Responsibility for drug use of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation


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Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm to your health!

Every year, tens of thousands of people die or become incapacitated from drug addiction, and the vast majority of them are teenagers and young people under 30 years of age. This problem is so large-scale that it poses a real threat to the development of the nation and the entire future civilization.

  • Drug Use Statistics: Data Collection
  • Drug trafficking statistics
  • Drug Harm Statistics
  • Drug deaths
  • How many people die from drug addiction per year?
  • How many people die from drugs in Russia
  • How many drug addicts are there in the world?
  • How much substance abuse is there in Russia?
  • How many drug addicts are there among teenagers?
  • Drug addiction in the Russian Federation: the reason for the increase in the number of drug addicts
  • How to combat drug addiction in Russia: the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation

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In our country, problems with drug addiction became especially urgent in the 1980s, when there was a breath of freedom in society. Over the past 40 years, the number of addicts to psychoactive substances has increased tenfold, and the age of drug addicts is rapidly decreasing every year. Today we can observe disappointing statistics according to which thousands of children and adolescents die from the use of psychoactive substances.

Drug Use Statistics: Data Collection

Official information about how many people use drugs is based on the following sources:

  • Information from the Ministry of Health on the number of drug addicts registered or undergoing treatment in public medical institutions.
  • Data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on drug dealers caught and the amount of illegal substances seized.

Of course, official information is extremely insufficient to talk about the full picture of the number of drug addicts, since addicts are extremely not interested in anyone knowing about their problem. Most drug addicts do not recognize the problem until the extreme stages of addiction. But even those who want to undergo treatment are often afraid to go to the hospital, since registration threatens big problems at work and study.

Therefore, addicts who have not committed crimes and are not registered with state medical institutions remain outside the statistics. And also those who were treated or underwent rehabilitation in private centers, since most of them do not transfer information about patients to government agencies. Official statistics also do not include those drug addicts who use substances not included in the list of narcotic drugs.


According to official data, in 2022 the number of drug addicts decreased by 7.5%, of which the number of teenagers decreased by 24%. In total, according to data for last year, there are about 460 thousand drug addicts registered in the country. The authorities attribute the decline in surfactant consumption to an increase in living standards and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

But the real scale of the problem is much worse. According to the Federal Tax Service, there are about 6 million drug addicts in Russia, most of whom are young people from 16 to 30 years old.

The decrease in official statistics may be caused by the rapid growth in the number of private drug treatment clinics and rehabilitation centers, which have recently become increasingly in demand. The family of a drug addict is interested in them because people want to receive quality treatment for their loved one in a comfortable environment. The effectiveness of rehabilitation and its complete anonymity are what codependents are willing to pay money for and prefer to go to private centers. According to experts, the real percentage of addicts is approximately 7 times higher than official statistics.

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People often wonder whether they are imprisoned for using various drugs. Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand what penalties exist.

Drug use does not provide for criminal punishment; in this case, a person faces only administrative liability. The charge for drug use is quite lenient. It provides for short-term arrest or a fine. They cannot put a person in jail for this.

If a person uses psychoactive components without a doctor’s prescription, then this is classified in several articles:

  1. Article 6.9. Drug use at home. A person is subject to a fine of up to five thousand or detention for fifteen days. The article has a term of 1 year, so it is possible to receive a punishment after some time, if there is evidence.
  2. Article 20.20. A fine of up to one and a half thousand rubles is imposed for the use of illegal drugs in a public place. The article is valid for 2 months.
  3. Article 20.21. The use of prohibited substances makes it possible to punish a person for appearing on the street in a state of insanity. A fine of 500 to 1 thousand rubles is imposed. In certain cases, detention is imposed for 15 days.
  4. Article 20.22. The norm affects underage teenagers who use drugs anywhere, as well as their presence in improper condition in crowded places. The law provides for punishment of parents in the form of a monetary penalty in the amount of 1,500 to 2 thousand rubles. In addition, executive authorities can punish parents of schoolchildren and teenagers or guardians for negligent upbringing of children.

