What is the minimum amount considered a bribe in Russia?

Criminal liability for giving a bribe
Corruption is abuse of official position, giving and receiving bribes, commercial bribery, as well as any abuse of official duties in order to obtain benefits, advantages both for oneself and for third parties.

In Russia, corruption has not yet been eliminated; it is a dangerous social phenomenon that provides for criminal liability.

For giving a bribe according to Art. 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, perpetrators must be punished to the fullest extent of the law .

What threatens a person who bribes an official and can he avoid criminal punishment?

Petty bribery

Not long ago, changes were made to the Criminal Code, which led to the emergence of new types of punishment.
In particular, the suppression of petty bribery is now provided. This is recognized as giving or receiving a bribe in an amount of less than ten thousand rubles. Actually, it is precisely because of this relatively small payment size that this type bears its name.

Small bribes are most widespread among ordinary employees.

Municipal and government employees may, in some cases, accept offerings from the population for performing their duties at a faster pace or for providing some additional services not provided for in the job description, but related to their activities.

All this, of course, does not change the fact that they are committing a crime.

It may seem to some that petty bribery is not a truly significant dangerous act, and the damage from such crimes is extremely small.

However, this is not so: the majority of the population, as a rule, the most vulnerable strata, is faced with the need to offer a small offering.

At the same time, bribery at such a low level has a direct impact on the authority of the authorities.

Groups of bribes by size

1) Bribe in the amount of more than 25,000 Russian rubles. It is defined as a bribe in a significant amount.

2) Bribe in the amount of more than 150,000 Russian rubles. It is defined as a bribe on a large scale.

3) Bribe in the amount of more than 1,000,000 Russian rubles. It is defined as a bribe on an especially large scale.

It is worth noting that the punishment for a bribe depends on its amount. If the amount of a bribe is less than 25,000 rubles, this does not mean that there is no punishment for it. They are simply not identified as a separate group in the Russian Criminal Code.

What is the penalty for a bribe in the form of a fine or imprisonment?

The type and amount of punishment that can be received for giving a bribe depends on a number of factors. First of all, this is its size (cost). In particular, if the amount of remuneration does not exceed 10,000 rubles, its transfer is subject to Art. 291.2 of the Criminal Code (petty bribery), the sanctions of which are noticeably more loyal than the penalties provided for in Art. 290 of the Criminal Code (giving a bribe).

Punishment for petty bribery

The maximum penalty for petty bribery is 3 years in prison. To do this, the person involved must have a valid criminal record for bribery: receiving, giving, mediation in giving or receiving, or all for the same petty bribery. If there is no criminal record, the punishment ranges from a fine, the maximum amount of which is 200,000 rubles, to 1 year in prison.

Punishment for giving a bribe

Sanctions Art. 291 of the Criminal Code is much more diverse:

  • Non-aggravated giving of a bribe (Part 1) entails at least a fine of up to 500,000 rubles, and a maximum of 2 years of imprisonment. As an alternative, correctional and forced labor are provided for up to 2 and 3 years, respectively.
  • Giving a bribe in excess of 25,000 rubles. (Part 2) is punished more severely. The upper limit of the fine increases to 1,000,000 rubles, imprisonment - up to 5 years. Forced labor is not provided for such a crime, and the duration of correctional labor is from 1 to 3 years.
  • If a bribe is given for an official committing obviously illegal actions (Part 3), the maximum fine increases to 1,500,000 rubles, and the term of imprisonment is up to 8 years. The sanction of this norm does not contain alternative punishments.
  • Group giving of a bribe, as well as its transfer on a large scale, that is, in the amount of more than 150,000 rubles. (Part 4), is punishable either by a fine in the amount of 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 rubles, or by imprisonment (in this case, the offender faces from 7 to 12 years).
  • The most severe liability is provided for “millionaire” bribers. Giving a bribe in excess of RUB 1,000,000. (Part 5) is punishable by a fine from 2,000,000 to 4,000,000 rubles. or imprisonment for a term of 8 to 15 years.

IMPORTANT! Without exception, all parts of Art. 291 of the Criminal Code provides for an additional punishment - deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in a certain type of activity. The decision on the application of additional penalties is within the exclusive competence of the court.

