Suicide is defined as suicide, that is, the deliberate taking of one's own life. Usually this process is carried out by a person voluntarily and independently. The reason for this may be deep depression, lack of meaning in life, or serious illness. But there are other options when there is inclination to suicide or deliberate incitement to suicide. In such cases, the culprit will receive punishment under Article 110 or 110.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The same applies to mass suicides committed by members of religious sects.
Below we will look at the main causes of suicide and talk about whether there is an article for suicide in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
General provisions
Suicide is a voluntary decision. In modern society, suicidal ideas are not welcomed, but there is no criminal liability for such actions. If the suicide was prevented, the person may be detained until the circumstances are clarified, and then sent for rehabilitation to a medical center.
Most often, suicide is committed in connection with social, moral, religious or philosophical attitudes. Suicidal tendencies can also be a consequence of a physical illness, mental disorder or existential crisis. They often arise out of fear of condemnation, self-accusation, and the desire to preserve honor. Suicide can be the result of a situation that a person considered hopeless. In addition, suicide is often committed as an imitation of an idol.
Many psychologists consider self-destruction as a way to avoid an intolerable situation, a call for help, a manifestation of auto-aggression (a person shows hostility towards himself).
Currently, suicide is the second leading cause of death for people aged 15 to 29 years. After an unsuccessful suicide attempt, about a third of suicides try to commit suicide again after a while. About 10% do not stop until they realize their intention.
If the suicide was provoked by a severe mental disorder, the citizen is referred for psychiatric treatment. Persons who do not have mental problems can subsequently be observed by psychologists or psychotherapists.
Help for people who are suicidal or desperate
Help is available by telephone. In Russia there is a hotline and an emergency psychological assistance center of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. You can also call a private mental health clinic.
Help needs to be provided in several steps:
- Conversation . Find out about the motives of the suicide. Try to open it. Show that you are genuinely interested in solving problems. It is important to establish close emotional contact. At the same time, under no circumstances should you put pressure on a suicidal person, threaten, or talk about potential punishment if the person does not tell everything right now. If you yourself are not capable of a sincere, confidential conversation, it is better to refer a potential suicide person to a good psychologist.
- Intellectual mastery of the situation . It is important to overcome the feeling of exclusivity, to make it clear to the person that he is not alone in facing such problems. Discuss ways out of the situation. Help relieve the feeling of inevitability of a negative outcome. The conversation can be supported by similar examples.
- Together, come up with ways to overcome the emotional crisis . Let the person think about his situation on his own, push him to a strong-willed decision to change his life. Show that he chooses the right words and thinks in the right direction. Make a clear plan so that the suicidal person can solve the problem.
- Active psychological support . Stay close. Celebrate the person’s successes, show that your life is not indifferent to him. Praise for doing the right thing. Show that life is really getting better, the person was able to find a way out of the situation. Show love and care.
Russia ranks third in the world in the number of suicides. The reason is the emotional closeness and low empathy of many residents of our country. But tragedy can be prevented if you pay attention to it in a timely manner and lend a helping hand to a desperate person.
Reasons for suicide
Most often, suicide is committed by people suffering from severe mental disorders. Often such patients cannot explain their desire to die. They need constant supervision and condition monitoring.
Suicide can be triggered by the following mental illnesses:
- schizophrenia;
- affective insanity;
- psychopathy;
- depression.
Less commonly, neuroses, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorders lead to suicide. The likelihood of suicide increases among individuals suffering from various types of addictions. These include drug addiction, alcoholism, and substance abuse.
If we talk about people who do not suffer from mental disorders, then most often the cause of suicide is problems in their personal lives. Among them:
- divorce;
- serious illness of a family member;
- unrequited love;
- difficulties in relationships with relatives;
- loneliness;
- death of a loved one.
The causes of suicide are often failures in professional activities. The desire to commit suicide may arise in connection with bankruptcy, dismissal, loss of a large sum of money, etc.
In adolescence, the most common causes of suicide are:
- conflicts with parents;
- unrequited love;
- imitation of an idol.
In world practice, along with single suicides, there are also mass suicides. Most often they are committed by followers of destructive religious cults. The initiator of mass self-destruction is one of the sect leaders.
Drive to suicide
Separately, cases of incitement to suicide should be considered. As stated above, suicide is a voluntary decision. If a person commits suicide under the influence of persuasion, blackmail, threats, violence, slander or bullying, then the culprit will be held criminally liable.