Punishment is provided if a person “under a dose” gets behind the wheel. In this case, an administrative fine and deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of one and a half years are provided. In case of repeated violation, criminal liability is assigned.

But not only a fine or a short term of arrest is provided for drug use. Punishment is permitted in the form of compulsory treatment in special clinics and registration at a drug treatment clinic. It turns out that there is no criminal liability for the use of narcotic substances in Russia.

Drug trafficking statistics

In 2022, all areas of the economy suffered due to the pandemic, but this situation allowed drug traffickers to significantly increase the volume of drugs they sell. General nervousness, disorganization of teenagers and young people due to distance learning, job cuts and attempts to generate income through the creation and distribution of narcotic substances - all these factors have led to a sharp increase in drug trafficking both in Russia and throughout the world.

Compared to 2012, over 8 years the volume of drugs seized from circulation in Russia increased by more than 3 tons. In 2022 it amounted to 35,600 kg. By comparison, this represents approximately 20% of global data on seizures of psychoactive substances.

Symptoms of drug intoxication

Drug addiction is a disease of our time. Quite a large number of people use a variety of drugs.

They all affect the body differently, but experts note several defining characteristics for all types of drugs:

  • the person’s behavior and appearance are similar to a state of intoxication, but there is no smell of alcohol;
  • consciousness changes, the addict may be in a trance or be too active and mobile, very often weed causes uncontrollable fun, laughter for no apparent reason;
  • a person’s mobility changes, gestures are chaotic, bright gestures are expressed, some drugs, on the contrary, cause lethargy and absent-mindedness;
  • Often the use of products can lead to a change in skin color, it becomes reddish or too pale;
  • when using herbal drugs, the eyes become shiny and red;
  • When using an opiate, the pupils narrow, in other cases they dilate.

Drug use has a detrimental effect on the body; even mild drug intoxication is strictly prohibited during pregnancy.

Drugs appear when a person does not know how to manage his free time. Therefore, for example, the army is considered an excellent option for developing discipline among young people.

Drug Harm Statistics

The most common cause of death among drug addicts is considered to be an overdose, which disrupts the functioning of internal organs and causes cardiac arrest or asphyxia. But often addicts die not only from the drug itself, but also from the consequences of its use, including:

  • changes in consciousness causing suicide or accidents;
  • withdrawal, in which the heart most often cannot stand it and fails;
  • with systematic use, serious chronic pathologies arise, leading to death;
  • HIV infection acquired from unsterile equipment;
  • close connection between drug trafficking and criminals.

Statistics on the harmful effects of narcotic substances:

The main reason for using illegal substances is still to obtain certain effects, such as:

  • Hallucinations
  • Brain fog
  • Euphoria
  • A sudden surge of strength
  • Feeling disconnected from the real world

It is from this description that the experience of using the most common prohibited substances is formed; however, their systematic use leads to the loss of these effects, and it is the desire to make up for them that becomes the reason for using an increasingly larger dose.

According to statistics in the world, the most deaths related to drug addiction were identified after:

  • CNS failure
  • Stroke
  • Destruction of tissues of internal organs
  • Infection with HIV through the use of unsterile syringes.

A survey among people who managed to survive and cure addiction noted that the majority of former drug addicts were left with multiple impairments: hearing, vision, speech, motor coordination; problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system and mental health (mood swings, depression, constant anxiety and paranoia).

Drug deaths

During perestroika, drugs in Russia were represented mainly by natural psychoactive drugs created on the basis of hemp, poppy, and cocaine. The majority of deaths among drug addicts were overdoses and AIDS infections due to the use of shared equipment.

The new millennium was marked by the increasingly rapid development of synthetic psychoactive drugs, the number of which is growing every day. They are characterized by a more aggressive effect on the body and the rapid formation of addiction. Most salts lead to irreparable disturbances in brain function and addiction after the first use. Mortality as a result of the use of synthetic drugs most often occurs as a result of exhaustion and necrosis of internal organs, such as the heart.