Punishment for giving a bribe: judicial practice

Despite the variety of types of punishments established by the sanctions of Art. 291, 291.2 of the Criminal Code, sentences of judges in cases of bribery almost always include imprisonment or a fine (see, for example, sentences of the Zheleznodorozhny District Court of Yekaterinburg dated June 21, 2016 No. 1-306/2016, Kalininsky District Court of Chelyabinsk dated 06/08/2016 No. 1-349/2016, Oktyabrsky District Court of St. Petersburg dated 06/14/2016 No. 1-238/2016). Correctional and forced labor are prescribed extremely rarely.

In other words, the probability of receiving a fine for a bribe (if we are talking about giving it and not receiving it) is much higher than going to perform socially useful work. As for imprisonment, despite the obvious loyalty of judges to bribe-payers, not everyone manages to get off with a conditional sentence.

For example, the punishment for giving a bribe on an especially large scale varies from 8 to 15 years of imprisonment (Part 5 of Article 291 of the Criminal Code), which in principle excludes the possibility of receiving it conditionally (Part 1 of Article 73 of the Criminal Code prohibits the court from considering the punishment suspended, if its term exceeds 8 years).

○ Provocation of a bribe.

Protecting the interests of conscientious officials who have not yet been swallowed up by widespread corruption, the Criminal Law, Article 304 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, punishes persons who provoke a bribe - that is, who transfer funds or other things that fall under the definition of a bribe to an official without his consent or by doing so in order to denigrate him, to create a false impression of the crime he allegedly committed.

It is important that the official must not agree to receive a bribe and must refuse the provocateur to fulfill his request. Money may be placed on the table, in documents or thrust into the pocket of an official, but he must not perform any actions that even indirectly indicate consent to this. Provocation of a bribe entails liability in the form of a prison term of up to 5 years, or a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles.

How to avoid becoming a victim of bribery provocation if you are an official? Just don't take bribes! Any attempts at bribery should be reported to your superiors immediately, as required by job descriptions and the law.

Example: Citizen A., having received repeated refusal from the traffic police inspector to return his driver’s license and not draw up a report, put 15 thousand rubles in three 5 thousand bills on the seat and left the inspector’s car, inviting him to think, while he himself called the hotline police line and reported bribery. At the same time, the traffic police inspector notified his management about the attempt to give a bribe. As a result, the actions of citizen A. were qualified under Art. 304 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, since its goal was to create artificial signs of a crime and money was transferred to them without the consent of the inspector.

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In order for the court to consider a bribery case and punish the offender, the court must be provided with convincing evidence of the fact of bribery.

Such evidence must be collected by the claimant. Since it is difficult for an ordinary person to do this, the plaintiff usually turns to law enforcement agencies.

In this case, it is necessary to prove the following:

  1. The person accused of a crime is an official.
  2. This person received a bribe.
  3. The person provided or intended to provide a service within the scope of his position in the service.

To prove the first point, law enforcement agencies only need to send a request to the bribe-taker’s workplace about his position, powers and official responsibilities.

To prove point 3, it is necessary and sufficient to provide documentary evidence. Video recordings, photographs, extracts can be used as it.

The most difficult is to prove point 2. For this, video recordings, voice recordings, photographs, testimony of witnesses, and a personal statement of the bribe-giver can be used.

All evidence must be legal. For example, citizens can only do so with the permission of the prosecutor. Therefore, such information received by the plaintiff on his own initiative will not be considered by the court.

As practice shows, when considering cases of bribes from traffic police officers or university teachers, recording on a video medium or voice recorder is often sufficient for the court.

In more complex cases, special actions by law enforcement agencies become necessary:

  • marking banknotes for a bribe;
  • organization of auditions;
  • sending an official of the authorities as an intermediary;
  • caught red-handed.

Police officers are prohibited from inciting a citizen to accept a bribe, since such actions induce him to commit a crime (Article 5 of Law No. 144-FZ).