The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains two articles defining punishment for incitement to suicide:
- Incitement to suicide or attempted suicide (Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The culprit will be held criminally liable if he used threats, systematically humiliated the victim, or treated her cruelly. The punishment is tougher if the victim is a minor or a helpless citizen, or a pregnant woman. Also qualifying criteria include a crime committed by a group of persons.
- Inclination to suicide (Article 110.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the culprit commits bribery, deception, and makes persuasion. Moreover, if such actions led to suicide or an attempt to commit it, then the preventive measure is tightened. This article is characterized by the above qualifying criteria.
Association of linguistic experts of the South of Russia
Collection of materials from the conference “Language and Law: Current Problems of Interaction”, 2017
Moroz Marina Andreevna, 2nd year master's student in the specialty “Speech Stylistics. Philological analysis of the text. Linguistic Expertise" Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication of the Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
Scientific supervisor: Lilit Mesropyan Mesropyan, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of Language and Russian Language, Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication of the Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
Suicide (Latin “sui” - “oneself”, “caedere” - “to kill”) is understood as behavior that has the goal of suicide (Psychological Dictionary, 2000).
In the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1996 N 63-FZ (as amended on July 29, 2017) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on August 26, 2017) there are two articles relating to suicide: Article 110.1. Inducement to commit suicide or assistance in committing suicide (introduced by Federal Law dated 06/07/2017 N 120-FZ) and Article 110. Incitement to suicide (as amended by Federal Law dated 06/07/2017 N 120-FZ). Paragraph 1 of Article 110 is as follows: “1. Driving a person to suicide or attempted suicide through threats, cruel treatment or systematic humiliation of the victim’s human dignity is punishable...” Some components of the wording of this article - threats and humiliation of human dignity - can be expressed, among other things, using linguistic means. Article 110.1 gives a different wording: “1. Inducement to commit suicide through persuasion, proposals, bribery, deception or in any other way, in the absence of signs of incitement to suicide, is punishable...", "2. Assisting in committing suicide by giving advice, instructions, providing information, means or instruments for committing suicide, or removing obstacles to committing suicide, or promising to conceal means or instruments of committing suicide , is punishable...” In this case, we can say that persuasion, suggestions, advice, instructions, and provision of information about committing suicide are actions of a verbal nature. Formulation or any other method also does not exclude the use of speech mechanisms, one way or another aimed at vulnerabilities in the psychological organization of a person.
As an example, consider posts from communities on the social network VKontakte - “whales are dying in puddles of gasoline” ( At the time of the study (11/02/17), this community had 8,368 subscribers. The main content is texts, including creolized ones; there are often references to cartoons and television series, films, and songs popular among teenagers and children. The very name of the community contains an allusion to the precedent text - the song “whales are dying in puddles of gasoline” by the performer “Find a Way Out”, characterized by the presence of both direct and indirect references to the lyrical hero of the song committing suicide, images of death, paraphernalia of death (“I know that I superfluous , and I’m not the one who is needed \\ I will only be a memory , a phase or stage\\ and by the way, we will probably die together .\\ we will be buried behind the entrances of five-story buildings,” “instead of tombstones in relationships, I propose\\ here on our build a flower flower on corpses ”, “I feel like I’m burning from this word,\\ I plan to soon die from pain”, “in the atmosphere of the holidays, in the new year\\ I finally decide to commit suicide ”) ( /naytivyhod/tekst-pesni-kity-umirayut-v-lujah-benzina). Another allusion to a precedent phenomenon in the name of the community is the noun “whales”: the recipient may have an association with the tragically famous “Blue Whale” community, which specialized in promoting suicide among teenagers. This incident became widely known in Russia and was covered in the media and online communities; hence the linguocognitive mechanism of assigning a semantic transformation to the word “whale” for a specific target audience, as well as an associative connection due to the precedent nature of the text.
