What is the difference between a beholder and a beholder? Who is the beholder? Sometimes it happens

prison watcher

As we all know, in prison there are informal rules and norms of behavior that should not be neglected by a newcomer or “first mover” in the jargon.

In places of deprivation of liberty, a person’s life is often regulated by the “thieves’ law.” These are unwritten rules and norms of behavior in of thieves or in prison.

Just like in freedom, according to the “thieves’ law,” each prisoner has his own role, he has specific rights and responsibilities. The convicts belong to different classes, stripes and castes. The watchers in this hierarchy are the elite, privileged class or suit.

The “supervisor,” according to the prison code, is an authority in the criminal world: a thief or “thief in law,” appointed to his position by a more authoritative thief in law. He has the right to deal with “thieves’ issues”, is responsible for compliance with “thieves’ laws” and the situation as a whole in a certain place (city, city districts, in camp detachments and in prison cells.

If there are no thieves in the prison at a certain point in time, an envoy from the thieves’ environment can be sent there, strictly monitoring the convicts’ compliance with the “prison rules.”

The beholder is given authority through a “malyava” or note in which the authoritative thief approves the candidate. This note is usually transferred from outside to prison to local authorities among the convicts.

The observer assumes the fullness of informal power upon himself. In prisons and correctional colonies, he is responsible for implementing the rules of the world of thieves, acts as a link between the administration and convicts, smooths out conflict situations and rules the common fund.

Naturally, the beholder has a group of close people, “his own”. This includes “militants” who keep the authority of the beholder afloat, an assistant - the manager of the “common fund” who monitors the convicts, in addition, there may even be an expert on “concepts” (thieves’ rules).

The “supervisor” can be in partnership with the administration of the correctional institution (this is relevant for the “red” zone), or be “in denial” (refuse to cooperate, as a rule, in the “black” zone).

After the “looker” is released, “the holy place is never empty” and another person takes his place. It was rare, but it also happened that due to a lack of personnel among thieves, the “supervisor” remained in prison for some time.

Who can become a beholder?

According to some reports, the watchers appeared on the initiative of the most authoritative thieves around the 80s of the 20th century in the prisons of the Krasnodar Territory. As the name suggests, this social group was created as an internal management unit, which was designed to maintain order among prisoners.

At the same time, the seriousness of the mission assigned to the class always implied the presence of strict requirements for candidates for the “position”. So, the beholder must:

  • To be from the top layer of the criminal hierarchy.
  • Preferably be at least 25 years old.
  • Be respected among the majority of prisoners in the criminal community in which he is appointed as a supervisor.
  • Be sentenced to prison at least once (that is, must have prison “experience”). Moreover, the article under which the thief was previously convicted must be respected in the criminal environment (for example, crimes against the person, theft, robbery).
  • Be able to resolve any conflicts.
  • Lead a criminal lifestyle while free. That is, the observer cannot be one of those who served in the army, worked in public service, participated in socially useful events, etc.
  • Be able to communicate with the administration of the correctional institution.
  • Strictly observe his duties and not do anything that could destroy his authority.

Discussions: Pologenets

This is an unfinished article. Appointed thief in law. This all happens smoothly if there are no other candidates. Or, if there is a connection with the rest of the prison, then a higher authority - the one overseeing the prison - is asked for this appointment. You cannot say “my house is on edge,” if chaos occurs in your presence, you must intervene, even if the forces are unequal.

Nobody thinks about who needed this war, other wars and why. Why did the German army reach Moscow, and then the USSR army reach Berlin? The trial of political prisoner Yuri Rubtsov has ended in the Pruzhany District Court. Who creates and for whom do puppet political regimes work in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine...

Functions and hierarchy of beholders

They perfectly make it clear who the beholder is and the functions that are assigned to him. So, among the general responsibilities:

  • Promoting a criminal lifestyle among “new arrivals.”
  • Ensuring that each prisoner fulfills his or her responsibilities within the prison community.
  • Distribution of prisoners by suit.
  • Dispute resolution.
  • Solving business issues.
  • Common fund control.
  • Communication with the administration.
  • Ensuring that life in the section of the prison allocated to him for control goes “according to the rules,” etc.

However, the specific tasks that “managers” face depend on their place in the prison hierarchy.

Classification of beholders

  • Supervisor of the zone. The most important observer is the “positioner”. The most authoritative and strong-willed, with connections with thieves in law. Resolves the most important and complex issues relating to the prison dormitory of all prisoners.
  • The person in charge of the camp’s “common fund” is the right hand of the previous authority. Responsible for the supply of food, cigarettes, things to the camp, distribution and expenditure of general funds.
  • Supervising the isolation ward, the security detachment and the high security barracks - the “roof”. These divisions of the prison are among the most conflict-prone, and therefore older, experienced prisoners who know how to properly behave as an intermediary between prisoners and the prison administration are selected to look here.
  • Quarantine Warden is a prison department in which newly arrived prisoners are kept for a period of time. The supervisor here not only resolves economic issues and manages the prisoners, but also distributes the “newcomers” by suit. That is, in fact, it determines their future fate in the zone.
  • Supervisor of the sanitary unit.
  • Supervisor of the dining room.

There are also watchers in each separate building, in each cell.

Watchers on the loose

Based on the general information about “watching the prison,” “watching the area,” and “watching the city,” we can conclude that this use of the word came into common vocabulary from prison jargon. But besides this, the word “beholder” began to be often used in people’s everyday lives. For example, in some regions of Russia the word “supervisor” is used to mean “the head of the house”, or “the head of the entrance”. The official name, of course, is this, but there are also cases where they are briefly called “house watcher” or “entrance watcher.” These names for ordinary law-abiding citizens do not carry any offensive meaning, but still, the use of these phrases is increasingly common in our country. The decoding of this word in the context of a house or entrance implies that “the senior at the entrance (the person looking at the entrance)” or “the senior at the house (the person looking around the house)” are the guardians of the silence and well-being of the residents. All necessary information regarding life and safety should, first of all, come from the elders (“those looking around the house or entrance”).

prison watcher

All three concepts – “watcher in prison”, “watcher of the area” and “watcher of the city” are today actively used in Russian prisons. Other concepts and phrases are accepted abroad, but their meaning is absolutely the same as in our country. All the “watchers” are intended to ensure that order between the prisoners themselves is always maintained. Also, do not forget that the use of the word “supervisor” is, by and large, applied in the territories of the prison and zone. In ordinary life you rarely see this word, only in exceptional cases. Therefore, when you mention “the one who looks after the prison,” “the one who looks after the area,” or “the one who looks after the city,” it immediately becomes clear what the next topic will be about. Inside the prison, these phrases are well known both to the staff of correctional colonies and to the prisoners themselves. Therefore, they all do not need to specifically study the meaning of each phrase, and within the “prison collective” it immediately becomes clear who is what.

