and third pages of the passport.

— On the second page of the passport the unit code is indicated. What is it for?

— The department code is a digital code assigned to a specific migration department. It contains information about the department. Consists of six digits and allows specialists to quickly determine where the passport was issued.

— On the same page there is a line “personal code”. What does it mean?

- At the moment this line is an anachronism. It was invented in 1997 during the approval of the next sample passport form. It was assumed that an identification number would be entered in the “personal code” line, which would be assigned to a person to record the population of Russia. However, the draft law “On the State Register of the Population of the Russian Federation” did not gain legal force. New legislative changes have eliminated this line.

— Are there any particularly protected pages?

— Passport forms are made using special paper containing three types of security fibers. The paper of the 19th and 20th pages contains a security metallized thread that changes color depending on the viewing angle; individual sections of the thread are visible on the surface of the 19th page.

Personal information on the third page is also protected. This page is laminated with a holographic film at high temperature. In addition, in the upper right corner of the third page there is an element in the shape of a circle with the letters “RF”. Depending on the viewing angle, the element changes color from purple to green.

— Why is the signature of the head of the department and the citizen himself required to be entered in black pen?

— The requirement to sign with a black pen appears in the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 773 dated November 16, 2020 “On approval of the administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the issuance and replacement of passports of citizens of the Russian Federation.”

— Will the passport be considered invalid if the owner of the passport made a note on one of the pages with a pen? Will it be invalid if the pages are torn, spilled or stained?

— It is important to understand that a passport that contains information, marks or entries not required by law is invalid.

In this case, the passport must also be replaced if it is unsuitable for further use. For example, a passport is unusable if the security features of the form are damaged or if there is damage that compromises the integrity of the passport form. The latter includes the absence of a page or part of it intended for making marks.

Also, the passport must be replaced in case of wear and tear, when it is impossible to unambiguously visually determine the content of all or some of the information specified in the passport.

— Are there any special features when re-issuing a passport?

— There are no special features as such. The same requirements apply to replacing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation as for the initial issuance. When reissued, the location where the document was received may differ. However, the majority of passports are still issued at the place of residence. Thus, this year in Moscow, about 63 percent of the total number of issued passports were issued at the place of residence.

— Will we ever switch to digital passports?

— In accordance with the instructions of the Russian government, the planned start date for issuing this type of passports should be no later than July 1, 2023. The technical base plays a key role in this matter. Thus, the use of an electronic passport requires the presence of an IT infrastructure and a special program that must be installed on mobile devices.

How to fake a copy of a passport?

Falsifying a passport is a criminal offense, but the paradox is that it seems like there is no copy. After all, a photocopy of a passport is a document only if the paper is notarized. The main interest in counterfeiting a copy is caused by the desire of young people to purchase alcohol and tobacco products, so it is initially assumed that a counterfeit copy of a passport does not seem to cause much harm. Despite this, I would like to note that the ban on the consumption of certain products is quite justified, and violating it would be more likely to be stupid than prudent. However, this choice is individual for everyone. So, despite the fact that this issue is very relevant, few people know how to forge a copy of a passport. According to some opinions, the RF SCreater 2 program solves the problem. It will allow you to replace the passport of the Russian Federation, but how simple and easy it is to use is unknown.

How to photoshop a passport photo. Problems of ID passports in UkraineChannel Ukraine. Now for a visa they require a copy of 4 double-page spreads of a foreign passport on one sheet - 2 on one side, 2 on the other.


photoshop your passport

Good day! Is so. Using a deliberately forged document -. Good afternoon Yes, in this case it will be regarded as falsification of documents; such changes must be made officially at the passport office. If you do not use this electronic passport, then you will not be in any danger. However, if you use some kind of financial gain, you may be charged with fraud based on the actions you took. VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: How to make a fake passport on Android for schoolchildren.

how to photoshop date of birth in passport

Falsifying a passport is a criminal offense, but the paradox is that it seems like there is no copy. After all, a photocopy of a passport is a document only if the paper is notarized. The main interest in counterfeiting a copy is caused by the desire of young people to purchase alcohol and tobacco products, so it is initially assumed that a counterfeit copy of a passport does not seem to cause much harm. Despite this, I would like to note that the ban on the consumption of certain products is quite justified, and violating it would be more likely to be stupid than prudent. However, this choice is individual for everyone.

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Making a passport in Photoshop

Please do not forget to confirm your subscription, otherwise you will not receive the newsletter. In this tutorial I will show you how to take an ID photo using regular photography, a virtual suit and, of course, Photoshop. Open a suitable photo in Photoshop, I chose a photo of a young man downloaded from the Internet, you can choose your own. No matter what documents you are going to take photos with, choose an image with good resolution.

Therefore, using the Adobe Photoshop CS6 program as an example, I will show you how to take your own photo for documents at home; you don’t even need to have a printer to make it look beautiful and cheap. I have already taken photographs many times for my friend and relatives: for a license certificate, for a personal file, etc. In general, I think it’s worth trying to save money and turn out good in the photo. It's simple, I worked in a photo salon for three years. I took countless ID photos a day. At the same time, our postulates were: fast production, beautiful photos and a satisfied client.

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