Before we begin to analyze the verbal and nonverbal components of community recordings, the technology of speech manipulation should be described. Under the technology of speech manipulative influence G.A. Kopnina understands “the sequence of actions of the manipulator, implemented in his speech behavior with the aim of inducing the addressee to a certain action” (Kopnina, 2012; 35-39). There are several stages of speech manipulation: collection of information about the addressee - detection\formation of targets of influence - attraction - forcing the addressee to action - winning of the initiator of the influence (Kopnina, 2012; 35-39). The first stage - collecting information about the addressee - involves determining the main parameters of the target audience: if, as in this case, we are talking about a community on a social network, then it will not be difficult to identify the addressee - a teenage audience. The next stage - identifying and forming targets for influence - will require commentary from a specialist in the field of psychology. If we are talking about suicide propaganda, then it is necessary to establish “vulnerabilities” in the human mind, which can be used as the very targets of influence . A.V. Martynenko in his work “Suicide among Youth” gives the following classification of motives and reasons for suicidal acts among young people:
— personal and family conflicts (here the author includes unfair treatment on the part of relatives and others, divorce and conflicts between parents, an obstacle to meeting an urgent need, loneliness, unsuccessful love, lack of attention from others);
- state of mental health (real conflicts in healthy individuals, pathological motivations caused by mental disorders);
— state of physical health (presence of somatic diseases, physical suffering);
- conflicts associated with the antisocial behavior of the suicider (fear of legal liability, punishment or shame);
— conflicts in the educational or professional sphere (insolvency, failures in school or at work, loss of prestige, unfair demands); - material difficulties , etc. (Martynenko, Encyclopedia of the Humanities, No. 1/2005, 139 – 141). This classification of motives is reflected in the differentiation of the verbal components of the targets of influence; the same signs of human vulnerability are realized verbally.
attraction stage is that the sender makes a message containing a communicative message for a specific action on the part of the addressee, attractive to the addressee. This includes the manner in which the message is presented; for example, an allusion to a popular / well-known television resource (show, film, television series, animated series, etc.), the presence of stylistic devices (language play, metaphorization, irony, pun, etc.), unusual form (poetic, “blank verse” ", haiku, etc.) and so on.
The stage of forcing the addressee to act may contain a call in direct or indirect form, as well as other forms of linguocognitive influence that can induce the addressee to perform certain actions that are the communicative goal of the message sender.
Let’s look at how such a scheme is implemented using the example of the “whales dying in puddles of gasoline” community.
So, the material under study is nine records of this community, which have the form of a creolized text . According to the definition of Yu.A. Sorokin and E.F. Tarasov, creolized texts are “texts whose texture consists of two inhomogeneous parts (verbal language (speech) and non-verbal (belonging to other sign systems than natural language)" (Sorokin, Tarasov, 1990, 180-181). Four entries refer to to teletext (that is, a frame from a movie or television program acts as a non-verbal component, and a corresponding quote from a given movie acts as a verbal component). The communicative effect is thus achieved through the interaction of two components - verbal (the text of the image) and non-verbal (the image itself ).
The verbal component is expressed as part of a complex sentence, since there is a coordinating conjunction “a”, which, being an adversative, expresses relations of opposition, inconsistency, and difference (Rosenthal, Telenkova, 1976, /1566/union). Thus, the “missing” part of a complex sentence is in meaning opposed to the existing part. This “missing” part will contain one of the targets of influence, individual for each individual recipient. In the mind of the recipient of the message, at the linguocognitive level, the “missing” part of the sentence is restored, which can be reduced to the general categorical attitude “My life is bad” (“My life is bad, but I don’t have the courage to commit suicide ”). For each individual recipient, the implementation of this categorical attitude is specified depending on the specific target of influence inherent in this recipient: personal and family conflicts - “ My parents don’t love me , and I don’t have the courage to commit suicide”; conflicts in the educational and professional sphere - “ I’m a loser , but I don’t have the courage to commit suicide,” etc. The sentence contains a direct reference to suicide - the use of the noun “suicide”. The non-verbal component – a frame from the popular television series “True Detective” – performs an attractive function, that is, attracting the attention of the addressee. The depicted character is one of the main characters of this television series, detective Rust Cohle, who adheres to the philosophy of pessimism, is lonely, and has experienced traumatic events (divorce, death of a child). He is a positive character who evokes sympathy and empathy in the viewer, which is an additional “anchor” for representatives of the target audience, the targets of which coincide with the targets of the character of Rust Cohle - personal and family conflicts.
