Article 250 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
3 types of punishments for persons who have committed an offense under Art. 250 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Article 250 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains basic concepts relating to pollution, clogging of water with
Inquiry in abbreviated form: what it is, timing
Inquiry: what is it? In order to understand what an inquiry is in an abbreviated form,
An approximate example of issuing a certificate of damage to the police from a legal entity
How to write a certificate of damage to the police from a legal entity Organizations can also become
Seizure of property in a criminal case under the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, Article 115
Seizure of property in a criminal case
Seizure of property in a criminal case is currently widely used
Castes and hierarchy in prison: What those serving sentences need to know
Modern hospitals are quite safe and generally try to help the sick. Large hospitals share
Supervisory proceedings: concept and procedure for initiation
Definition 1 Judicial supervision is an independent and exclusive stage provided for in criminal proceedings.
Article 182. Grounds and procedure for conducting a search
1. A transaction made by one person (representative) on behalf of another person (represented) by virtue of authority,
separation of a criminal case
Separation of a criminal case into separate proceedings: grounds and procedure
1. The inquirer or investigator has the right to separate another criminal case from a criminal case into separate proceedings
Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states
Constitution of the Russian Federation, 51 articles. No one is obliged to testify against himself, his spouse and close relatives
1. Restrictions on military service are assigned to convicted military personnel performing military service under a contract, for
inspection in criminal proceedings
The procedure for conducting an inspection in criminal proceedings according to the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, Article 177
What is the article of the Code of Criminal Procedure about? Inspection in criminal proceedings is one of the most common investigative
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