Boris Torkhin for Blatata.Com

Who appoints the watchers?

The magistrates are usually appointed either by the most authoritative thief of the region/district where the prison is located, or by the previous magistrate. In rare cases, the prisoner takes on this position on his own, having proven to the prison community that he has the status required for this in the criminal world.

Other overseers are appointed either by more senior authorities, or by the governor, or are chosen by a general prison vote.

Anyone can go to places of punishment. Sometimes you don't have to commit a crime to do this. You can end up in a temporary detention center by mistake, being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

When entering the zone, you need to understand that the laws that apply in the wild do not apply there. The existence of a criminal supervision administration represented by the head of the prison, guards and other employees is not an authoritative authority for convicts.

The criminal world has its own special hierarchy that you need to know. This will to a certain extent help you behave correctly and not get into a conflict situation.

In this article, we will look at the main categories of the prison hierarchy and, in particular, we will describe in detail who the guard in the zone is.

Who appoints the watchers

Most often, the prisoner is appointed by the most authoritative thief of the region where the correctional institution is based. Often this appointment is made by the previous position. There are cases when the beholder nominates himself. This happens when a prisoner who has taken the initiative successfully proves to the prison community that he has sufficient experience and the necessary status in the criminal world. The rest of the watchers are either appointed by senior authorities at the hierarchical level, or chosen by the governor, or by a general vote of members of the prison community.


The concept of "position"

So, what does the word “positioner” mean in jargon?

A prisoner is a convict who plays the role of a thief in law in prison.

As a rule, he is appointed by these thieves. The incumbent must be honest and fair.

Based on the name, it is clear that the position must be responsible for the position in the zone. This means that it is he who controls the observance of conceptual order.

Pologenets is the penultimate step in the criminal hierarchy, after which comes only the thief in law

. Every day he must prove that he is worthy of the status of thief in law. With impeccable behavior, the incumbent achieves supreme power.

As a general rule, only a person who has served in the army can be a position holder. It is this condition that does not give them the right to become thieves in law. Giving an oath to the Motherland does not allow one to take the position of the main thief.

However, as of 2022, a trend can be noted according to which a large number of thieves in law still have a military background. These include Diplomat, Vova Pitersky, Timur Saratovsky and others.

According to the order of appointment, positions can be of two types:

  • From a thief
    - an authoritative tramp over 40 years of age who enjoys great authority, but does not strive to take the place of a thief in law. He is elected to his position by a thief in law.
  • Before the thief
    - a prisoner assigned at the transfer or in prison by fellow transport workers. Malyava's request for approval of his candidacy is immediately sent to the thieves in law, who must make a positive or negative decision.

As a rule, thieves still approve the candidate with their letter of approval. The pass, after receiving it, travels through the cells for familiarization with all prisoners.

At the same time, the Pologians are still considered younger brothers in life, since only thieves in law are recognized as elders.

The overseer is a prisoner in charge of a certain territory

. As a rule, they monitor a specific camera or “house”. They can also control camp barracks or buildings in the isolation ward.

The main difference between the observer and the prisoner is that the observer is one step lower in the prison hierarchy than the prisoner.

Most often, it is the police officer who appoints those looking at each camera. Less commonly, the overseer is elected at a meeting of prisoners in the same cell. The first case is more reliable, since the candidate comes from outside, without giving rise to conflicts within the same house.

The guards keep order in the cell, resolve conflicts and other problems. He is the so-called independent arbiter in disputes within the team. If the controversial situation is not resolved by the supervisor, it is referred to the supervisor for consideration.

Unlike the overseer, the prisoner controls the entire prison institution. This could be a settlement, a colony or a temporary detention facility. He delegates control over each hut to those in charge.

The prisoner interacts with the prison administration more often than the warden, transmitting requests from prisoners.

In prison everyone lives according to the rules

. But this set of rules of conduct and order in the zone has no legislative support. These are unwritten rules.

It is extremely difficult to become familiar with the concepts without being in the zone. Even if it seems to you that the hierarchy and rules of life in prison are clear and understandable, this does not mean that everything happens exactly like that in the zone.

In each prison and each individual prisoner interprets concepts as he sees fit.

It is difficult to prepare for life in prison, and it is absolutely impossible to decide in advance what role the prisoner will play there. But it is advisable for everyone to know the basic principles of life behind bars. After all, no one is safe from prison or loss.

Hello Vitaly. Every house has a watcher, but how do you become one? Do the inmates choose on their own initiative, or is the person in charge of the entire “institution” appointed? I wish you good luck, Sergey

All options are possible. Usually, the observers ("positioners" - i.e. those who are responsible for the "position" - compliance with the conceptual order) of cameras become, so to speak, "by default" - i.e. this place is taken by the most worthy - either he himself begins to behave like a leader, or he is asked to take it upon himself. Often this person becomes the old overseer appointed before leaving the cell.

This all happens smoothly if there are no other candidates. Otherwise, things may come to an open conflict, and if no one gives in, there may even be a vote among the lads or, depending on the hut, all the “normal” boys (which includes both the lads and the “correct” men). Or, if there is a connection with the rest of the prison, then a higher authority - the one overseeing the prison - is asked for this appointment.

Intermediate level supervisors (for example, those behind the building) are usually appointed, with their consent, to oversee the prison, although this also depends on the connection. The highest position, as a rule, is elected by a particularly authoritative gang, but it can also be appointed from the outside by a thief or overseer of the region. If such an authority goes to prison, he automatically becomes a prisoner.

It must be said that the official has not so many rights as duties - he is responsible, right up to his life, for preventing lawlessness, the correct application of concepts, roads, relations with the administration. It must also be said that everyone who claims to be called decent prisoners is responsible for the chaos in the house, and throughout the prison. You cannot say “my house is on edge,” if chaos occurs in your presence, you must intervene, even if the forces are unequal. Otherwise you become an accomplice.

Hello, Vitaly, Interesting site, but, unfortunately, there is no search (we will fix it). Do not refuse the courtesy to tell us what to do and how they actually deal with rats. Thank you. Paul.

Rats, i.e. those who steal from their own are the lowest and most shameful class. Anyone caught in ratting has a straight road to the downtrodden or pigs - they wash the bucket and do all the dirtiest work. No one has the right to communicate with them; as a rule, they are not allowed to sit at the common table; if possible, their recognition as a rat is announced throughout the prison. Previously, they could have killed. In my time, in the prison camp they would put people like this on stools, and the entire barrack would be walked over the back with wet, twisted towels. If this is a hundred people, then you can imagine - one day they simply killed.