The verbal component is expressed through dialogue. The first remark is an interrogative sentence: “ Do you often hate yourself?” " The semantic content, due to the qualitative adverb “often” (“occurring, repeating, appearing at short intervals” - Efremova, 2000, changes relative to the question “ Do you hate yourself? " The subject of the message is the component “you hate yourself”, and the rheme is a qualitative indicator – the adverb “often”. That is, the question itself already contains the proposition “You hate yourself,” all that remains is to determine how often. This formulation of the question is based on the use of the manipulative technique “deprivation of choice.” The answer to an interrogative sentence is constant, that is, “1. Without stopping; continuously. 2. transfer Without changing; invariably. 3. transfer Always” (Efremova, 2000, Again, the target of influence here can be any category - the recipient himself, at the linguocognitive level, depending on the existing target, speculates why he hates himself.
The verbal component is expressed by the sentence “ I am really looking forward to my death .” Adverb “very” - “1. Used as an amplifier for an indefinitely large amount of someone or something. 2. Used as an amplifier of the degree of manifestation of any properties, qualities, etc.; to a strong, to a high, to a large extent. 3. More than necessary; excessively (Efremova, 2000, - acts as an intensifier, enhances the semantic meaning of the verb “to wait” - “To remain in the hope of getting something desired” (Efremova, 2000, The nonverbal component is represented by a still from the television series “Shameless,” popular among teenage audiences. The heroine to whom this line belongs smiles. Smile - “facial expressions, lips or eyes, showing a disposition to laugh, expressing greetings, pleasure or irony, ridicule” (Efremova, 2000, - element of nonverbal communication, means of communication. Thus, a smile is a non-verbal signal that expresses a disposition to laugh, a good mood of the communicant; the heroine's smile is perceived as a non-verbal reinforcement of the meaning of the statement: expecting the desired result (death), the heroine is in a good, joyful mood.
The verbal component is represented by a complex sentence with an adversative connection; “step under the bus” is a description of a method of suicide, the ironic effect is achieved using another part of the sentence - “but he drove around me”: the conjunction “but” in this context denotes a condition under which the action of the first part of the sentence was not fulfilled. Nonverbal phenomena are also carriers of information. Signs of body language - posture, stance, gaze, posture - of the heroine are interpreted as a signal of bad mood, fatigue, indifference (stooping, untidiness, minimal expression of emotions through facial expressions and gestures). Slouching and a lowered chin is a “closed” pose; the heroine in this case demonstrates a reluctance to communicate. Also, stooping as a non-verbal sign is a sign of a person’s lack of self-confidence (Sternin, 2008, 39-51).
All of the above texts contain a common apperception base - that knowledge, that experience of speakers, which in one way or another can enter into communication during conversational communication, directly interacting with its verbal semantic-syntactic structure (in other words, the background knowledge of communicants). There are differences between general and partial apperception bases. The general apperception base is characterized by accessibility for all native speakers (or for a sufficiently large number of them). The partial apperception base unites a limited group of native speakers, the subjects of which are in some kind of relationship (professional, family, personal, etc.). (Shiryaev (Russian language in scientific coverage. - No. 1. - M., 2001, 132-147)). In this case, the general apperception base will be information that boils down to a complex psychological, life situation, expressed in the manifestation of basic problems - the very targets of influence. The main features of this kind of apperception base are, firstly, universality (any representative of the target audience faces these problems and has one of the targets of influence), and secondly, variability (each specific recipient has his own option or a set of options characteristic of him). An additional characteristic of the general apperception base for this kind of target audience is intertextuality (reference to certain precedent texts - television programs, animated series, books, films, etc.). The main task, therefore, for Internet communities of this kind is to attract the attention of the target audience - carriers of a common apperception base, as well as the implementation of the general categorical attitude “My life is bad” in Internet communication materials.
- Kopnina G.A. Speech manipulation (electronic resource): textbook. allowance / G.A. Kopnina. – 4th ed., rev. – M.: FLINTA, 2012. – 170 p.
- Martynenko A.V. “Suicide among youth,” Encyclopedia of the Humanities, No. 1/2005.
- Psychological Dictionary. 2000 (
- Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. — M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976,
- Sorokin Yu.A., Tarasov E.F. Creolized texts and their communicative function // Optimization of speech influence. M., 1990.
- Sternin I. A. Practical rhetoric: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments / I.A. Sternin. – 5th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing House, 2008. – 272 p.
- Efremova T.F. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000,
- Efremova T.F. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000,
- Efremova T.F. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000,
- Efremova T.F. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000,
- Efremova T.F. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000,
- Shiryaev E.N. Semantic-syntactic structure of Russian colloquial dialogue (Russian language in scientific coverage. - No. 1. - M., 2001. - P. 132-147).
