Validity and authenticity of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Presentation for a lesson on the topic

Types of counterfeit

There are two types of passport forgery:

  • Full.
  • Partial.

In case of complete forgery, the document is created from scratch. All its elements are fake, and the document itself will not be listed in the databases of the state that allegedly issued it.

Partial forgery consists of correcting or changing individual elements of the passport. Seals and stamps, photos or some pages of the passport may be changed.

Ways to completely falsify a passport are:

  • Production of a new document.
  • Creation of forms on which passports are printed.
  • Indication of false information in the passport. It is important that when filling out a document, a person knows that the information is fictitious.
  • Forging the signature of a migration service officer.
  • Creation of new stamps and seals.

Complete falsification of a passport is a complex process that requires special equipment. At the same time, the use of such a document is quite risky, since when it is checked by employees of the competent authorities, it will be easy to prove that such a document was not officially issued.

Partial falsification of a passport consists of:

  • Deleting text in the finished document. This is usually done by erasing it.
  • Etching parts of the text with chemical reagents.
  • Adding new words or characters to your passport.
  • Replacing individual sheets or passport photos.

All of the above actions fall under the qualifications of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Control of infrared protection signs

To prevent paper falsification, IR tags are also used. They are applied with infrared stamp inks. The DoCash DVM Lite D viewing detector will allow you to detect inscriptions or images on forms.

The operating principle of the device is simple, based on the fact that certain compounds transmit or reflect IR rays. The operator sees the drawing on the monitor and can determine the authenticity of the documents. Falsification of infrared signs is expensive and is performed in rare cases. Together with other signs, the marks allow us to consider the document to be real.

The contrasting black and white image clearly reflects the lettering and images. The device is compact and easily placed on the desktop. No software updates or complex maintenance required.

The effectiveness of document authenticity control using any of the devices can be increased. Accessories are designed for this: magnifiers with 10x magnification and backlight, video magnifiers, automatic sensors for the presence of infrared and ultraviolet marks.

Verifying the authenticity of documents using specialized devices becomes faster and easier. Banking equipment from DoCash is presented in an assortment, which allows you to create a verification system taking into account the needs of any organization. Testing of detectors according to European and Russian requirements guarantees high quality testing.


How to spot a fake?

Considering that criminals can use a fake passport in various illegal schemes, it is worth knowing about the main signs of forgery of this document. These include:

  • Requisites. Falsification of this element of the passport makes it possible to determine which device was used to falsify the document.
  • Changed color of the form. These passport forms follow strict templates. Any differences in shades indicate a fake passport.
  • No watermarks. This security element is very difficult to counterfeit, so this element may be completely absent on low-quality fake passports.
  • Various page sizes. This feature distinguishes low-quality fakes, but these can also be found.
  • On the laminated pages under ultraviolet light you can see many inscriptions “Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”. In fake documents, these elements are few or not present at all.
  • Another protective element that is visible under ultraviolet light is yellow and green fibers. They are also difficult to counterfeit at home, so counterfeit passports generally lack such protection.
  • On the third page of the passport, a number of lines are printed in microscopic font. This text is missing in fake documents.
  • The series and document number are printed in a different shade of ink.
  • In some places in the passport, the details are printed poorly. In original documents, all data is printed clearly and without defects.
  • Defective lamination. Foreign objects are visible under the film.
  • A split or cut in laminate flooring. In fake passports, this cut is usually located at the top of the page.
  • Damage around the photo. This is clear evidence of his replacement. In some cases, the new photo is pasted on top of the old one.
  • Double layer of laminate. When carefully covering the passport with film, this feature is not immediately noticeable.
  • Creases on the cover or endpaper of a document. This is a sign of manual forgery of a passport.

All of the listed signs of passport forgery reflect the difficulties in falsifying it without professional equipment.

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New rules for checking meters. What you need to know about it

On September 24, 2022, new meter verification standards came into force. Many consumers are concerned about this issue, as they fear both an increase in the price for undergoing the procedure and an increase in the amount of payment for the consumption of resources.

Amendments have been made to the Law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements” and, it should be immediately noted that they do not pose any special difficulties for owners of measuring instruments. In accordance with the amendments to the Law, only the procedure for confirming the fact of verification has changed: from September 24, 2020, only the entry in the electronic Register of Rosstandart is relevant

. At the same time, at the request of the consumer, a documentary (paper) version can also be obtained, but its role and significance are reduced to reference information; it no longer has legal force.

However, all owners of metering devices who received documents before September 24

, do not have to worry, since all the evidence is valid until the end of the verification interval. That is, the transition occurs simultaneously, but the interests of all consumers are taken into account.