Good day, Vitaly! I have the following questions. Are prisoners in pre-trial detention centers already divided into suits? And how can you tell by behavior or appearance which suit someone belongs to? It’s somehow inconvenient to ask on a date, especially since there is something else to talk about besides this. And is the time spent in a pre-trial detention center included in the time limit? Best regards, Olesya.

In the pre-trial detention center there is no clear division into colors - there are decent prisoners and others. The latter include those who are offended and dejected, pigs (who do not take care of themselves), and rats who are caught snitching. Decent prisoners are divided into lads and men, but this division usually occurs already in the zone - in prison little attention is focused on this. In appearance, one can only distinguish pigs because of their unkempt appearance.

The time spent in pre-trial detention centers and pre-trial detention centers is included in the time limit.

In modern society, it is not customary to divide people into any groups, classes or castes. However, this rule does not apply to places of deprivation of liberty, where for many decades there has been a strict classification of convicts into unique groups (or, as they say in the zone, suits).

people, what does the word POSITION mean????

According to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova, in the period from 1993 to 2001, six “thieves in law” were appointed in each region in each region. Obshchak - See also other meanings. He is one of the first authorities in our science. Wed. Dignity and Expertise. It must also be said that everyone who claims to be called decent prisoners is responsible for the chaos in the house, and throughout the prison.

Their responsibility includes not only stopping lawlessness, but also replenishing the common fund. The word "looker" refers to a slang word used in the prison or criminal world. This is a kind of appointment. The most important of all appoints a supervisor to ensure that certain unwritten rules in the prison are followed.

Each cell (hut) has its own overseer, in other words, a commander over everyone. His task is to maintain and ensure order in the cell, stop lawlessness, punish, resolve conflicts, etc.

If there is no thief in a colony or prison, then he is sent there from freedom for the same purpose - to be an observer. Prison implies its own very special community of people. Here, as in any other social environment, there are classes – “suits”. Read about who gets the right to belong to a given suit, what rights and responsibilities these prisoners have.

They profess the law of thieves and are candidates for vagrants, prisoners, etc. Increased status, i.e. the transition from one suit to another is extremely rare and difficult, and for some categories (offended, omitted, roosters, goats) is completely impossible.

Prison suits

Zone suits are the division of all prisoners into unique groups that differ from each other in prison status, rights and concepts.

In absolutely any prison or colony, there is a clear distinction between all prisoners into certain groups or stripes: “thieves”, “men”, “goats” and “roosters”. There are also so-called intermediate groups, which vary depending on the specific place of deprivation of liberty. Such “intermediate” castes include “roosters”, “lowered”, “offended” and others.

The suits in the zone are fairly closed groups, and it is almost impossible to move from one caste to another.

"Authorities" of the zone

The most significant, important and honorable suit in the zone is “thieves”. This caste is the smallest, and you can’t just get into it. So, who is the “thieves”?

“Blatnye” are real, almost unlimited power in the zone. It is the members of this group who establish the unwritten rules of behavior in places of deprivation of liberty, monitor order in the zone, resolve conflict situations that arise between prisoners, and punish the “offenders” to the fullest extent of prison law.

A special group of “thieves” are the so-called thieves in law. These are recognized ones. Moreover, they do not necessarily have to trade in thefts. A “thief in law” is a person who has an impeccable criminal reputation, correct concepts and strictly adheres to

If you answer the question about,

who is such a “thieves”, then we can say that he behaves “correctly” not only in the zone, but also did not have any “jambs” in freedom. For example, “thieves” should not serve in the army; when free, they should not hold leadership positions or work in the service sector (taxi drivers, waiters). In Soviet times, such authorities were prohibited from having a family or being a member of any political party.

How to become a "statist"

Not every prisoner can receive this status in a zone or in prison. To do this, you need to undergo a thorough check by authorities and meet a number of mandatory requirements. During the Soviet period, only prisoners who had no experience of serving in the army or police and who did not have any contacts with the current government could become one. Candidates for obtaining the status must be correct “legalists”, strictly adhere to thieves’ concepts and have experience in prison, be honest and make fair decisions in disputes between prisoners. It is advisable that they be over 25 years old. However, now these rules are very often ignored.

There are two ways to obtain status: to become an appointee of thieves in law or to be elected by prisoners. The first option is practiced in zones and prisons, the second in transit. In the latter case, the candidacy of the person chosen by the prisoners being transferred must be approved by the thieves in law.


The leader of the "thieves" is the "godfather" - a recognized criminal authority. If there is no such person in the zone, then a “supervisor” is appointed - a prisoner who performs the functions of a leader.

The “godfather” and his associates (that is, the “thieves”) have special privileges in the zone. They may not work and keep whatever they deem necessary from the common fund.

In the modern world, many “thieves” in the zone interact with the administration and establish those orders that are beneficial to the leadership of the colony. In return, the “thieves” are given comfortable living conditions (they secretly receive alcohol, marijuana, telephones and other benefits). Although this does not correspond to thieves’ concepts, market relations now reign in the zone.

Who is "the man"?

“Men” are perhaps the largest and most neutral group of prisoners. It includes prisoners who received sentences for committing minor crimes. As a rule, these are completely random people in prison: having entered the zone once, they try to get free as quickly as possible and return to normal life in the wild.

Among the “men” there are, of course, prisoners whom the “thieves” respect and even listen to their opinions.

This group of prisoners is considered neutral and quite large. And if we talk about who a “man” is, this is the prisoner who, at the end of his sentence, will forget everything like a “bad dream” and will try not to return to the zone again.

"Goats" is...

If it is an honor to belong to the two stripes described above, then to be included in the caste of “goats” means to put yourself against the rest of the prisoners. As a rule, this suit includes those prisoners who, of their own free will (and in some cases, under duress) began to cooperate with the administration of the correctional institution.

So, if a prisoner agreed to take the position of a prison librarian or caretaker, then he automatically fell into the caste of “goats”. Convicts belonging to this suit actively cooperate with prison management, carrying out all their instructions. In this regard, the rest of the prisoners treat them as traitors.

This situation deprives the “goats” of the right to participate in prison disputes, they are not allowed to enter the “common fund”, they do not have the right to vote. Meanwhile, you can greet representatives of this suit, you can touch them and, if desired, you can communicate with them.

You wouldn't wish it on your enemy

The suits in the zone are unchanged. You cannot move from a lower caste to a more authoritative one. So, a “goat” will never become a “man” or a “thieve.” But you can get into the lowest caste.

A suit like “rooster” is a real nightmare for a prisoner. For prisoners who fall into this caste, life in the zone is not easy, to put it mildly. This group of prisoners is also called “offended”, “dismissed”, “untouchables”. This suit includes passive homosexuals and prisoners punished by having sexual intercourse with them. Moreover, the sexual act itself may not take place: the prisoner can simply pass the genital organ across the lips, and from that moment on he will be considered a “rooster.”

