What “Negligent” means is a word that has not one, but three meanings.
Legal and factual errors, types, characteristics and criminal legal significance. The onset of more serious consequences,
Commentary to Art. 301 of the Criminal Code 1. The objective side of the crime is expressed in the form of knowingly
General information Number of places: 1220. Head of the prison: Alexey Nikolaevich Klimov. Telephones: Duty department.
The descriptive and motivational part of the guilty verdict must contain: 1) a description of the criminal act recognized by the court as proven, with
• Having established that the criminal case is not within the jurisdiction of this court, the judge makes a decision to send
1. Questions specified in paragraphs 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 and
1. The right to appeal a court decision belongs to the convicted, acquitted, their defenders and legal representatives,
1. Bringing a knowingly innocent person to criminal liability is punishable by imprisonment for up to
1. When assigning punishment for a recidivism, a dangerous recidivism or an especially dangerous recidivism, the crimes shall be taken into account