Threats - what are they and where to turn if they threaten?

Punishable threat

Russian legislation provides for the possibility of bringing a person to criminal liability for intimidating another person. The defining article in this case is No. 119, which provides for a number of possible penalties. The Criminal Code contains several other articles that provide for the imposition of punishment if there is a threat in the actions of the criminal, as a separate type of crime. Several criminal offenses include intimidation of the victim as an element:

  1. Causing bodily harm.
  2. Extortion.
  3. Violent acts of a sexual nature.
  4. Robbery attacks.
  5. Kidnapping.
  6. Some other criminal acts.

Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

The crime has specific principles that make it possible to apply the classification under this criminal article:

  1. The intimidation is necessarily communicated to the victim.
  2. Expressed orally or in writing, using unambiguous gestures or showing weapons, on the Internet, or by telephone.
  3. The actual intentions of the offender do not play a decisive role. The main thing is that the threat is expressed.
  4. The victim considers the threat imminent.
  5. The threat may be politically or racially motivated against a social group.

Some nuances of the application of punishment are clarified in the new edition of the Criminal Code dated April 23, 2018.

The threat is not necessarily made in the presence of the victim. If the victim is threatened through other people, this is also a criminal act and should be punished. The method of transmission does not play any role; the actions of the criminal are still classified under the article in question.

If you are being intimidated remotely (by phone or online), the court will evaluate the personal characteristics of the criminal and the victim, and the level of relationship.

For example, intimidation by an aggressive neighbor next door with multiple convictions is perceived as real. The same cannot be said about threats from a stranger online.

Article for threats

If the attacker made a direct threat to kill or inflict bodily harm on another person, Article 119 of the Criminal Code provides for separate criminal punishment for the committed act. To initiate a criminal case, the victim does not have to submit an application.

Such crimes are not of a private nature and must be initiated when the fact of such a violation is established. This means that the victim of a crime will not be able to renounce the claims made if they were actually committed.

Specifics of Article 119 of the Criminal Code

If there are no legal grounds for the possibility of reconciliation of the parties or termination of the case on other grounds, the judge determines the presence of corpus delicti in the actions of the suspect and what punishment will follow for the unlawful act committed.

Specific examples of violations of information security and data access

Unauthorized access is one of the most “popular” methods of computer crime. That is, a person who makes unauthorized access to a person’s information violates the rules that are fixed in the security policy. With such access, they openly take advantage of errors in the security system and penetrate to the core of information. Incorrect settings and settings of security methods also increase the possibility of unauthorized access. Access and threat to information security are carried out both by local methods and by special hardware installations.

With access, a fraudster can not only gain access to information and copy it, but also make changes and delete data. This is done using:

  • interception of indirect electromagnetic radiation from equipment or its elements, from communication channels, power supplies or grounding grids;
  • technological control panels;
  • local data access lines (terminals of system administrators or employees);
  • firewalls;
  • error detection methods.

From the variety of access methods and threats to information, the main crimes can be roughly identified:

  • Password interception;
  • "Masquerade";
  • Illegal use of privileges.

Password interception is a common access technique that most employees and those involved in information security have encountered. This fraud is possible with the participation of special programs that simulate a window on the monitor screen for entering a name and password. The entered data falls into the hands of an attacker, and then a message appears on the display indicating that the system is not operating properly. Then the authorization window may pop up again, after which the data again falls into the hands of the information interceptor, and thus full access to the system is ensured, and it is possible to make your own changes. There are other methods for intercepting passwords, so it is worth using password encryption during transmission, and this can be done using special programs or RSA.

“Masquerade” method of threatening information is in many ways a continuation of the previous technique. The essence is actions in the information system on behalf of another person in the company’s network. There are the following possibilities for implementing the plans of attackers in the system:

  • Transmitting false data in the system on behalf of another person.
  • Getting into the information system using the data of another employee and further performing actions (with preliminary interception of the password).

“Masquerade” is especially dangerous in banking systems, where manipulations with payments lead the company to a loss, and blame and responsibility are placed on another person. In addition, bank clients suffer.