Representatives of this suit are outcasts: you cannot touch them, you cannot take anything from them. “Roosters” use separate utensils and have a separate sleeping place (usually at the entrance to the cell). It is not customary to talk to them. “Roosters” are prohibited from approaching other prisoners closer than three steps. They are the ones who do the dirtiest work in prison - they clean toilets and wash the parade ground.

However, when “roosters” are “consumed” (this is what they say in the zone), this is not considered any kind of defiling contact.

There is also an ominous “tradition” of making holes in plates, spoons and mugs of “roosters”. In order for a prisoner belonging to this caste to eat or drink, it is necessary to plug the holes with his fingers. And this is the most harmless humiliation of those to which the “roosters” are subjected.

Prison laws are very strict and cruel. Therefore, the slightest deviation from established norms of behavior inevitably leads to punishment. Thus, having once become a “rooster”, a person is deprived of the right to human treatment in prison and is subjected to humiliation until the end of his sentence. Not everyone can withstand this, which is why many prisoners who fall into the “rooster” caste commit suicide.

Suits in the zone. Zone concepts. Prison laws

In modern society, it is not customary to divide people into any groups, classes or castes. However, this rule does not apply to places of deprivation of liberty, where for many decades there has been a strict classification of convicts into unique groups (or, as they say in the zone, suits).

Prison suits

Zone suits are the division of all prisoners into unique groups that differ from each other in prison status, rights and concepts.

In absolutely any prison or colony, there is a clear distinction between all prisoners into certain groups or stripes: “thieves”, “men”, “goats” and “roosters”. There are also so-called intermediate groups, which vary depending on the specific place of deprivation of liberty. Such “intermediate” castes include “roosters”, “lowered”, “offended” and others.

The suits in the zone are fairly closed groups, and it is almost impossible to move from one caste to another.

"Authorities" of the zone

The most significant, important and honorable suit in the zone is “thieves”. This caste is the smallest, and you can’t just get into it. So, who is the “thieves”?

“Blatnye” are real, almost unlimited power in the zone. It is the members of this group who establish the unwritten rules of behavior in places of deprivation of liberty, monitor order in the zone, resolve conflict situations that arise between prisoners, and punish the “offenders” to the fullest extent of prison law.

A special group of “thieves” are the so-called thieves in law. These are recognized crime bosses. Moreover, they do not necessarily have to engage in theft. A “thief in law” is a person who has an impeccable criminal reputation, correct concepts and strictly adheres to the laws of thieves.

If we answer the question of who a “thieves” is, then we can say that this is an authority who behaves “correctly” not only in the zone, but also did not have any “jambs” in freedom.

For example, “thieves” should not serve in the army; when free, they should not hold leadership positions or work in the service sector (taxi drivers, waiters).

In Soviet times, such authorities were prohibited from having a family or being a member of any political party.


The leader of the "thieves" is the "godfather" - a recognized criminal authority. If there is no such person in the zone, then a “supervisor” is appointed - a prisoner who performs the functions of a leader.

The “godfather” and his associates (that is, the “thieves”) have special privileges in the zone. They may not work and keep whatever they deem necessary from the common fund.

In the modern world, many “thieves” in the zone interact with the administration of the correctional institution and establish those orders that are beneficial to the leadership of the colony. In return, the “thieves” are given comfortable living conditions (they secretly receive alcohol, marijuana, telephones and other benefits). Although this does not correspond to thieves’ concepts, market relations now reign in the zone.

Who is "the man"?

“Men” are perhaps the largest and most neutral group of prisoners. It includes prisoners who received sentences for committing minor crimes. As a rule, these are completely random people in prison: having entered the zone once, they try to get free as quickly as possible and return to normal life in the wild.

The indicated suit in the zone has no authority. “Men” do not take part in showdowns, do not have the right to vote and do not interfere in the affairs of “thieves”. They do not cooperate with the prison administration, but they also do not serve the authorities of the zone.

Among the “men” there are, of course, prisoners whom the “thieves” respect and even listen to their opinions.

This group of prisoners is considered neutral and quite large. And if we talk about who a “man” is, this is the prisoner who, at the end of his sentence, will forget everything like a “bad dream” and will try not to return to the zone again.

"Goats" is...

If it is an honor to belong to the two stripes described above, then to be included in the caste of “goats” means to put yourself against the rest of the prisoners. As a rule, this suit includes those prisoners who, of their own free will (and in some cases, under duress) began to cooperate with the administration of the correctional institution.

So, if a prisoner agreed to take the position of a prison librarian or caretaker, then he automatically fell into the caste of “goats”. Convicts belonging to this suit actively cooperate with prison management, carrying out all their instructions. In this regard, the rest of the prisoners treat them as traitors.

This situation deprives the “goats” of the right to participate in prison disputes, they are not allowed to enter the “common fund”, they do not have the right to vote. Meanwhile, you can greet representatives of this suit, you can touch them and, if desired, you can communicate with them.

You wouldn't wish it on your enemy

The suits in the zone are unchanged. You cannot move from a lower caste to a more authoritative one. So, a “goat” will never become a “man” or a “thieve.” But you can get into the lowest caste.

A suit like “rooster” is a real nightmare for a prisoner. For prisoners who fall into this caste, life in the zone is not easy, to put it mildly. This group of prisoners is also called “offended”, “dismissed”, “untouchables”.

This suit includes passive homosexuals and prisoners punished by having sexual intercourse with them.

Moreover, the sexual act itself may not take place: the prisoner can simply pass the genital organ across the lips, and from that moment on he will be considered a “rooster.”

Representatives of this suit are outcasts: you cannot touch them, you cannot take anything from them.

“Roosters” use separate utensils and have a separate sleeping place (usually at the entrance to the cell). It is not customary to talk to them.

“Roosters” are prohibited from approaching other prisoners closer than three steps. They are the ones who do the dirtiest work in prison - they clean toilets and wash the parade ground.

However, when “roosters” are “consumed” (this is what they say in the zone), this is not considered any kind of defiling contact.

There is also an ominous “tradition” of making holes in plates, spoons and mugs of “roosters”. In order for a prisoner belonging to this caste to eat or drink, it is necessary to plug the holes with his fingers. And this is the most harmless humiliation of those to which the “roosters” are subjected.

Prison laws are very strict and cruel. Therefore, the slightest deviation from established norms of behavior inevitably leads to punishment. Thus, having once become a “rooster”, a person is deprived of the right to human treatment in prison and is subjected to humiliation until the end of his sentence. Not everyone can withstand this, which is why many prisoners who fall into the “rooster” caste commit suicide.

Sometimes it happens

The above-mentioned suits are available in all zones and prisons. However, some places of detention have their own specific, so-called intermediate castes.