Looking for differences

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation contains Article 575, which introduces a direct ban on gifts whose value exceeds 3,000 rubles, as well as some other restrictions. The gift must also have certain characteristics:

  • It must be timed to coincide with a specific date (birthday, public or professional holiday, etc.).
  • It cannot be given on behalf of people recognized or incapacitated (children) by their legal representatives.
  • If a person is being maintained, treated or educated in a state institution, then neither the citizen himself nor his relatives have the right to give gifts to the employees of these institutions - this is automatically considered a bribe. That is, neither in a hospital, nor in a school, nor in a university, patients, children or their relatives have the right to give gifts to either medical personnel or teachers. Keep this in mind when you decide to give your favorite teacher something worth more than 3,000 rubles - this will be considered a bribe in the eyes of the law.
  • For officials of any level at the workplace and during working hours. If he wants to receive gifts, let him gather his loved ones and relatives in a restaurant or at home.
  • Heads of commercial structures to another businessman from another company. The same thing - you can personally invite someone to a holiday and receive a gift, too, but not at work.

That is, within the minimum value of 3,000 rubles, gifts can be given to anyone and everyone, as long as they have the characteristics of a gift. If the gift exceeds the specified amount, then it must be handed over to the municipality as state or municipal property, where it will be put on the balance sheet, then either put up for auction or used.

Also, the official who received the gift has the primary right to redeem it. However, in what time frame is again not clear.

One gift or?

Well, in a situation where I need to thank the right person, I will put 3 thousand in an envelope and give it as a gift. The main thing is that there is some suitable holiday nearby. But what about, for example, a teacher at school when the class consists of 30 students? 3,000 * 30 is already 90 thousand.

If each parent donates 3 thousand, it seems that it is possible by law. But in total, the teacher will receive money that will be enough to organize a good vacation. The law does not explain what to do in this case. Will such a gift be considered a bribe or not?

○ What to do if a bribe is extorted?

In modern life, extortion of a bribe happens all the time: today a traffic police officer hints at a “solution to the problem”, tomorrow a teacher at school asks us to “help with difficulties”, the day after tomorrow we will have to put 1000 rubles in the doctor’s pocket in response to his “there are no places, but you can” try to resolve the issue."

Remember that the official must make a direct demand or clearly hinting verbal expressions (we can discuss, we can agree on what we will do with you, etc.) about the possibility of solving your problem for a bribe. A refusal to perform any action required by law cannot be considered an extortion of a bribe, even if you have heard somewhere that you need to “give it to your paw.”

✔ What to do in cases when you are clearly extorted for a bribe?

1. Be sure to prepare for the conversation, arm yourself with a voice recorder (which under no circumstances should be shown to the extortionist) and go to an appointment with the corrupt official. Having received an offer to “resolve the issue,” promise to think about it, or, supposedly, go for the money, and prepare a response yourself. If you are already “armed” with audio recording devices, try to force the official to directly state your demands: clarify, bargain, name other amounts - it is important that the fact of extortion is clearly visible from the conversation!

2. Contact law enforcement agencies, depending on the status and position of the person extorting a bribe:

- In relation to police officers - to the internal security service of the regional police department, to the investigative committee or to the FSB.

— In relation to officials of state and municipal organizations (doctors, teachers, civil servants) – to the police or prosecutor’s office.

- In relation to judges, heads of municipalities, governors, deputies - to the investigative committee or the FSB.

3. Follow the instructions of the operatives.

Important: be sure to remember what is considered a bribe - after all, for a box of chocolates or a bottle of average-priced alcohol, it is enough to contact the official’s senior management, since it will be problematic to prove the criminal nature of a bribe for such a modest reward.

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Intended punishment

How the crime will be punished depends on the severity. In the comments to legislative acts one can find that severity is assessed not only by the consequences that occur. The assessment is also influenced by the amount of money that will be transferred to the official.

The first part of the norm under consideration provides for punishment for a simple crime. The perpetrator may face:

  • three-year imprisonment (the maximum period is indicated);
  • a fine of one million is applied;
  • for three years a person will not be able to engage in a certain type of activity or position;
  • two-year work aimed at correcting the culprit;
  • five years of work that has compulsory value.

Penalties are also not prescribed in a clearly defined amount, it can be the amount of the criminal’s income from one year to two salaries, in addition, the judge has the right to increase the amount of the bribe by 10 or 15 times and fine the culprit in that amount.

In a significant amount, the act is punished as follows:

  • is fined, with the maximum amount being one and a half million (the legislator also sets a minimum of 200 thousand rubles);
  • the official will not be able to take part in a certain type of activity or be an official for six years;
  • deprived of liberty for a period of six years.

