How to remove beatings, where should you go to record them?

There are often situations when it is necessary to know where beatings can be recorded in order to punish the criminal. It doesn’t matter how it happened - whether you were attacked on the street, there was a fight, or other situations. For the committed act, a person must still be punished. In this article we will look at how you can remove the beatings and in what time frame.

Important! If you are dealing with your own battery case, you should remember that:

  • All personal injury cases are unique and individual.
  • Understanding the basics of the law is useful, but does not guarantee results.
  • The possibility of a positive outcome depends on many factors.

general information


Battery is the commission of violent acts that do not entail serious consequences. In other words, these are bodily injuries caused to a person.

Battery is striking or performing any other type of violence under the following circumstances:

  • the actions caused physical pain;
  • the impacts are not isolated.


In order for the perpetrator's blows to be classified as battery, it is the actions that must cause pain, not their consequences.

Consider the concept of “bodily injury”

. This is a dangerous harm to human health, expressed in disruption of the normal functioning of organs and tissues of the human body.

Battery inflicted on a minor

Causing bodily harm to persons under the age of majority, from the point of view of the law, is a criminal offense for which various punishments are provided.

The name of the preventive measure applied to the perpetrator depends on the nature of the injuries inflicted and the degree of their severity:

  • Minor damage – up to 90 days in prison or a fine of 40 rubles;
  • Prolonged beatings – imprisonment for a period of 3 years;
  • Average battery is punishable by up to 5 years in prison;
  • Up to ten years in prison can be imposed for causing grievous harm.

Where to go to get relief from beatings?

First of all, to record the beatings, you need to contact the medical institution yourself or through the police duty station, where you will come to write a statement about the incident.


This procedure is mandatory in order to record an act against your person.

It is necessary to list all the beatings inflicted, indicate exactly how they were beaten, in what ways and means the injuries were inflicted. All the smallest details are important, even the pushes of the perpetrator and the insults he utters. That is, everything that relates to the beating and the accompanying circumstances.

How long does it take for beatings to be removed?

It is advisable to record and report the beatings immediately after they occur.

- in this case, it will be easier for law enforcement agencies to understand the committed act, and the attacker will not have time to escape or get rid of evidence of his guilt. It is better to obtain testimony immediately after the beating. If necessary, you can turn to friends, neighbors for help and file a police report. If by this time the victim has not yet undergone a medical examination, the district police officer can advise where the beating can be removed and give directions.


It is better to remove the beatings on the day of the harm caused to you.

Is it possible to withdraw a statement about beatings?

If the application has been submitted, accepted and officially recorded, proceedings will be initiated regarding the commission of an unlawful act. In this case, the person who submitted the application does not have the opportunity to take it back.

In this case, it is permissible to send an appeal to the departments with a request to terminate the paperwork based on the fact of the submitted report of beatings. It will also be accepted and considered, but this does not mean that the proceedings are automatically closed. Its termination is possible only if no violation of the law is revealed.

How to properly record a beating yourself?

Here the procedure is slightly different from the official one. Initially, you need to immediately go to the nearest emergency room (hospital), where you can record the beatings. This institution also provides first aid to the victim. After which you need to take a certificate that your doctor will write to you. As a rule, it indicates all bruises, wounds and mutilations, scratches received during the beating, and also indicates the time of treatment.

Having this document in hand, you can contact the police with a statement against the culprit. It records all the actions of the criminal and detailed events. After which it is necessary to undergo a forensic medical examination, where the beatings will be recorded. However, in this case, the examination is almost not carried out, since the conclusion is made on the basis of the provided certificate taken earlier from the hospital or emergency room.

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Where are the beatings filmed?

So, where are beatings recorded?

  1. You can prove the fact of beating thanks to a certificate from a medical institution, which confirms the incident. Such a certificate can be obtained at the emergency room at your place of residence, at the forensic medical examination office, or at a private clinic.
    You should go to the emergency room immediately after the beating. You can apply on your own, without an application.

    The on-duty traumatologist or surgeon will conduct an examination, examine all injuries, fill out a special certificate form, and indicate the severity of the injuries.

    He can give this certificate to the victim if the statement has not yet been written. If the beating is withdrawn when the statement is already in the police, then the certificate will not be handed over.

    The photographs and the doctor’s report will be sent immediately to the police department where the application was submitted. The service is free in public emergency rooms.

  2. The medical examiner's office can only be accessed by referral from the police. If you first write a statement, the policeman will issue a referral for examination.
    With this referral, you can go to a clinic or emergency room, or directly to the medical examiner’s office. If you go to the emergency room, then the certificate from there will be the basis for a medical examination report at the medical examination bureau. If you contact the bureau, a report will be immediately drawn up, which will serve as evidence in court.
  3. Private clinics can also issue a certificate of battery. In this case, the service will be paid.
    You can go to any private clinic. A traumatologist or surgeon will conduct a survey and examination and record all injuries. A certificate from a private clinic must be submitted to the medical examination bureau or the police department. Based on this certificate, the forensic expert will draw up a report, which is evidence in court.

