I receive threats. What to do and where to go? And what if the police do nothing?
I receive threats. What to do and where to go? And what if the police do nothing?
Have you found yourself in a situation where you have received threats? Should not be treated
Prosecutor's proposal to eliminate violations
What is a prosecutor's representation? Cassation and appeal presentation of the prosecutor
The court that rendered the verdict or made another appealed decision shall notify of the appeal or presentation filed
Can the police track a found smartphone if you throw away the SIM card?
Before phones became smart, finding mobile phones was cool: consider the hope that it
Article 30 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Composition of the court (current version)
The composition of the court when considering materials from legal cases varies. For each trial, a
How the parties are reconciled in criminal proceedings: everything you need to know
Reconciliation of parties in a criminal case Not everyone knows that the termination of criminal cases in
Upset man
How to avoid online fraud, 28 money scams
Online links or messages about fabulous earnings, big discounts on expensive goods, winnings, inheritance and
They did not escape punishment. How banks were robbed in Russia
They did not escape punishment. How banks were robbed in Russia
Bank robbery is a serious crime punishable by up to 12 years behind bars.
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The procedural laws of Russia proclaim such a principle of legal proceedings as the immutability of the composition of the court. It means,
Fact of committing a crime
Single complex crime: concept, composition and qualifications
The concept of a crime in criminal law A crime in science is understood as a negative active or passive
“Absolutely everyone steals.” How does the job of a supermarket security guard work?
Thefts in supermarkets: who steals, how and why? "If I fall asleep and wake up in
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