- “Criminal Code of the Russian Federation” dated June 13, 1996 N 63-FZ (as amended on July 29, 2017) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on August 26, 2017) /cons_doc_LAW_10699/b04c6d0a71e4f060cc16fca73647db62dcc1b096/.
- “Criminal Code of the Russian Federation” dated June 13, 1996 N 63-FZ (as amended on July 29, 2017) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on August 26, 2017) /cons_doc_LAW_10699/bddefeedee59e3a0cd80ee378c510bee13dabeb0/.
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What factors influence the risk of suicide?
The following factors can provoke suicide:
- Social. In this case, the level of public morality is of particular importance. For example, according to statistics, people most often decide to commit suicide during economic or political instability. The risk of suicide increases if society is tolerant of this type of “problem solving.” In addition, cultural, ethnic, or religious characteristics may influence suicide rates. For example, suicide is less common in countries where such actions are considered a mortal sin.
- Medical. The presence of a chronic mental disorder or physical illness increases the likelihood of suicide. Suicide is often committed by people suffering from cancer or cardiovascular diseases. Suicides are also committed by people who have recently undergone surgery, are in severe pain, or suffer from injuries to the musculoskeletal system. But people with affective disorders such as depression or manic-depressive psychosis remain in first place.
- Age. The risk group includes persons aged 15-24 years, 40-60 years and over 70 years. Moreover, there are 4 times more suicides among men than among women.
- Income level. According to statistics, those at risk are people located at opposite ends of the social ladder. These are rich, educated citizens and poor unskilled workers. Middle-income people are less likely to commit suicide.
- Peculiarities of upbringing, marital status. Most often, suicide is committed by single people who have never been married. Divorced and married childless couples are also at risk. Traumatic childhood experiences may increase the risk of suicide. We are talking about physical and sexual abuse, early divorce or death of parents.
- Character traits. People with increased suggestibility, a pronounced sense of guilt, low self-esteem, uncompromisingness and maximalism are susceptible to suicide. The risk of suicide increases significantly with the loss of old values, changes in stereotypes, when a person simply cannot adapt to changed circumstances.
- Dependencies. There are many suicides among alcoholics, drug addicts and substance abusers. This is explained by the fact that psychoactive substances have a negative effect on the instinct of self-preservation. Accordingly, a person’s behavior becomes impulsive, and his ability to critically evaluate what is happening is reduced. In such a state, even a momentary impulse can push a person to rash actions.
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Who is at risk of suicide?
Any person can decide to commit suicide, even if loved ones describe him as strong-willed, strong and self-confident.
However, psychologists have identified the types of individuals most prone to voluntary death:
- Hysterical . Needs constant attention, admiration and reverence. As a rule, he chooses demonstrative suicide attempts and inflicts shallow cuts on himself. Counts on the fact that suicide will be noticed and stopped by others. Most often, a hysterical teenager takes such a step because of unrequited love. In addition, he may try to arouse pity and avoid serious punishment and responsibility for his actions.
- Epileptoid . He is often in an angry and melancholy mood, irritated, and experiences a strong feeling of hostility towards others. The epileptoid personality type is characterized by outbursts of anger and actions in a state of passion. Often commits demonstration suicide. For him, death is a way to take revenge for unfair punishment and dishonest actions of others. The suicide bomb boils for a long time, after which it suddenly explodes.
- Sensitive . People with this personality type are shy and fearful. They are shy, feel uncomfortable in society, and are prone to various phobias. To socialize, they wear masks and try to forcefully make themselves look cheerful and sociable. Failures in life and chronic fatigue become causes of suicide.
- Labile . Adolescents with a labile personality type are characterized by frequent mood swings. Any little thing can make them despondent, cause irritation or an outburst of anger. They are characterized by acute pre-suicide caused by some kind of trouble.
- Cycloid . Such suicidal people are characterized by periods of depression and apathy. There is not enough strength for simple everyday actions. Everything is falling out of hand. At this time, a person does not feel the desire for life and begins to burn out. Against the background of apathy, suicidal thoughts appear.
The financial situation of the family does not play any role. Suicide occurs among both poor and wealthy teenagers.
At risk are adolescents and adults with:
- unfinished suicide attempts;
- demonstrations of suicidal threats;
- tendency to self-harm;
- the presence of suicides among close relatives in the family;
- alcohol abuse;
- use of psychoactive substances;
- psychopathological syndromes;
- chronic diseases;
- experiences after the loss of a loved one (death of a relative, friend);
- pronounced family problems (divorce, constant quarrels with parents, misunderstanding in the family).