There are especially many such castes in the zone where juvenile criminals are kept. On the “youngster”, in addition to the castes already indicated, there are such suits as:

  • “forshmaki”, which includes prisoners who have committed some minor offense in the zone due to ignorance of the rules and norms of behavior;
  • “devils” - that is, those prisoners who were caught stealing from their cellmates;
  • “shnyri” who act as servants;
  • “laundresses”, “oil presses”, “shortages” and others.

In some adult zones, unique podcasts are common. For example, “thieves”, which includes prisoners who form the “retinue” of the “thieves” (while they themselves are not criminals). Or the “scoundrels” caste, which includes “thieves” prisoners who have committed some disgusting act.

Live “according to concepts”

Whatever suit the prisoner belongs to, he is obliged to comply with Zonov’s concepts. Concepts are established standards of behavior for prisoners in places of deprivation of liberty. Strict adherence to these unwritten rules helps to avoid conflict and sometimes life-threatening situations.

Prison laws (or concepts) are very similar to the norms of life in freedom. The paradox is that often prisoners who violated the law in freedom (for example, stole), in places of deprivation of liberty strictly adhere to the “don’t steal” rule.

Zonov’s basic concepts boil down to the following: don’t “knock” and don’t steal from your own people (that is, from fellow prisoners), don’t let “words go to waste” (if you threaten someone, you must punish them; otherwise, they will punish you for chattering) .

In the zone, you cannot interfere in other people’s affairs and conversations, impose your opinion, lie and swear (since the demand for any spoken word in prison is much greater than in freedom).

You shouldn’t be greedy in prison: it’s customary to share with your fellow inmates. And, of course, you shouldn’t put yourself above others, because this can lead to dire consequences.

Strange norms

Some zones have very strange laws. This is especially true of colonies that house juvenile offenders. For example, you cannot lift anything from the floor, you cannot finish smoking a cigarette behind prisoners who are members of lower prison castes.

There are some prisons where they can let you go just because a prisoner went to the toilet and didn’t wash his hands or mended his socks.

There are also colonies in which it is customary to wash in the bathhouse with two washcloths - one to the waist, the second for everything else. A towel, which is commonly called a “waffle” towel, is considered a “checkered towel” in the zone. And it will be very bad for the prisoner who does not know this rule.

The "red" zone. Black zone

Not only the prisoners themselves are divided by color, but also the places where they are kept. All zones are divided into “black” and “red”.

“Reds” are those prisons in which rigid “cop” concepts prevail. In such prisons, interaction between prisoners and the administration of the correctional institution is strongly encouraged. Life here proceeds according to the rules of the zone leadership.

“Black” prisons (which are the majority in Russia) are those correctional institutions in which everything is based on thieves’ concepts and prison laws. Here the suits in the zone are of great importance. It is considered a waste to cooperate with the administration of such a colony.

In the “black” zones, prisoners who “knock” to the management are classified as “goats” (they are also called “red”). “Red” in the zone will never be able to live in peace, since he will be hated by all other prisoners and will be considered a traitor.


Over many decades, clear and strict rules and norms of behavior for prisoners have been formed in places of deprivation of liberty. Violation of established rules leads prisoners to punishment, which most often consists of transfer to the lowest prison caste.

And if for an ordinary law-abiding citizen such a punishment seems childish, then for the inhabitants of the zone it is the most severe and severe punishment. After all, the safe and calm serving of a sentence directly depends on what color the prisoner belongs to.

Despite the fact that modern society and worldview have introduced many innovations into prison life, there are things that still remain unchanged - these are prison castes (suits), thieves' laws and concepts.

Source: https://FB.ru/article/275164/masti-na-zone-zonovskie-ponyatiya-tyuremnyie-zakonyi

Sometimes it happens

The above-mentioned suits are available in all zones and prisons. However, some have their own specific, so-called intermediate castes.

There are especially many such castes in the zone where juvenile criminals are kept. On the “youngster”, in addition to the castes already indicated, there are such suits as:

  • “forshmaki”, which includes prisoners who have committed some minor offense in the zone due to ignorance of the rules and norms of behavior;
  • “devils” - that is, those prisoners who were caught stealing from their cellmates;
  • “shnyri” who act as servants;
  • “laundresses”, “oil presses”, “shortages” and others.

In some adult zones, unique podcasts are common. For example, “thieves”, which includes prisoners who form the “retinue” of the “thieves” (while they themselves are not criminals). Or the “scoundrels” caste, which includes “thieves” prisoners who have committed some disgusting act.

What should thieves in law not do?

The thieves' law (thieves' faith, thieves' code, thieves' concepts, thieves' concepts) are unwritten rules and norms of behavior in the thieves' community during the Soviet Union and in the post-Soviet space. ...

  • Do not steal from your own (do not “rat”);
  • Allocate a share in the common fund;
  • An uncompromising attitude towards denunciation.

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Live “according to concepts”

Whatever suit the prisoner belongs to, he is obliged to comply with Zonov’s concepts. Concepts are established standards of behavior for prisoners in places of deprivation of liberty. Strict adherence to these unwritten rules helps to avoid conflict and sometimes life-threatening situations.

Prison laws (or concepts) are very similar to the norms of life in freedom. The paradox is that often prisoners who violated the law in freedom (for example, stole), in places of deprivation of liberty strictly adhere to the “don’t steal” rule.

Zonov’s basic concepts boil down to the following: don’t “knock” and don’t steal from your own people (that is, from fellow prisoners), don’t let “words go to waste” (if you threaten someone, you must punish them; otherwise, they will punish you for chattering) .

In the zone, you cannot interfere in other people’s affairs and conversations, impose your opinion, lie and swear (since the demand for any spoken word in prison is much greater than in freedom).

You shouldn’t be greedy in prison: it’s customary to share with your fellow inmates. And, of course, you shouldn’t put yourself above others, because this can lead to dire consequences.

Strange norms

Some zones have very strange laws. This is especially true of colonies that house juvenile offenders. For example, you cannot lift anything from the floor, you cannot finish smoking a cigarette behind prisoners who are members of lower prison castes.

There are some prisons where they can let you go just because a prisoner went to the toilet and didn’t wash his hands or mended his socks.

There are also colonies in which it is customary to wash in the bathhouse with two washcloths - one to the waist, the second for everything else. A towel, which is commonly called a “waffle” towel, is considered a “checkered towel” in the zone. And it will be very bad for the prisoner who does not know this rule.

The "red" zone. Black zone

Not only the prisoners themselves are divided by color, but also the places where they are kept. All zones are divided into “black” and “red”.

“Reds” are those prisons in which rigid “cop” concepts prevail. In such prisons, interaction between prisoners and the administration of the correctional institution is strongly encouraged. Life here proceeds according to the rules of the zone leadership.