A fine can be imposed depending on how much income a person receives in two years, or the amount of the bribe increases from 30 to 60 times. Whether deprivation of this right is applied or not is decided by the judge depending on the circumstances of the case. Giving a bribe in a significant amount means transferring benefits worth more than 25 thousand rubles.

Part 3 provides for punishment in the form of:

  • punitive measures, the amount of which is equal to 2 million rubles;
  • the bribe taker will not be able to work in a certain position or engage in the type of activity that he chooses for five years;
  • imprisonment is imposed, the maximum term is eight years.

In this case, the size of the bribe can be increased by 40-70 times. Together with the last type of punishment, another type of punishment may be applied, which is specified in the sanction. However, the judge has the right to choose. The subject is an official who is foreign, or an official from a public organization of international scale.

The persons committing the act provided for in Part 4 of the norm in question are civil servants of state or municipal authorities. The liability for them is provided for:

  • is fined in the amount that is the subject of the article in question, increased by 60-80 times, or pays 3 million rubles;
  • five or ten years imprisonment;
  • inability to hold office for seven years.

Paragraph 5 prescribes punishment for organized groups or bribes received on a large scale. To assess the offense under this item, you must provide valuables or other property worth more than 150 thousand rubles. Punishable:

  • a fine of up to 4 million rubles, income of up to 4 years, or the amount of a bribe increased by 70-90 times;
  • deprivation of the above right for up to ten years;
  • imprisonment for up to 12 years.

A bribe on an especially large scale is provided for by the sixth part of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. An amount equal to more than one million rubles is considered especially large. The responsibility comes as follows:

  • fine up to five million rubles. (the minimum is three million), income for five years, or the amount of the bribe increased by 80-100 times;
  • inability to hold a position or perform activities for a period of up to 15 years;
  • imprisonment for up to 15 years.


Our comment

The concept of “bribe” is not officially established in the legislation of the Russian Federation. This term can be explained through the definition of the subject of a bribe, set out in Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: these are material assets (money, securities, property, etc.), as well as services of a property nature (construction, repair and other work; payment of expenses and entertainment; provision of sanatorium and resort vouchers, train and plane tickets , concert, etc.) and property rights.

Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated July 9, 2013 No. 24 “On judicial practice in cases of bribery and other corruption crimes” expands the definition of the subject of a bribe in terms of the concept of property services. Thus, according to this Resolution, along with money, securities, and other property, the subject of a bribe can be the illegal provision of property services and the provision of property rights.

The illegal provision of services of a property nature should be understood as the provision of any property benefits to an official as a bribe, including the release of him from property obligations (for example, the provision of a loan with a reduced interest rate for the use of it, the provision of tourist vouchers for free or at a reduced cost, repairs apartments, construction of a summer house, transfer of property, in particular vehicles, for its temporary use, forgiveness of debt or fulfillment of obligations to other persons).

Property rights include both the right to property, including the right of claim of the creditor, and other rights that have a monetary value, for example, the exclusive right to the results of intellectual activity. If we summarize all of the above, we can conclude that a bribe is any benefit, both in material form and in the form of services, which is aimed at improving the position of the official who receives the bribe and can dispose of the subject of the bribe as his own.

Criminal acts, according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, are taking a bribe, giving a bribe and mediation in bribery. At the same time, persons who give a bribe or are intermediaries in bribery are exempt from criminal liability if, after committing a crime, they actively contributed to the detection and suppression of the crime and voluntarily informed the body that has the right to initiate a criminal case.

As for the size at which a gift begins to be considered a bribe, this is stated in Article 575 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It is prohibited to give gifts to officials whose value exceeds three thousand rubles. Thus, we can conclude that it is after this amount that the gift becomes a bribe. However, even with a smaller amount, there are exceptions when a crime appears. In these cases, it all depends on the purpose of the donation.

A bribe will take place in the following cases:

  • if there was extortion of this gift;
  • if the gift was in the nature of bribery and conditioned the corresponding, including lawful, official behavior of the official;
  • if the gift was transferred to an official for illegal actions (inaction).

Accordingly, if you have a desire to give a chocolate bar to any government official for his work, there is nothing to be afraid of, the main thing is that it does not cost more than 3,000 rubles and there are no above-mentioned exceptions.