At risk for suicide are teenagers, as well as older people who have failed to accept their old age, changes in the body and chronic illnesses.
Types of suicide
There are two types of suicides:
- Demonstrative. In this case, the ultimate goal of a person is not to take his own life, but to attract the attention of others. Thus he calls for help. Usually such actions are committed impulsively. A person may be in a state of passion. At the same time, without finding sympathy and understanding, he may well commit suicide.
- True. The ultimate goal of a suicide is to take his own life. At the same time, he is not interested in public opinion, circumstances or the feelings of loved ones. Unlike demonstrative suicide, true suicide is a carefully planned, well-prepared event.
As a rule, suicide is preceded by a complex emotional state, which is a combination of feelings of helplessness, isolation, hopelessness, and personal unworthiness. It is this complex of experiences that pushes a citizen to commit suicide. At the same time, he sees suicide as the only possible way out of the situation.
In most cases, the period of preparation for suicide takes several days. However, some people may have this idea for several years.
Immediately before committing suicide, a person tries to complete all remaining tasks. We are talking about doing the following:
- debt recovery;
- cleaning the apartment;
- making a will;
- sorting documents;
- communication with friends and family.
A future suicide may show incredible generosity, giving away his fortune. Also, persons planning to commit suicide ask for forgiveness from those whom they have offended in the past. At the same time, they look extremely calm and peaceful.
How should teachers and parents deal with a suicidal teenager?
Tactics on how to deal with suicidal thoughts require constant attention to the suicide.
How can you help?
Listen to the person, let him speak.
During such conversations, you need to show empathy and calm, avoid outbursts of anger, scandals and hysterics. Support and care. Show the person that he is not alone. Be there for you in times of despair and anger.
Take the situation seriously. What is at stake is human life, not just grievances and demonstrations.
Talk about previous suicide attempts. Ask the person why he decided to commit suicide, after which such an impulse arose.
Discuss other solutions to the problem. Show that there is still meaning in life, the situation is solvable and prospects await the person ahead.
Ask if the person has a plan. How he wants to commit suicide, why he chose this particular method. It would not be amiss to dispel romantic ideas, for example, to tell that if she is poisoned with pills, the girl will not lie beautifully in bed, but will die in a puddle of her own vomit.
To sign a contract. Argue with the person, ask him not to commit suicide until a certain time.
Organize timely psychological assistance.
Constantly be nearby and not leave a desperate person alone with his thoughts.
It is forbidden
Ignore the situation, thinking that it will go away on its own with age.
A person may no longer live to reach this age. Show too strong emotions - shock, anger, panic, hysteria. Under no circumstances should you create a scandal.
Saying stereotyped phrases like “everything will be fine.”
Take a person weakly, thinking that he will not finish the job after all.
Devaluate problems, say “don’t worry” and similar phrases.
Making false promises.
Promise not to tell anyone. On the contrary, you need to notify your family and friends about a suicide attempt.
Leaving the patient alone for a long time, alone with suicidal thoughts.
In such a situation, it is important to keep a cool mind. Hysterics, tears and scandals will not help the patient in any way, but will only worsen the already deplorable situation.
Instead, it is important to make it clear that life does not end with problems, I am with you and will help you cope with all difficulties.
Responsibility for inducement to suicide
If one person pushed another to commit suicide, then he will receive punishment under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The preventive measure will depend on two factors:
- What actions were committed by the culprit. For example, he could persuade the victim or threaten her. In the latter case, the punishment will be more severe.
- Consequences. If, as a result of negative influence, a person commits suicide, then the punishment becomes more severe.
Regardless of the actions of the culprit, the crime is formal. That is, a citizen who encourages another person to commit suicide will receive punishment regardless of the consequences. He will be found guilty even if the victim comes to his senses and decides not to commit suicide. The crime is considered completed at the moment when an offer, threat or other reason to commit suicide is voiced.
If the perpetrator tried to induce another person to commit suicide through threats, abuse or systematic humiliation, then he will be charged with incitement to suicide. Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation specifies the following preventive measures:
- up to five years of forced labor;
- up to six years in prison.
A convicted person may also be prohibited from engaging in certain activities for up to seven years.