Illegal use of privileges - the name of a type of information theft and undermining the security of an information system speaks for itself. It is administrators who are endowed with the maximum list of actions; these people become victims of attackers. When using this tactic, a continuation of the “masquerade” occurs when an employee or a third party gains access to the system on behalf of the administrator and performs illegal manipulations bypassing the information security system.

But there is a nuance: in this version of the crime, you need to intercept the list of privileges from the system first. This can also happen due to the fault of the administrator himself. To do this, you need to find an error in the security system and penetrate it unauthorized.

Threats to information security can occur at a deliberate level during data transportation. This is relevant for telecommunications systems and information networks. Intentional infringement should not be confused with authorized modifications of information. The latter option is carried out by persons who have the authority and reasonable tasks requiring the changes. Violations lead to system rupture or complete data deletion.

There is also an information security threat that violates data confidentiality and secrecy. All information is received by a third party, that is, an outsider without access rights. Violation of confidentiality of information always occurs when unauthorized access to the system is obtained.

A threat to information security can disrupt the performance of a company or an individual employee. These are situations in which access to information or resources for obtaining it is blocked. One employee intentionally or accidentally creates a blocking situation, and the second at this time stumbles upon the blocking and receives a denial of service. For example, a failure is possible during channel or packet switching, and a threat also arises during the transmission of information via satellite systems. They are classified as primary or immediate options because their creation leads to a direct impact on the data under protection.

There are the following types of main threats to information security on a local scale:

  • Computer viruses that violate information security. They have an impact on the information system of one computer or network of PCs after they enter the program and reproduce independently. Viruses can stop the operation of the system, but mostly they act locally;
  • “Worms” are modifications of virus programs that lead the information system to a state of blocking and overload. The software activates and replicates itself every time the computer boots. Memory and communication channels are overloaded;
  • “Trojan horses” are programs that are installed on a computer under the guise of useful software. But in reality, they copy personal files, transfer them to the attacker, and destroy useful information.

Even a computer's security system poses a number of security threats. Therefore, programmers need to consider the threat of inspecting security system parameters. Sometimes harmless network adapters can become a threat. It is important to first establish the parameters of the protection system, its characteristics and provide possible ways to bypass it. After a thorough analysis, you can understand which systems require the greatest degree of security (focus on vulnerabilities).

Disclosure of security system parameters is considered an indirect security threat. The fact is that disclosing the parameters will not allow the fraudster to implement his plan and copy the information or make changes to it. The attacker will only understand what principles should be followed and how to implement a direct threat to the protection of information security.

At large enterprises, methods that protect information security should be managed by a special company security service. Its employees must look for ways to influence information and eliminate all kinds of breakthroughs by attackers. A security policy is developed in accordance with local regulations, which is important to strictly observe. It is worth paying attention to eliminating the human factor, as well as maintaining in good working order all technical means related to information security.

Assessing the reality of the threat expressed

The qualification of the crime in question is determined based on several parameters, the main one of which is the reality of the voiced threat. There is one feature that lies in how seriously the victim perceives the threats and believes in the reality of their implementation.

The environment and situation in which the attacker voices the threat makes it possible to determine the severity of the threat. One of the main criteria that indicates a real possibility of causing harm to life and health is the presence of a weapon or other objects that can harm a person.

Such items include:

  • Brass knuckles.
  • Bat.
  • Shockers.
  • Massive objects.

To recognize the threat as real, it is not necessary to use the listed items for their intended purpose. To bring them to justice, their demonstration while voicing a threat will be sufficient.

The attacker can commit actions against the victim that directly confirm the threat: causing bodily harm or strangulation. Such an act is full proof of the reality of the voiced threats.

To establish the crime, only the testimony of the victim is not enough. To reveal the whole picture of what happened, an objective assessment by police officers is required.

How to write a term paper on speech therapy

07.09.2010 262632

These guidelines are compiled to help students gain an understanding of the content and structure of coursework in speech therapy.

Logopedia of pedagogical science that studies anomalies of speech development with normal hearing, explores the manifestations, nature and mechanisms of speech disorders, develops the scientific basis for overcoming and preventing them means of special training and education.