Source: Center of Expertise

○ Receiving a bribe.

Responsibility for receiving a bribe is specified in Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Receiving a bribe is the acceptance by an official of state or municipal bodies of all levels, as well as foreign organizations, of monetary or other forms of remuneration for performing any actions in favor of the bribe-giver. A bribe may not necessarily be expressed in a fixed amount or material assets; it can be services, guarantees or preferences in the service, assistance in resolving issues important to the bribe recipient. Both personal receipt of a bribe and its acceptance through third parties are punishable.

As in the case of giving a bribe, both action and inaction, or assistance in making a decision in favor of the person giving the bribe, can be rewarded, provided that this is within the official competence of the bribe recipient.

Responsibility for receiving a bribe and its differentiation depending on the characteristics and size of the “bribe” is clearly depicted in the table below:

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Frequently asked questions on bribery

What amount is not considered a bribe?

Bribe or gift? An issue that can be resolved by referring to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

So. Bribes and gifts can be in the form of money or in the form of some kind of item or certificate.

If the bribe is not of a monetary nature, then its size is expressed in monetary terms. In accordance with the legislative norms of the Russian Federation:

  1. everything less than 3,000 rubles. considered a gift;
  2. 3,000-25,000 rub. called a bribe;
  3. 25,000-150,000 rub. a bribe in a significant amount;
  4. 150,000-1,000,000 rub. bribe on a large scale;
  5. more than 1,000,000 rub. bribe on an especially large scale.

What is considered a gift and not a bribe?

The law does not prohibit making gifts or favors to officials and civil servants! The main thing is not a bribe. True, the codes do not explain what a “gift” is. There are also no monetary restrictions, such as “a price tag of up to five thousand is a gift, and above that is a bribe.”

A bribe can be an ordinary chocolate bar, and a luxury car can be just a gift. It all depends on the situation. If an official has honorably fulfilled his official duty or duty, and for some reason (well, you liked a good person!) you want to thank him, please.

The point is that you do not agree on such gratitude in advance, and his services for you are the same as for others. For example, a doctor performed a complex operation on a patient, and after leaving the hospital, the patient decided to thank the doctor and bought him a car. This is a gift.

Even the phrase “Doctor, try, I’ll thank you!” thrown before the operation! will not make a gift as a bribe if the doctor did not do anything illegal or did not provide services that other patients cannot receive.

Options and types of bribes

How many rubles does a bribe start in Russia?

As a rule, bribery in the form of money occurs with small bribes. And in such cases, the bribe-taker is often caught red-handed. But to make it difficult to catch extortionists for a bribe, a wide variety of options are used. Especially if we are talking about a very significant reward.

1) Money is transferred to the account of an affiliated company of the bribe-taker, allegedly for services that were not actually provided.

2) A company registered to an affiliate of the bribe-taker is given a contract on very favorable terms.

3) Relatives and other close people of the bribe recipient are paid for treatment or education abroad.

4) The bribe recipient is given an access code to the electronic wallet.

5) The bribe-giver arranges a concert in honor of the bribe-taker’s birthday with the participation of Russian and foreign pop stars.

6) Transfer of antique valuables to the bribe taker.

7) The bribe-taker offers the bribe-giver to buy something from him (usually antiques or precious things) at a more than inflated price.

The bribe recipient is given payment cards or certificates for the purchase of something.

9) The bribe-giver pays for the bribe-taker’s vacation (buys him a ticket or tour).

A fairly common type of bribe in Russia is the so-called “kickback”. In this case, when choosing a company that supplies products or services, the bribe-taker chooses a specific company and receives a reward for this.

Comparative analysis

As you can see, it is very simple to distinguish these two concepts from each other in practice. To establish distinctive features, you can use the following table.

The main differences between the terms:

Present Bribe
Lack of selfish motive Expectation of mutual benefit within the official duties of a corrupt official.
Limit amount – 3 thousand rubles There are no cost restrictions.
Regulated by civil law Provided for by the Criminal Code.

It can be conditionally noted that the relationship between the concepts is that a gift given with a selfish motive will be a bribe.

Another similar group is donation. The term includes all actions of free transfer of material goods or money to individuals or legal entities who need help. The donation is made only on moral principles and requires a mandatory agreement between the participating parties.