How many people die from drug addiction per year?

According to statistics, even those who use only soft drugs live no more than six years. Taking LSD allows you to live for about 3-4 years. The worst indicators are for heroin and salt addicts - on average, their life is shortened to one year, during which the high from the psychoactive substance will regularly be replaced by painful withdrawal.

How many people die from drugs in Russia

Drug mortality statistics for 2016-2020. shows that drug addiction kills about 70 thousand people annually, while about ninety thousand people officially start using psychotropic drugs every year.

When is there criminal liability?

In most cases, drug use does not end in one process. Often it continues with their storage and distribution. Many drug addicts make their own psychoactive substances.

The following is considered a violation of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. Spreading.
  2. Planting and growing prohibited plants that affect a person’s mental state, these include marijuana, anasha, and hemp.
  3. Manufacturing.
  4. Inclination to use.
  5. Transportation.

In addition, extortion and theft of drugs are considered a violation of the law. All these actions threaten human health.

The listed violations are considered crimes. Penalties are provided in the form of large fines. In some cases it may be equal to 1 million rubles. The term of imprisonment is set from 4 years to life imprisonment. It all depends on the severity of the article.

How many drug addicts are there in the world?

World drug statistics say that every twentieth person has tried narcotic drugs. This is approximately 250 million people. Of these, 78% are active drug addicts.

The average age of drug addicts is in the range of 15-19 years. Among them:

  • 20% are schoolchildren from 9 to 14 years old. Among them, younger children are increasingly appearing;
  • 60% of young people are from 16 to 24 years old;
  • 20% are people 25-30 years old and older.

The number of adult drug addicts is quite low, since most addicts who started using at the age of 15–20 simply do not live to see their thirtieth birthday.

How much substance abuse is there in Russia?

According to statistics, the level of substance abuse is steadily declining. Today, the number of drug addicts who choose this type of drug is about 50 people per 1 million population, while at the beginning of the century this figure was approximately 150 people per 1 million. The reason for this phenomenon is only that today other methods of consumption are more relevant, and substance abuse is becoming “unfashionable”.

If we analyze the statistics of drug addiction by method of use, then injection will be in first place (about 80%).

How many drug addicts are there among teenagers?

The modern trend towards rejuvenation of drug addicts leads to the fact that even children 6-7 years old are starting to take up drugs. Illicit drugs are increasingly being found within the walls of educational institutions, but their main distribution occurs in recreational areas for teenagers - discos, clubs. At the same time, children themselves often become dealers, who involve their peers and younger comrades, hoping to get rich or under the influence of adults, without fully realizing all the possible consequences of such earnings.

The latest statistics on drug addiction among adolescents in Russia indicate that this problem is extremely acute today:

  • More than half of the boys and 1/5 of all girls studying in middle and high schools have tried psychotropic drugs at least once.
  • Among adolescents aged 13 to 16 years, 40% of boys and 16% of girls continue to use drugs periodically or regularly.

Drug addiction in the Russian Federation: the reason for the increase in the number of drug addicts

When analyzing the available data, the increase in the number of drug addicts in Russia is due to the following factors:

  • Availability of psychoactive substances. The development of communication methods makes dealers virtually invulnerable.
  • Among young people, the phenomenon of polydrug addiction is actively developing - that is, the use of different drugs in search of new sensations.
  • New drugs appear so quickly that government agencies often do not have time to classify new drugs as prohibited.
  • Rapid growth in the number of drug addicts among the female population.
  • The rapid spread of drug addiction among socially prosperous sections of society.
  • Weak authority of adults over teenagers, which is why measures to promote a healthy lifestyle and preventive measures to prevent drug addiction are weakened.
  • People are convinced that drug addiction is incurable and all measures for an established addict are meaningless.
  • Lack of development of medical research on the treatment of drug addiction.
  • Combining the rehabilitation of drug addicts with the treatment of mental patients within the same institutions.

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