The subject of speech therapy as a science is speech disorders and the process of training and education of persons with speech disorders.

The object of study is a person suffering from a speech disorder.

The main task of speech therapy as a science is the study, prevention and elimination of various types of speech disorders.

Coursework in speech therapy is a student's scientific and experimental research. This type of educational activity, provided for by the educational and professional program and curriculum, contributes to the acquisition of skills in working with literature, analyzing and summarizing literary sources in order to determine the range of insufficiently studied problems, determining the content and methods of experimental research, processing skills and qualitative analysis of the results obtained. The need to complete coursework in speech therapy is due to the updating of knowledge concerning the content, organization, principles, methods and techniques of speech therapy work.

As a rule, during their studies, students must write two term papers - theoretical and practical.

The first course work should be devoted to the analysis and synthesis of general and specialized literature on the chosen topic. Based on this analysis, it is necessary to justify and develop a method of ascertaining (diagnostic) experiment.

In the second course work, it is necessary to provide an analysis of the results obtained during the ascertaining experiment, as well as determine the directions and content of speech therapy work, and select adequate methods and techniques of correction.

So, let’s present the general requirements for the content and design of coursework in speech therapy.

The initial and most important stage of working on a course project is the choice of a topic, which is either proposed by the supervisor or chosen by the student independently from a list of topics that are consistent with the areas of scientific research of the department.

Each topic can be modified, considered in different aspects, but taking into account a theoretical and practical approach. Having chosen a topic, the student needs to think through in detail its specific content, areas of work, practical material, etc., which should be reflected both in the formulation of the topic and in the further construction of the study. It should be recalled that the chosen topic may not only have a purely theoretical orientation, for example: “Dysarthria. Characteristics of the defect”, “Classification of dysgraphia”, but also take into account the practical significance of the problem under consideration, for example: “Speech therapy work on speech correction for dysarthria”. It should also be taken into account that when formulating a topic, excessive detail should be avoided, for example: “Formation of prosodic components of speech in preschoolers of the sixth year of life attending a preschool institution for children with severe speech impairments.”

The course work includes such mandatory parts as: introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendix.

The text of the term paper begins with the title page . An example of its design can be seen here.

Then the content of the work is given, in which the names of chapters, paragraphs, and sections are formulated in strict accordance with the content of the thesis. An example of its design can be seen here.

In the text, each subsequent chapter and paragraph begins on a new page. At the end of each chapter, the materials are summarized and conclusions are formulated.

The introduction reveals the relevance of the problem under consideration in general and the topic being studied in particular; the problem, subject, object, and purpose of the study are defined. In accordance with the goal and hypothesis, objectives and a set of research methods aimed at achieving the objectives must be defined.

The relevance of the topic lies in reflecting the current level of pedagogical science and practice, meeting the requirements of novelty and usefulness.

When defining the research problem, it is important to indicate what practical tasks it will help to implement in training and educating people with speech pathology.

The object of research is understood as certain aspects of pedagogical reality, perceived through a system of theoretical and practical knowledge. The ultimate goal of any research is to improve this object.

The subject of research is some part, property, element of an object, i.e. the subject of research always indicates a specific aspect of the object that is to be studied and about which the researcher wants to gain new knowledge. An object is a part of an object.

You can give an example of the formulation of the object, subject and problem of research:

– The object of the study is the speech activity of preschool children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders.

– The subject of the study is the features of intonation speech of children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders.

– The research problem is to determine effective directions for speech therapy work on the formation of intonation expressiveness of speech in the system of correctional intervention.

The purpose of the study contributes to the specification of the object being studied. The goal of any research is to solve a specific problem. The goal is specified in tasks taking into account the subject of research.

The research objectives are formulated in a certain sequence, which determines the logic of the research. The research objectives are set on the basis of a theoretical analysis of the problem and an assessment of the state of its solution in practice.

The first chapter is an analysis of literary sources, which examines the state of this problem in historical and modern aspects, and presents the most important theoretical principles that formed the basis of the study.