In which medical institutions?

  • Any public clinic is required to record beatings, provided that the hospital has a practicing traumatologist or surgeon. Without these specialists, it is impossible to remove the beatings.
  • In emergency rooms there is always a surgeon and a traumatologist, since the main focus of this medical institution is trauma.
  • Private clinics also provide this service.

By law, any traumatologist or surgeon (the position must be no lower than a resident) can record the fact of beatings and issue a certificate. But an incorrectly filled out form may result in refusal to initiate a criminal case. Therefore, it is important to contact a competent specialist.

The emergency room can be refused only if a citizen behaves inappropriately, rudely and does not allow him to be examined. It is advisable to have the policy with you, or it should, in principle, be received by the patient.

Private clinics usually do not refuse examination. But a private clinic may have an internal charter that prescribes cases of refusal to provide assistance. Any reasons may be indicated there, at the discretion of the chief physician. Lack of insurance is not a reason for refusal. The SME Bureau, like the state. The clinic may refuse to examine drunk or rude patients.

Learn more about how to properly go through the procedure for removing beatings, as well as the timing.

How is the fact of beating recorded?


When conducting a forensic medical examination, not only all injuries to the skin, organs and fractures are described, but photographs are also taken that clearly indicate the presence and complexity of the harm caused.

At the same time, beatings may not cause serious injuries to a person or, on the contrary, they can be severe, especially with multiple blows. Severe beating and violence are classified separately. Only experts will determine how long the victim was struck or injured, which influences the conclusion.

Where to go to get relief from beatings

After a particularly brutal beating, associated with a concussion, broken arms and legs, an ambulance is immediately called. The doctor who arrives at the head of the team must record bodily injuries. In addition, at the ambulance station itself, an entry is made in a special journal about the time and date of departure of the team. After a severe beating, the victim is usually taken to the hospital (unless, of course, she refuses hospitalization in writing). In such cases, you no longer need to think about where to go to remove the beatings; the ambulance doctors will do everything themselves. In addition, they are required to report their departure to the local police department, and a local police officer must come to the hospital to see the victim.

In such a situation, it is recommended not to delay filing an application. Try to resolve the legal issue within a week. As soon as you feel more tolerable, go to the department and write a statement.

Removal of beatings in the emergency room - do you need a certificate?

It will be required in any case, since it is evidence of harm to health, it is necessary in court and is attached to the criminal case. In addition, the certificate can also serve as evidence of temporary disability. It indicates the type of damage, as well as the degree of harm caused, diagnosis, and moment of treatment.

The certificate can be issued by a surgeon or traumatologist if taken at a medical institution. In a formal examination, it is compiled by a forensic expert. You can also obtain it by contacting a paid specialist who has the appropriate license.


You need to know that a certificate from an emergency room will not replace a forensic examination (forensic medical examination). It serves only to determine the level of severity of damage caused to the body and records the consequences after beatings. It is valid only until the offender is brought to justice.

Passing a medical examination for weapons in Volgograd: addresses and reviews

This is limited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On Weapons” dated December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ. Current Russian legislation requires a license to store, carry and purchase weapons.

To do this, the patient will have to undergo a weapons medical examination in Volgograd and receive the appropriate certificate. There are many different reasons for receiving it and purchasing weapons:

  1. To carry out effective security activities.
  2. To renew your weapons license.
  3. For conducting and organizing special training and others.
  4. For hunting animals.
  5. To ensure the protection of yourself and loved ones.

A weapons certificate requires passing a commission called the Medical Examination of Citizens to issue a license to purchase weapons.

Actions of police officers after filing an application

After the application is completed and submitted to the police, the inspector makes a decision to initiate a criminal case within 10 days. This document must be handed to the victim for signature. If you are not satisfied with the decision, you can appeal it to a judicial authority or the prosecutor's office.

To do this, they collect all the certificates, the conclusion of the medical examiner, which records the fact of the beating, prescriptions and receipts from the pharmacy where the necessary medications were purchased. The victim has the right to demand compensation not only for treatment, but also for moral damage caused.


When undergoing an emergency medical examination, the presence of a medical expert is not necessary; he can give his opinion on the beatings received using a certificate from the emergency room, if he believes that it is quite sufficient. According to this certificate, the application will not be submitted to the court without confirmation from an expert.

Why is a post-assault examination necessary?

It is required not only to punish the criminal. The victim has the opportunity to demand compensation for both moral and material damage. To do this, you need to file a claim in court and provide supporting documents.

If you substantiate your demands inappropriately, your request may be left without special attention and may not be considered at all. Therefore, it is better to turn to professional lawyers for help.


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