If the crime was committed with qualifying characteristics, then the culprit will receive 8-15 years in prison. In addition, he may be prohibited from engaging in certain activities for up to 10 years.
For inducement to commit suicide through persuasion, bribery, offers, or deception, the perpetrator is punished under Article 110.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If such actions did not lead to the death of the victim, then the punishment will be as follows:
- up to two years of restriction of freedom;
- up to two years of forced labor;
- up to two years in prison.
As an additional punishment, deprivation of the right to conduct certain activities for a period of up to three years is applied.
If there are qualifying characteristics, the measure of liability becomes stricter:
- restriction of freedom for 2-4 years;
- up to five years of forced labor;
- 5-10 years in prison.
An additional penalty is deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities for six years.
The most severe punishment under Article 110.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will be if suicide has taken place. In this case, the preventive measure depends on the number of victims:
- if one person died, the culprit will receive 6-12 years in prison;
- If two or more people are driven to suicide, the term of imprisonment will be 8-15 years.
The qualifying criteria in Articles 110 and 110.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are inclination to suicide of the following persons:
- minor;
- a person who is in a helpless state or financially dependent on the perpetrator;
- pregnant woman;
- two or more persons.
Also, the punishment is tougher if two or more people participated in the incitement or if the media, the Internet, or television were used to induce suicide.
Examples from judicial practice
Example one
Gr. A.A., while undergoing military service in the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, while holding military weapons at the guard post of a military unit, committed suicide. As a result of the investigation, it turned out that approximately 3 months before the suicide occurred, he was subjected to humiliation, regular insults and periodic beatings by colleagues, citizens B.N. and M.G. In connection with this fact, a criminal case was opened under Article 110, part two - incitement to suicide by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. The court examined the case and sentenced the perpetrators B.N. and M.G. to imprisonment for 8 years.
Unfortunately, there are often cases of people driven to suicide due to drugs. In search of money for the next dose, drug addicts get into debt and, unable to pay them off, commit suicide. On our website you can find out how drug propaganda is prosecuted and punished under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Suicide prevention
Preventive actions involve the use of a whole range of measures. First of all, we are talking about proper education with the formation of a negative attitude towards suicide. In most cases, suicide can be prevented with the timely reaction of the patient’s relatives and friends, because most often people decide to commit suicide due to loneliness.
Timely professional help can reduce the likelihood of suicide. Patients with suicidal tendencies undergo psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. Also, the help of a psychotherapist is important for people with depression, neuroses and various types of disorders. Such patients are prescribed antidepressants with a sedative effect. At the beginning of taking such drugs, the patient requires constant monitoring.
If a person has made an unsuccessful suicide attempt, he is examined by a psychiatrist. If there are abnormalities that can provoke a relapse, the patient is sent for treatment. Therapy depends on the causes of suicidal tendencies.
Dynamics of development of suicidal behavior
Before committing suicide, a person goes through several stages. At first, discussions about the meaning of life appear. The future suicidal person begins to ask questions “what is this all for?” You can hear phrases from him like “I’m tired,” “I’m tired of everything,” “I wish I wouldn’t wake up.”
A suicidal person does not get enough sleep. He often thinks about something and leaves reality. A person gradually loses interest in life and burns out. There is a decrease in cognitive abilities, apathy, and clinical depression.
Already at this stage, the patient needs timely psychological help. According to statistics, 70% of suicidal people give signals about their condition in one way or another and try to tell relatives and friends about their problems. However, such conversations are met with hostility, mistakenly taken for an attempt at blackmail, or ignored.
If a person does not receive help, he goes into the second phase. He begins to plan his death, select methods of suicide, place and time. At this stage, he can use the relevant literature and ask suspicious questions to the search engine.
In addition, the topic of suicide begins to appear in everyday conversations. There are constantly jokes and stories about suicide. Suicidal people often speak openly about their intentions. However, friends and relatives do not take them seriously, mistaking the information for peculiar humor or demonstrative behavior.
The third phase is active. If life does not improve, a potential suicide does not receive support from family and friends, he begins to implement his plan.
The period from the moment thoughts arise until the first attempt is called pre-suicide. It can occur in minutes (acute) or last for months (chronic).
You can still help the teenager at each stage. It’s enough just to pay attention to his problems, have a heart-to-heart talk and consult a psychologist. With attention and care you can save the life of a loved one. Indifference, ignorance and ridicule, on the contrary, only push him to a deadly step.