In the Orenburg region, not far from the border with Kazakhstan, the city of Sol-Iletsk is located. it was founded
Several years ago, in Russian criminal law, insulting the personality of any physical or legal entity
Often, at the entrance to a store, a security guard persistently asks visitors to check their bags in the storage room.
Theft of money from a card is like COVID-19 immediately after it appeared. Events first
In Russia, like in any other country, there is a long-established system of punishment. Convicts
New edition of Art. 87 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1. Persons who, at the time of the commission, are recognized as minors
A person needs pleasure; without it, life seems joyless and unnecessary. That's just one for
What is official forgery (Article 292 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) By official forgery, the legislator means entering
ST 122 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Knowingly putting another person at risk of contracting HIV infection -
Property Damage Report – a document that records damage caused to inventory items belonging to