“Black” prisons (which are the majority in Russia) are those correctional institutions in which everything is based on thieves. Here the suits in the zone are of great importance. It is considered a waste to cooperate with the administration of such a colony.

In the “black” zones, prisoners who “knock” to the management are classified as “goats” (they are also called “red”). “Red” in the zone will never be able to live in peace, since he will be hated by all other prisoners and will be considered a traitor.

Who are the informals?

The boy must keep garbage dumps and pigs in strictness... The following method was also practiced: all the offended were collected in a separate detachment in order to protect them from bullying, humiliation, etc. The zones where the thieves are the masters of the situation are called black zones, where they do not have power (they are a minority) are called red zones. But in fact, power in the zone belongs to the thieves. Whether we want it or not, we have to recognize the thieves’ and prison laws as real forces, and ultimately both are called upon to take care of the convicted person (prisoner).

Obshchak" ("thieves' cash desk", "boiler") in criminal jargon is a fund for mutual assistance among the criminal community. There are two types of “common fund” in places of deprivation of liberty and outside places of deprivation of liberty. Meaning, strength, weight, competence, competency, prestige; connoisseur See villain... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. Hippie battle means bottle (from the English bottle), and in the hip-hop subculture battle means competition, competition (from the English battle - battle).


Over many decades, clear and strict rules and norms of behavior for prisoners have been formed in places of deprivation of liberty. Violation of established rules leads prisoners to punishment, which most often consists of transfer to the lowest prison caste.

And if for an ordinary law-abiding citizen such a punishment seems childish, then for the inhabitants of the zone it is the most severe and severe punishment. After all, the safe and calm serving of a sentence directly depends on what color the prisoner belongs to.

Despite the fact that modern society and worldview have introduced many innovations into prison life, there are things that still remain unchanged - these are prison castes (suits), thieves' laws and concepts.

Life in prison is subject to its own laws and concepts. As in a typical social group, here everyone plays a certain role, having clear rights and responsibilities. All prisoners are divided into different classes - suits. The watchers are among the elite. How do they become watchers? What are these people doing?

In thieves' jargon, a “supervisor” is a criminal authority who resolves issues that arise in the zone and is responsible for everything that happens in the community of prisoners entrusted to him.

Responsibilities of the Beholder

The functions that the observer performs at his post help to better understand the essence of the suit. He checks newly arriving convicts and monitors the performance of duties by each of the prisoners in the prison team. The overseer distributes prisoners by color, resolves disputes and conflict situations, and settles economic and everyday issues. He monitors the common fund, communicates with the administration, controls the entire course of events on his territory, preventing violations of the principle of “living by the rules.” More specifically, the functions of the observer are formed depending on the place occupied in the prison hierarchy.

What do the watchers do?


maintains order in the territory entrusted to him, is responsible for compliance with rules and concepts, prison “laws” and orders of elders.
In addition, the watchers
are a kind of intermediaries between convicts (in pre-trial detention centers - persons under investigation) and the administration.

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Types of beholders

Supervisor of the zone. The guardian, the chief overseer. This is the most authoritative, tough prisoner with iron self-control and persistent character. He has good relations with thieves in law and oversees the most serious and complicated issues. Supervising any of the units. This position is most often filled by a prisoner with experience, older than others in age and with a significant “track record”. He strictly follows all the rules and knows how to build communication, being an intermediary between prisoners and prison staff. Supervisor of the common fund. First assistant to the police officer. He controls the delivery of provisions, essential goods, tobacco and other household items, and is also responsible for financial transactions. Quarantine Watcher. “Quarantine” is a temporary ward for new prisoners. Here, in addition to resolving everyday issues and analyzing conflict situations, the supervisor “sorts” newcomers by suit. Thus, he predetermines their future fate - in what capacity they will serve their sentences.

Who is allowed to become a beholder?

The first watchers were noted in prison chronicles approximately in the 80s of the 20th century. Based on the name of the position, they were created as a management unit capable of controlling discipline among prisoners. Getting into this “position” is not easy. According to thieves' concepts, a candidate for supervisor must have a number of advantages and qualities, which, from the point of view of a free person, are rather disadvantages. The overseer should not serve in the army - those who served are called “machine gun faces”, and they do not enjoy authority among the prisoners. Prisoners who worked in the police, professional military personnel, or those who worked in the civil service cannot apply for this role. Prisoners imprisoned for murder or violence cannot become spectators. Preference in the selection is given to prisoners who enjoy authority among the community they will be monitoring. At the same time, candidates must have a criminal past with a significant list of offenses, have prison experience, be able to make decisions and resolve conflict situations, be able to competently communicate with the administration of the institution and strictly comply with their duties.

Prison and life behind bars

The person watching the cell in the pre-trial detention center turned out to be a “rat” and an informer. Let’s try to tell people without a criminal record about the camp authorities. Those who have been in captivity already know what kind of audience this is. Although some prisoners cannot clearly formulate their assessment. I offer my opinion on this. Who is the most important person in the world? In captivity, all criminals are equal. Until the newcomer decides (the bunk neighbors will decide) on the suit, or screws up the “jamb.” Plus, a free past can spoil the reputation or the article under which you were brought in. Let's not touch repeat offenders - those who have previously been convicted have long known about them. It’s a little more difficult for beginners.

A prisoner's personality is best revealed in a small cell. In small towns, it's every man for himself. Team support is usually kept to a minimum. In such “huts” a dominant position can be achieved in several ways. The first is if you are a natural leader. The people obey you or take into account your opinion. The second is like the saying goes: “Well done among the sheep.” The average peasant ends up with the completely average ones and makes kings of them until a cooler neighbor appears. The same thing happens to those with excellent physical fitness, although they say that strength is not the main thing in prison. In small cells, where there are no “watchers” and thieves’ traditions are not observed, the ability to wave your fists or run into the intimidated can elevate. It happens that in a small place two or three people unite and crush the loners.

Finally, one of the last ways is when someone they know is “watching” the pre-trial detention center and is assigned to “watch” the camera. Behind such a protege there is a great power - thieves in law and “supervisors” in all correctional institutions, pre-trial detention centers, where there is a “back door”. Roughly the same scenarios apply to larger cameras. But physical training is not counted there. You can't fit eighty people. And it’s hard to get a ride among sheep when you’re young. There is too much of a chance of encountering a normal “man” or a thieve. There remain two paths to authority. When you are an actual leader or when you are appointed as one.