In accordance with the introduced standards, after checking the meter, the responsible person - the specialist carrying out the work - must enter data into the Register of the Federal State Information System "Arshin". In this case, it is mandatory that the procedure must be carried out within 24 hours after the work has been carried out, and the consumer can access the information after entering the meter number into the system. Thus, everything happens quickly and transparently, but for the consumer there is a kind of “threat” in the form of “forgetfulness” of a specialist who simply may not provide the necessary information within the allotted time frame. Therefore, it is recommended to enter data in the presence of the client. In case of an oversight by a specialist or an oversight by the customer, it will be necessary to prove the fact of verification and, accordingly, the reliability of the data obtained using the measuring device in court.

Technical and forensic examination of documents

Suspecting that the passport is counterfeit or that changes have been made to it, law enforcement agencies conduct a technical and forensic examination. Use it to install:

  • A method used by criminals to produce a fake passport.
  • Prove that the original document has been changed.
  • They identify damage that is faintly visible or invisible when examining the document.
  • Passport production time.
  • Means of its falsification.

Sometimes an expert can recognize a fake passport during a routine examination by paying attention to:

  • Uneven character of strokes.
  • Different sizes of letters and their configuration.
  • Non-standard nature of the images.
  • Grammatical errors in the text.
  • Logical contradictions in the contents of the passport.
  • Pencil marks that remain from the moment the passport was prepared for correction.

When changing elements of this passport, the etching method is often used. In this case, the text is removed using chemical reagents. But in the place where they are applied to the passport form, the paint may change its color and blur. Traces of blur may also be visible on text that has been exposed to reagents.

The use of the erasure method is determined by examining the paper against the light. At the point where it is erased, it becomes thin and rough.

Particular attention is paid to signs of photo replacement, because this method is used by scammers to subsequently issue loans on someone else’s document with their own photo. These signs are:

  • The oval seal on the photo on the form does not match.
  • Sometimes they change only part of the photo, leaving the printed part. In this case, you need to pay attention to differences in photographic paper, discrepancies between parts of photographs and the presence of a cut in the photo.
  • Applying a layer of emulsion to the backing of an old photograph. In this case, the unevenness of the photo paper is visible, as well as differences in its quality characteristics.

When determining the partial falsification of a passport, the stamps and signatures of a migration department employee are examined under oblique light using a magnifying glass or microscope, because these are the elements that are most often counterfeited. The remaining parts of the passport are protected by a number of special elements that are extremely difficult to reproduce.

Checking papers under ultraviolet rays

The authenticity of official papers is usually confirmed by stamps and signatures of authorized persons. But at present, such measures cannot guarantee complete protection against counterfeiting. Therefore, when preparing documents, ultraviolet tags are used. They can be inscriptions, for example, details or the name of the organization, or images. They are not visible to the naked eye.

The DoCash 525 detector allows you to check standard-sized papers, as it is equipped with a convenient slot. The effectiveness of control is ensured by a powerful lamp (6 W), the luminous flux of which is practically not scattered. The ultraviolet detector allows you to simultaneously view hidden security signs in white transmitted and white reflected light.

The advantages of DoCash 525 include its small size and weight. The device weighs 680 grams. Compactness is combined with conveniently located control buttons and an ergonomic design. The operator can adjust the optimal viewing angle to verify the authenticity of documents or money, if there is a need for banknote detection. A scale is installed to check cash by size.


Sports On the appointment of a technical-forensic forensic examination of a document


Inspection of an identity document


The subject of the inspection is the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation No. 63 00 454637 in the name of Alexey Gennadievich Kambolin, born on November 29, 1988, issued by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Primorsky Territory in the Kirov municipal district on December 24, 2008. The passport is a dark burgundy block book on the inside of which there are 10 sewn-in sheets. The dimensions of the passport in the open position are 175x125 mm.


Constitution of the Russian Federation: adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993. M., 2015.

Averyanova T.V., Belkin R.S., Korukhov Yu.G., Rossiyskaya E.R. Forensic science. Textbook for universities. M., 2012.

Vinberg L.A., Shvankova M.V. Handwriting examination. M., 2012.

Vinitsky L.V. Increasing the effectiveness of forensic examinations in the investigation of crimes.// Coll. scientific works — Volgograd, 2008..

Korneeva I.L. General and specific features of handwriting. - M.: 2014.

Korobeinikov B.V. Questions of forensic research of the contents of documents. - M.: 2014.

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Advantages of the new meter verification rules

The introduction of electronic document management makes it possible to simplify the verification procedure for the consumer, but not only that. Also in this case, the possibility of using various fraudulent schemes is eliminated and, in addition, if necessary, the data reconciliation procedure does not present problems and is carried out promptly. But you definitely need to know that the requirements for inspectors remain the same, that is: they must provide an official document

, confirming their identity and authority. You also need to pay attention to the behavior of specialists: their actions should be clear and understandable to the consumer, the questions asked should not go beyond their competence, and they also do not have the right to demand additional payment. It is important to remember about your personal safety. Therefore, it is not recommended to accept inspectors alone; it is preferable to involve close relatives and neighbors. This advice is especially important for lonely older people.

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