The difference between giving a bribe and commercial bribery

Both concepts seem similar. But in the laws of the Russian Federation, the concept of giving a bribe is different from commercial bribery. Moreover, both terms represent corrupt practices.

But there are still differences:

  • A bribe is an official crime of corrupt government officials (Article 290 and Article 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), as well as administrative bodies, and commercial bribery is a commercial crime (Article 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
  • A bribe is expressed in the receipt by an official of an illegal monetary reward or other type of remuneration. Commercial bribery is expressed in the illegal transfer of money, securities, etc. to a person.
  • The subject in the case of a bribe is an official who, using his status and position, illegally received a monetary reward. The subject of commercial bribery is the director, the boss who carries out managerial work.
  • A bribe is given both before and after the illegal act is carried out. And bribery is carried out before the alleged illegal act.
  • For a bribe, the Criminal Code provides for punishment in the form of a fine or imprisonment. Responsibility for commercial bribery is prescribed not only in the Criminal Code, but also in the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 19.28 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia). According to it, a legal entity that illegally rewarded an individual or legal entity on its own behalf may be punished with a fine of at least 100 times the amount that was transferred in the form of bribery.

Limitations do exist

Corrupt practices

Many municipal structures and commercial organizations directly state in their Codes of Corporate Ethics (professional, etc.) a ban on receiving any types of gifts from representatives of structures with which a given government body or organization cooperates or has any contractual relations.

The main and main feature of a gift is its gratuitousness. That is, if in return for the gift you did not receive any service or at least lobbying for your interests, then this is really a gift and not a bribe.

First money, then chairs

When a bribe is given, it makes no difference what came first - . The main thing is that there was a mutually beneficial process on both sides. If the bribe was the first, then it is a bribe, if the second is after the provision of the service, then this is gratitude.

That is, a gift differs from a bribe precisely in the presence of an agreement. We gave an unexpected surprise to a good person - it was a gift. Many entrepreneurs, in order for officials to remember them and treat them well, try to bring a gift for the New Year, or for an official - a woman - on March 8th. This is truly a gift. It was unexpected and there were no preliminary agreements on it.

Drawing conclusions

If you are afraid of falling under the scrutiny of the law, it is better not to give gifts to officials, just like doctors and teachers. Maximum – flowers. The guarantee that you are giving a gift is, first of all, that it is unexpected, that is, the absence of preliminary agreements regarding it. And don’t give anything more expensive than 3 thousand rubles.

In Soviet times, everyone accepted gifts - both teachers and officials, and believed that it was all from the bottom of their hearts with best wishes. Now you can become guilty without guilt just like that, out of the kindness of your heart.

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Goals of bribe givers

Corrupt practices

Giving a bribe can be qualified based on the purpose

This qualification has important forensic significance, because if the briber achieves his legitimate goals, illegal activities may leave virtually no traces of a criminal act.

In this case, the official performs official actions for a bribe that do not go beyond the scope of his job description, and also do not entail any deviations or violations of the law. Under this condition of obtaining illegal benefits, it is very difficult to establish and record the criminal activity of the attacker. In order for an act to be considered criminal, the bribe-taker must go beyond the established scope of his official duties, thereby violating the law by his actions.

In the legal literature, the following goals of receiving a bribe are identified, which are pursued by the attacker:

  • satisfaction of interests of third parties;
  • satisfying the personal needs of the bribe giver, which are expressed in obtaining certain benefits or benefits for a bribe;
  • satisfying the interests of a group of people.


Important! Please keep in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • A thorough study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome. It depends on many factors.

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  • Use the online chat in the lower corner of the screen.
  • Call: Federal number: +7 (800) 511-86-74

The definition of the concept is enshrined in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. There are 2 types of crimes described here – receiving and giving a bribe. The first category of act is considered the most dangerous, especially if it is carried out by a group of people at once or is carried out using a compulsory requirement. The procedure is always free of charge. An employee of the authorized body is not obliged to take any action. However, the person giving the bribe always expects to receive something.

Having received material benefits from a citizen, the representative of the authorized body provides in return various advantages and benefits in relation to any procedure. If we are talking about giving a bribe, the action is also considered illegal. It represents the performance of a series of legal or illegal manipulations. An alternative is to provide benefits, which include a guarantee or general patronage.

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