When writing the first chapter, you should pay attention to the fact that the text of the course work must be written in a scientific style. When presenting scientific material, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements:

– Specificity – a review of only those sources that are necessary to disclose only a given topic or solve only a given problem;

– Clarity – which is characterized by semantic coherence and integrity of individual parts of the text;

– Logicality – which provides for a certain structure of presentation of the material;

– Reasoning – evidence of thoughts (why this and not otherwise);

– Precision of wording, excluding ambiguous interpretation of the authors’ statements.

A literary review of the state of the problem being studied should not be reduced to a consistent presentation of literary sources. It should present a generalized description of the literature: highlight the main directions (currents, concepts, points of view), analyze in detail and evaluate the most fundamental works of representatives of these directions.

When writing a work, the student must correctly use literary materials, make references to the authors and sources from which the results of scientific research are borrowed. Failure to provide required references will reduce your coursework grade.

As a rule, in coursework on speech therapy, references to literary sources are formatted as follows: the number of the cited source in the general list of references is placed in square brackets. For example: General speech underdevelopment is a speech pathology in which there is a persistent lag in the formation of all components of the language system: phonetics, vocabulary and grammar [17].

When using quotations, in square brackets, in addition to indicating the source number, the page number from which this excerpt is taken is indicated, for example: Speech rhythm is based on a physiological and intellectual basis, since, firstly, it is directly related to the rhythm of breathing. Secondly, being an element that performs a communicative function, “correlates with meaning, i.e. controlled intellectually” [23, P.40].

However, course work should not be of a purely abstract nature, so you should not abuse the unreasonable abundance of citations. Quoting should be logically justified, convincing and used only when really necessary.

In the second chapter , devoted to experimental research, the organization should be described and the program of the ascertaining experiment should be presented. The survey methodology, as a rule, consists of a description of several series of tasks, with detailed instructions, visual and lexical material, the procedure for completing tasks by experiment participants, and scoring criteria. This chapter also provides a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results obtained.

When analyzing the results of an experiment, it is necessary to use a scoring system. Examples of various criteria for quantitative and qualitative assessment are presented in the following works:

– Glukhov V.P. Formation of coherent speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. - M.: Arkti, 2002. - 144 p.

– Fotekova T.A. Test methodology for diagnosing oral speech of primary schoolchildren. - M.: Arkti, 2000. - 56 p.

– Levchenko I.Yu. Pathopsychology: Theory and practice. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 232 p.

In order to visually present the results obtained during the experimental study, it is recommended to use tables, graphs, diagrams, etc. Histograms can be used in a variety of ways - columnar, cylindrical, planar, volumetric, etc. An example of the design of tables, figures, and histograms can be found here.

The third chapter provides a rationale for the proposed methods and techniques and reveals the content of the main stages of correctional work.

The conclusion contains a summary of the material presented and the main conclusions formulated by the author.

The bibliography must contain at least 25 sources. The list includes bibliographic information about the sources used in preparing the work. An example of its design can be seen here.

In the application you can present bulky tables or illustrations, examination protocols, observation records, products of activity (drawings, written works of children), notes from speech therapy classes, etc.

The volume of one course work must be at least 30 pages of typewritten text.

In general, coursework in speech therapy is the basis for a future thesis, in which the study of the begun problem can be continued, but from the standpoint of a different approach or a comparative analysis of the disorders being studied in different age categories of people with different types of speech disorders.

The content and format of theses in speech therapy can be found here.


1. How to write a term paper on speech therapy: Methodological recommendations. Educational and methodological manual / Comp. Artemova E.E., Tishina L.A. / Ed. Orlova O.S. – M.: MGOPU, 2008. – 35 p.

2. Research work of students in the system of higher professional pedagogical education (specialty 031800 - Speech therapy). Methodological recommendations for completing the thesis / Compiled by. L.V. Lopatina, V.I. Lipakova, G.G. Golubeva. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, 2002. - 140 p.

Threats without punishment

Not every phrase about possible harm to life and health is punishable. Threats in which a person voices the possible infliction of grievous bodily harm and murder of the victim are subject to criminal legal assessment.

