How to check whether a person is wanted or not?
What does the concept of federal search include, the procedure and who is involved in the search?
A missing person is always put on the wanted list. Sometimes this search is initiated by police officers in relation to
Pick up your application
How to withdraw a statement from the police: in what cases is the action irreversible?
There are 2 reasons for withdrawing an application: reconciliation and the absence of a crime. Just give it like that
What to do if you fall for blackmail on Skype
Blackmail on Skype and VKontakte or a method of extorting money through virtual debauchery...
Skype is an amazingly convenient thing. Just a couple of clicks, and now you are chatting calmly
Article 80 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Article 80. Replacement of the unserved part of the punishment with a more lenient type of punishment
Article 80 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for the replacement of punishment (more precisely, the part that has not been served)
Theft under Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: punishment, changes and comments
Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Theft The most popular crime is theft (the main feature is secret
Article 42 upk
Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, Article 42 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation
One of the key figures in criminal proceedings is the victim. The main task of justice is to provide protection
Article 166. Wrongful seizure of a car or other vehicle without the purpose of theft
Responsibility for car theft under Article 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
ST 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Wrongful taking of a car or other vehicle without a purpose
Subject of the crime, criminal legal significance and features
Cheat sheet on criminal law. General part (7 pages)
– is important for the codification of criminal legislation. Based on the generic and specific object of the crime
How to write a report about a missing phone to the police?
Features of the crime Theft is the secret gratuitous alienation of property in favor of the criminal or a third party.
Art. 208 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation
Suspension and resumption of preliminary investigation
Art. 208 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation is a very significant article of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Her main
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