The bulk of latent (hidden) crimes are detected in Russia during operational investigative activities
The concept of propaganda Propaganda is understood as influencing people in order to form a sustainable
/ Narcology news / Drugs – where to report illegal activities A real scourge XXI
The concept of a socially dangerous act A socially dangerous act is a socially dangerous, illegal, conscious, volitional,
Art. 49 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation is a norm providing for the possibility of participation in the investigation and further
Essence of principle The basic principles of law are justice, equality, legality, etc. Legality -
Consultations and comments from lawyers After inclusion in the legal norm of the Internet in 2014, users
Unfortunately, participation in criminal proceedings is not always safe for witnesses, victims, private prosecutors,
1. Forgery of an official document granting rights or releasing obligations for the purpose of using it
In Russia, 300-400 criminal cases are considered by juries every year, and approximately every fifth ends