There is difficulty in establishing the level of threat at which it is necessary to initiate criminal proceedings. To correctly assess the situation, the content of the voiced threat is compared with the Rules for determining the level of harm caused, used when conducting a medical examination. Serious harm to health can be caused by:

  • Loss of an organ.
  • Complete or partial cessation of the functioning of one of the organs.
  • Loss of the ability to move independently.
  • Head injuries.
  • Bone fracture.
  • An irreparable disfigured face.
  • Penetrating injuries of internal organs.

To bring a person to justice, his words must contain a threat of physical violence, which will lead to one of the above consequences or death.

How to protect yourself

A person has the right to defend his life or health in the event of any aggressive attack from other persons. But such protection must remain within the framework of the law, so you should not come into conflict with an attacker. This, in the end, can provoke him to take active actions and lead to undesirable consequences.

If a person continues to threaten life and health, you should seek help from law enforcement agencies. And if it takes time to collect evidence, then you need to take self-defense measures yourself. For example, move, change phone number, etc. Many victims of such criminals hire specialists from security companies.

But the main thing still remains to bring the attacker to justice. If the victim knows his identity, then half the job is already done. It is more difficult when law enforcement agencies have to establish only by IP address or other data. It is even more difficult to punish an ill-wisher if the threat was one-time in nature and he no longer shows any aggression.

There is a difference between threat and attempt, but only lawyers, police officers, etc. know about it. For an ordinary citizen who does not have sufficient legal literacy, there is not much difference in the classification of the crime. The main thing is that the attacker is punished and isolated. Then he won't be able to do any harm.

Difference between attempt and threat

There is a difference between death threats and death threats. It is very difficult to correctly determine the elements of a crime in some situations.

An example is the following situation: neighbors of adjacent summer cottages had a fight over the adjacent territories. During the conflict, one of the participants in the dispute took his hunting rifle and, pointing it at his opponent, said: “Say goodbye to life!” Such a threat was perceived by the addressee as real. The situation can be classified under one of two articles, depending on the circumstances of the incident:

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  1. Threat of murder. If nothing prevented the attacker from committing murder, but he did not do it.
  2. Attempted murder. The reason for the undone murder was the intervention of third parties in the situation.

Nuclear reason

It all started at the Munich Security Conference on February 19th.
Speaking from the podium of this forum, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky announced that under certain circumstances Ukraine would have to give up its current nuclear-free status. To most experts, this statement seemed just an unsuccessful polemical attack or an empty bluff. The professional community has reasonable doubts about Kyiv’s ability to create a nuclear arsenal in the foreseeable future: for this, the country has neither the necessary experience nor adequate technological potential. However, literally a day later, Russian President Vladimir Putin promised that Russia would do everything possible to prevent Kiev from acquiring nuclear capabilities. Subsequently, the opinion was even expressed that the rhetoric of the Ukrainian leader became the reason for the start of a Russian “special operation”* on the territory of Ukraine.

Sample statement to the police

How to write an application correctly? This can be done according to the following example:

Head of Department of Internal Affairs Full name

From a citizen full name

Residing at

Region, cities, street, house, apartment

Statement of threat to life

Indicate the personal information of the person from whom the threat came. Describe in detail the course of events, indicating all the nuances. In what form was the threat voiced? List personal information, full name, contact numbers and other information of witnesses to the crime that occurred. Write the following phrase: “I perceive the threat of citizen N. realistically. There are the following reasons for this." Describe and list them all in detail. Based on the above information and for my protection from illegal actions, I ask you to take appropriate measures against citizen N.

Signature, date

If the intimidation comes from debt collectors

The largest number of proceedings under Art.
119 is associated with threats coming from collectors. According to the law, they do not have the right to frighten the debtor by using physical violence. Their powers include reminding the citizen about the existing debt to the credit institution, as well as the need to repay such debt. Sometimes debt collectors exceed their permissible authority and threaten the debtor.

In this case, the victim must report regularly received threats to the police. All calls from unknown numbers should be recorded on a voice recorder. The more evidence is collected, the easier it is to bring the perpetrator to justice.

If collectors personally come to the debtor’s apartment, try to break down the door or use physical violence against a citizen, then the police must be called immediately. At the same time, you should make an audio or video recording of what is happening, having previously warned the collectors about this.