According to thieves’ concepts, in order to become a “supervisor,” one must have a number of virtues that are dubious and discreditable from the point of view of a free person. But captivity has its own customs. The “looker” should not serve in the army. Otherwise, it can be called a “machine gun face.” I am generally silent about officers, policemen and other representatives of punitive agencies. You cannot work in freedom, especially in the service sector. Hucksters and Chaldeans are obviously of low color. Thieves must steal. Prosecution for malicious or armed hooliganism may attach the definition of “cormorant”. It's also dishonorable to be a murderer. Moreover, a rapist and sadist. Only this is all a beautiful theory. There are rumors that such concepts were previously observed. Nowadays it’s a completely neglected picture. Thieves in law and “overseers” are the types who belong among “sniffs” and “devils.”

"Malyava" from Petrosyan"

I have encountered and conflicted with these types of people many times. From the very first conviction. There are many cameras in the St. Petersburg "Crosses". We managed without “watchers” and lived as if in freedom. They simply behaved normally towards their neighbors, and tried to instill the correct manners in those who did not understand. For example, don't yell when people are sleeping. Maintain hygiene. Dont lie. Do not act out the universal grief and do not spoil the mood of others with your despair and gummosis. Sometimes, for better understanding, it was necessary to resort to physical influence. Most men are cowards. Those who just don’t know how to behave are especially fearful. They have been spanked for this since childhood.

Then I ended up in the Makhnovist zone. Bandits ruled there. They also helped the cops maintain discipline. Let this be called the “red” movement, but in our colony there were no vile scum with SDP (section of discipline and order) armbands handing over other convicts to the operas. There were also plenty of informers. Only they were maimed and even killed by bandits.

The worthy lived normally in this colony. There is no equal society anywhere. The stories of the “watchers” about equality are hypocrisy and utopia, akin to communist propaganda. Just don’t think that only those with enormous strength rose in our zone. The same blind invalid enjoyed authority. He was smart and knew how to behave in a civilized and decent manner.

After this conviction, I again ended up in a pre-trial detention center, but in the provinces. Everyone there knows each other and by default forgives each other’s serious mistakes. I was again sitting in a small cell for twelve people. They tried to establish human order in it. They shared parcels with the poor and forced the dirty ones to wash themselves. The Gorlopanov were asked to be quiet.

For several months everything was fine. Then the “keeper” of the prison showed up in the next cell - a first-timer who had recently turned 21 years old. He was imprisoned for an unsuccessful street robbery - they could not rob a passerby in a group of people.

We had a hole in the wall called a “cabura” (a through hole into the next cell). This “watcher” was annoying with his communication. I immediately realized that he was a dummy. But they really loaded him into the pre-trial detention center, so he was proud of his position. There was a drug addict in our cell. He was brought in for theft. To get money for a dose, the guy stole gold from his mother.

Then I went around to my friends and rummaged through their things. He annoyed his family and friends so much that they wrote statements to the police, and the drug addict was arrested. In the “hut” he was neither seen nor heard. After suffering from withdrawal symptoms in the temporary detention center, he did not feel well. Plus a previous history of hepatitis C and boils from bad blood. It was this drug addict who “watched” the pre-trial detention center who downloaded the “watch” for our cell, about which he sent a long little letter with a florid greeting, like: “Good hour, lads, worthy of respect. Hello tramps. Peace to your home. The luck is fatter and the sucker is stupid.”

The introductory part of the little thing was half a page long, in small handwriting, with a bunch of grammatical errors and stupid verbal tricks. Then came idiotic instructions about how we should behave in our home (I always considered my own apartment to be my home, not a stinking cell). Then we were informed that we would have a “supervisor” with the driver Likha. It was just the same drug addict. In conclusion, they talked about prisoner solidarity and tramps suffering in the punishment cell. Like, we need to collect the “common fund” and “warm” those in need. At the end there was another long goodbye. It could surpass the greeting.

The Malyava was read aloud. The sane “passengers” laughed out loud. The opportunists and those who play in prison, on the contrary, built serious “sharpenings” and were smart. These people hoped to rise a little on the new wave. The drug addict appointed as leader almost burst from delusions of grandeur. The worst thing is that behind such “watchers” there is a great power and you cannot simply hit them in the liver and point out that in life they are “devils”. You can catch them when they are smoking a joint or at the market.

Double "jamb"

A drug addict, endowed with high powers, wanted to move from the “palm tree” of the second tier to the lower key in the corner passage. I was just sleeping on it. I got it on a first-come, first-served basis, when people were scattered to other “huts” and stages. The new warden, unfamiliar with the intricacies of prison jargon, announced that he wanted to take over. To which I innocently remarked: “Only pederasts have places.” I didn’t know how to answer correctly and not lose my last health. The old sycophant gave him his bunk. With the advent of the “watchers,” nothing has changed for us. The only thing is that part of the food and tea with cigarettes floated to the “kabura” for the “common fund”.

Then I got into a fight with three gypsies. One insulted me and promised to smash my head with a helmet. I had to punch him in the beard. The victim's fellow tribesmen rushed at me in a crowd. They didn't know how to fight. When swinging, they clung to the second tier of the bunk and jumped on one at a time. A minute later, each Morik had a broken nose and lips. He didn’t knock them out, wanting to have fun. The guard raised the alarm. The duty squad came running. We were taken to the opera houses. The gypsies turned me in and wrote a statement that I had attacked them. The claim is a serious mistake. Writing it is a shame, just like ratting out your cellmates.

They assigned me a spot in the punishment cell. Strange, but they returned to the old “hut”. The gypsies were no longer there. The drug “watcher” was sleeping on my bunk. But with one glance he rolled up the mattress and vacated the bed.

As soon as I lay down, they called me to the “caburet.” The “supervisor” of the pre-trial detention center began to attack me. He said that I had no right to wave my fists. They say that all issues are resolved through “looked”. He declared me a lawless person and ordered my cellmates to “punish” me (beat me) and “break” me (kick me out) from the “hut.”

I was brief in my response. He called him a youngster and asked: “Who are you to tell me?” He squealed in falsetto, “I’ll show you who I am!” I calmly summed up: “Meet me, you’ll show me.” Most of the cellmates were on my side. Only the drug addict and three of his associates were angry. They did this in silence. But they corresponded a lot with the “supreme beholder” and glanced sideways in my direction.

Life continued as before. Once a drug addict was called in for questioning. He came home looking sad. After an hour of thinking, he approached me with an offer to exchange my tracksuit, denim jacket and sneakers for his leather jacket, jeans, shirt and boots. His things were more expensive, but the “supervisor” did not ask for additional payment. I didn’t want to change, but he whined for a long time. The entire camera watched the deal with interest. Such actions are acceptable in concepts, and I agreed. The exchange took place.

A week later I was transferred to another cell, very small, with only three neighbors. Almost immediately I was called out without my things. I thought about going to the investigator. It turned out to be for the operas. As soon as I entered the office, the major flew out to meet me. The baton is like a saber swinging, a cry comes from the mouth: “What, I’ve killed myself!” Stopped him with a look. The serviceman realized that he had to slow down; he could die alone. The major sat down at the table. I asked him what was the problem? Maybe he was confused? It turned out the following. The drug “looker” stole a leather jacket, boots, jeans, and a shirt from his friend. During interrogation, a young employee presented him with this guy. The drug went into overdrive and in the cell he hurried to get rid of his things.