Threats at a distance

The Internet is used for communication by both decent citizens and criminals. There is a problem with protecting personal data online. Information leaks are used by attackers to achieve their own selfish goals and cause harm to other users. There are a few simple rules that will help you avoid becoming a target of threats on the Internet:

  • Do not upload compromising photos and videos to the network or cloud storage.
  • Deny access to your profile on social networks to unknown persons.
  • Do not add profiles as friends whose information is hidden or unverified.
  • Do not conduct electronic correspondence on competent topics that third parties should not know about.

Compliance with all security rules does not guarantee complete protection against threats on the Internet. The law does not make an exception for people who have made threats to others via electronic communication or telephone. In any case, it is necessary to prove that the victim perceives the expressed threat as real.

An example of such a situation is the following: a girl met a young man on one of the specialized Internet resources and agreed to meet in person. After talking, the girl did not like the young man, and she directly said that she did not want to meet with him anymore. The refusal was taken as an insult and the young man began writing SMS and calling the girl with threats of murder and harm to her health. Such threats were expressed in broken limbs and an attempt to make her disabled.

Having written a corresponding statement to the police, she was refused to initiate a criminal case, but after several appeals the prosecutor's office initiated an investigation. The reason was that the young man had a criminal record for causing grievous harm to human health.

The most problematic thing will be to prove the reality of the threat, especially if the attacker voices it from a distance. If the victim provides sufficient information and data that indicate the validity of the charges and a real danger to his health, the perpetrators will be prosecuted.

Types of criminal acts

The moment that offensive behavior moves from a criminal act to a legal violation is bound to upset people who experience rude treatment and humiliation of their dignity.

According to the Administrative Code, the maximum that can realistically be received from an offender for an insulting attitude, if he is considered an ordinary person and not an official, is 3 thousand rubles. Civil servants and legal entities are charged 30 thousand rubles or 100 thousand rubles.

For offensive statements publicly towards an individual, demonstrated humiliation in public, in the media, sanctions are provided in the form of:

  • 5 thousand rubles per civilian.
  • 50 thousand from an official and legal entity.

The issue of whether a citizen’s offensive behavior on social networks will be public is quite controversial. Until a specific moment, the judicial authorities, when considering cases of abusive relationships expressed on the Internet, concern the category of public, equating various sites to the media. But today this practice is not considered.

The regulations of the Russian Federation do not directly indicate that insult using Internet resources is considered public. The only exceptions are news sites that have media status. However, there is a loophole. It is possible to register offensive statements on the Internet with a notary, which will make it easier and faster to prove guilt in court.

As for offensive remarks at work, most things here depend on the specific place the person works. If he is considered a representative of government agencies or an employee of military professions, then the culprit will have to answer for his actions under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The punishment consists of charging an amount of up to 40 thousand rubles, compulsory or correctional labor. This insult is only public.

At other times, liability for abusive behavior will only be administrative. The classification of an offensive act depends on whether it was in public or not.

Each threat can be spoken out loud, written in correspondence, voiced during a conversation on the phone or by another method. If they are repeated constantly, especially over the phone, it is necessary to write each expression into a voice recorder and save all SMS. This will significantly make the process of proving the guilt of the offender easier.


If there are no accompanying illegal acts when voicing a threat, such a crime is classified as minor. The following penalties are possible:

  • The most severe punishment is restriction of freedom for a period of two years.
  • Public works for a period of up to 480 hours.

If there was a motive of national hostility in voicing the threat, a punishment of five years in prison is provided. Insult may be a sign of more serious offenses, including grave and especially grave crimes. If, after voicing a threat, the victim is beaten, qualification of the act under Article 119 is not required. The criminal has implemented his plan, and responsibility for the crime committed will be determined by the actual infliction of bodily harm on the victim. When committing robbery, voicing a threat increases the maximum penalty to seven years.

If, during a robbery with the use of a weapon, a threat to life and health is voiced, this will be considered a qualifying feature and increases the punishment to 12 years in custody. If, in the process of intimidating the victim, the attacker demanded money from him, the criminal will be prosecuted under the article “Extortion”, with a maximum sentence of 15 years. Most often, such extortion occurs from illegally operating collectors.

What sources threaten information security?

If we describe the classification of threats that bypass information security protection, we can distinguish several classes. The concept of classes is necessary, because it simplifies and systematizes all factors without exception. The basis includes parameters such as:


Rank of intentionality of interference in the information security system:

  • the threat caused by personnel negligence in the information dimension;
  • a threat initiated by scammers, and they do it for personal gain.


Appearance Characteristics:

  • information security threat that is man-made and artificial;
  • natural threatening factors beyond the control of information security systems and caused by natural disasters.


Classification of the immediate cause of the threat. The culprit could be:

  • a person who discloses confidential information by bribing company employees;
  • a natural factor that comes in the form of a catastrophe or local disaster;
  • software using specialized devices or the introduction of malicious code into technical equipment, which disrupts the functioning of the system;
  • accidental deletion of data, authorized software and hardware funds, failure of the operating system.


The degree of activity of threats on information resources:

  • at the time of data processing in the information space (action of mailings from virus utilities);
  • at the time of receiving new information;
  • regardless of the activity of the information storage system (in the event of breaking ciphers or cryptoprotection of information data).

There is another classification of sources of information security threats. It is based on other parameters and is also taken into account during the analysis of a system malfunction or hacking. Several indicators are taken into account.

Actions when receiving threats

If a person hears a threat addressed to him and perceives it as real, he must do the following:

  • Make every effort to smooth out the conflict and resolve the problem peacefully.
  • Involve the maximum number of witnesses in the conflict who will provide assistance and call the police.
  • Collect and save all evidence of the threat: video, SMS messages, online correspondence and other data.
  • If threats are made over the phone, the conversation must be recorded.

What should the victim do?

You should not take lightly a threat made against a citizen. Potential victims should take steps to ensure their own safety. To do this, after receiving a threat against yourself or other people, you must immediately contact the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The statement states:

  • personal data of the applicant;
  • a description of the situation at which the threat was made;
  • the exact words that the victim took as a threat;
  • information about the person who made the threat, if this person is known to the victim;
  • other information that is relevant to the investigation.

At the end of the application, the victim’s handwritten signature and the date of contacting the authorities are placed.

The victim can contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs department independently or call police officers to the scene of the crime. Employees are required to accept the application and consider it within a period not exceeding 10 days.

If criminal intent is revealed in the actions of the offender, then a criminal case will be opened based on the fact of the complaint. If a criminal case is refused, the victim may appeal it to the prosecutor's office.

If the application is refused, the injured party may also contact the prosecutor's office or a judicial authority.

If the police do not take any action on the application, and the criminal subsequently translates his threats into actions, then the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will bear responsibility for this. They will face dismissal from service and trial.

Evidence of a crime

To prove a crime has been committed, it is necessary to collect all possible direct and indirect evidence:

  • Find out the personal information of persons who witnessed the threat being voiced.
  • If there were no witnesses in the process of making threats, and the attacker did not leave direct evidence of the crime committed, it is necessary to collect characteristics of the offender from neighbors and place of work.
  • Description of the attacker’s life, presence of bad habits. The suspect's constant aggression in life may become a reason for admitting his guilt.
  • The best evidence will be video or audio recordings.

By collecting irrefutable evidence, you can be confident in the successful outcome of the case.

Threats against judges, prosecutors and law enforcement officials

This is already Parts 1 and 2 of Article 296 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In fact, its wording is almost identical to Part 1 of Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and differs only in the special subject, which is the victim, and the additional threat to destroy or damage property. However, usually the act is limited to a threat to life or health. Intruders almost never encroach on property.

Taking into account the social status and lifestyle of the victims, the criminal can threaten them either during a meeting or investigation, or remotely. Most often, a crime is committed using a letter, SMS (if the attacker knows the phone number), or via the Internet. And yet, the bulk of such cases are initiated precisely after the victim receives a letter from the offender. For example, the prosecutor who supported the prosecution received a letter from the colony with threats from the convicted person (appeal ruling of the Sakhalin Regional Court in case No. 22-1306/2016 dated October 17, 2016).

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