He regretted throwing them away, so he made an exchange. Later, experienced opera split him. Narcot wrote a confession and a statement that I stole his things. Here there were two of his “jambs”: “bullshit” and statements. It took a long time to figure it out. They pulled eyewitnesses out of the cell. Everyone confirmed that we had changed. They brought drugs. The major frightened him and called him names, I promised to beat off his diseased liver. The reverse exchange took place. The drug paraphernalia was confiscated in the presence of witnesses.

The major sympathized with me, but service is service. He showed me the house rules. It said that those convicted and under investigation were prohibited from selling, exchanging, or otherwise alienating their belongings. They gave me three days in a punishment cell.

"Lomovoy" Gurgen

I’m sitting in the “hold”, training mice. They are already tame there. They take bread from your hands. They throw a neighbor at me. A young Khachik, all so important and preoccupied. We started talking. It turned out that he was the “supervisor” of the pre-trial detention center. Gurgen said this in such a way that I should have fallen on my face and fallen into insignificance. He expected me to be imbued with reverence for him. The “looker” was very confused when he heard my angry: “Did you promise to show me something?”

Hitting is my profession. There are so many robberies and shooters behind, where you don’t always hit the bullet and put it under the barrel. The main thing is the moral impact. So here, the morally weak “looked” quickly wilted and began to babble about concepts that, as a first mover, he did not understand very well. For censorship reasons, we will skip my answer. It did not contain swearing, but some turns came out very strong. The most moderate word is empty talk. The rest are completely politically incorrect. At the conclusion of my tirade, I offered the “observer” an alternative. Or he “breaks” out of the cell within fifteen minutes (that is, he commits a serious “jamb” and “becomes” a “drayman,” which deprives him of the status of a decent prisoner). If he remains, then I will turn into a lawless man - I will cause him serious injuries and a lot of injuries. Thieves and criminal authorities can seriously ask me for this act.

Naturally, I did not explain all the subtleties to this first move. He himself did not understand them, and therefore took the easy path. He knocked on the door. Vertukhai opened the feeder. The “supervisor” asked to call the duty officer. When the “looker” was taken out of the cell, I heard him explain to the cops that we didn’t get along and asked to be transferred to another “hut.”

After that I corresponded with the thieves for a long time. They recognized me as right. “Lomovoy” was “looked” and declared a “scoundrel.” It was impossible to restore his status. And it’s not really thieves and real authorities who value such youngsters. They load inexperienced people to collect the “common fund” and rule over the herd. It is dangerous to allow a real leader into power. He will not tolerate gray cardinals near him and will quickly get out of control.

In addition, an intelligent person now himself will not fit into being a “supervisor” - they receive too few benefits, and they get an enormous amount of hemorrhoids. Throughout Russia, the Federal Penitentiary Service is “repainting” zones “red.” The “watchers” suffer from this. Plus the black movement has completely compromised itself. First of all, the leadership.

As an example, I’ll tell you about zones. A maximum security colony in the same area where the provincial detention center is located. The convicts have also known each other since childhood. The “supervisors” of the barracks work in the industrial zone in two shifts (the “supervisor” should not work) and make souvenirs for sale (according to the concept, this is a waste). In our detachment, the “supervisor” turned in two village accomplices after stealing from a store. The shabby peasant does not enjoy authority even among the “devils,” but he collects a “common fund” and sometimes babbles about life as a prisoner.

On the neighboring detachment, the “supervisor” is also a hard worker. A young and stupid guy, he is scared to death of bandits who verbally mock him in every possible way. He is also from the village and has a terrible complex in public. In the other barracks the picture is no better. Among the “lookers” there are convicted rapists, officers, mental retardation with the eighth degree of retardation.

There were two real leaders - those who “watched” the zone and the punishment cell. Having driven the entire “common fund” through Vienna, they began to play cards. The debts were not returned. Ultimately, they were declared “bullshits” and “rats” for stealing “common money” drugs in SUS. Before these two were unloaded, the officers pulled all the thieves out of the zone and asked them not to hit those who had fallen too hard. The next “watcher” of the zone was a 26-year-old bandit and drug addict. In the colony, he didn’t inject himself heavily, but he quickly “messed up the slant.” He was released on parole, which was a shame for the “look.” He was declared a "scoundrel."

Then local convicts, with the support of the cops, elected a “supervisor” who was convicted of murdering his two-year-old son. The drunken degenerate argued with his wife, threw the boy on the table and nailed him with a knife through the chest.

When this “looker” opened his mouth, the visiting bandit smashed his face. The employees took the bandit to another institution, and the victim “watched” continued to rule.

Games for adults

Then I came to the North. There he changed four correctional institutions. In one, the “supervisor” openly worked for the cops. In another, a visiting impostor declared himself a thief in law and beat up all the “watchers” for their “jambs.” They got offended and became “activists.” In the third, the “looker” was afraid of the main “activist” and did not react when the “goat” sent him three letters. Then this “goat” became the “supervisor” of the settlement. Not an impostor, but a protege of a free “overseer” appointed by the thieves. True, this free “looker” was repeatedly beaten by the settlers themselves. For not knowing how to behave.

At the Haas prison hospital, the “keepers” openly discussed the quality of our food and said that it was for pigs. Drunk bandits (“lookers”) forced patients to spar with them. The “supervisor” of the entire hospital was always finding victims among the patients for showdowns, asking them for their supposed “mistakes.” True, then this “supervisor” himself was recognized as a bastard and his own people “screwed him up.”

I've seen enough of young thieves in law in my time. First time convicted, all from the Caucasus. For them, the main thing is not prisoner justice, but community. That's why they became thieves. I won’t talk about their behavior.

The question may arise: how does the thieves’ movement still exist with this approach? It is beneficial to the administration of zones and prisons to maintain discipline among the gray masses. Only fewer and fewer bosses rely on the “back door.” Young people come to the service, they don’t know the concepts and “paint” the zones “red”.

It’s also beneficial for a bunch of people to bother with the “common fund”. No one will believe in bright ideals and initiatives. So, there remains self-interest. Well, maybe young people or even romantics are sincerely playing the thieves movement. Until they become wiser or grow up and become disappointed. People cannot live in peace, give them the opportunity to create groups, sects, parties, movements, interest groups. Only the strong can survive alone. They parasitize the weak, ruling them and appropriating their values. Whatever you call them: budget or “common fund”.

Based on materials from the newspaper “Behind Bars” (No. 10, 2009)

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