Who are marriage swindlers and how can they be punished by law?

Who are marriage swindlers and how can they be punished by law?
Good-natured Russian women often become victims of marriage scammers.

They create pages on social networks, posing as rich men, looking for that one and only girl who is ready to brighten up the life of a rich man by becoming his wife.

But attempts by Russian women to create a comfortable life for themselves end in loss of money.

How does the scheme of deception and fraud work in 2022, and how to recognize a marriage swindler even before he gets what he wants - your money?

Who are marriage scammers?

Marriage scammers are the same scammers, but they disguise themselves behind the faces of gallant, rich and well-groomed people. Often men become marriage swindlers.

These are modest, smart, witty young people with strong charisma. Women are drawn to such men like a magnet. Such a man is attentive and caring, constantly gives compliments, guesses the girl’s desires, and tells her only what she wants to hear from him.

However, his goal is not to let the girl down the aisle, but to take possession of her money, property or registration . Very soon, a gullible woman brings a cunning man into the house. She dresses him, feeds him, and then the scenarios can be different.

Pressure and isolation

Fraudsters often target divorced, wealthy ladies who are unaccustomed to violent emotions. The lover covers his chosen one with an explosion of feelings, does not give a break - dates every day non-stop. Bombarded with compliments, the goddess turns off her critical thinking.

Pressing solves another problem - the victim has no time to communicate with others, which means no one will have time to intervene. During processing, the object is, as it were, placed in a capsule of love. A person is emotionally isolated, he is monopolized, the rest of the world is now strangers.

Schemes of marriage scammers

One of the most common schemes is this: acquaintance - deception - disappearance . For example, at a disco a girl met a guy. They started communicating and dating. He looked after her beautifully, paid attention to her, and gave her minor gifts.

But there was one “but”. He was temporarily not working. According to his own legend, he allegedly looked for a job for a long time and then suddenly he got lucky. There was a place for him in one reputable company.

But in order to go to work there, you had to buy a nice suit and a laptop. As soon as the young man received the money from the lady, he immediately disappeared.

The second scheme of marriage scammers is this: acquaintance - wedding - division of property . The situation is as follows: at an exhibition, a lonely woman met a handsome unmarried man. She liked him immediately, and from the first days of their acquaintance he began telling her that he wanted to start a family and children.

A few months later they got married. As usually happens, after the wedding, the newlyweds began to arrange their life: the woman bought a country house, “stuffed” it with appliances, and made expensive repairs.

And when everything was ready for moving in, her husband demanded a divorce. For her it was like a bolt from the blue. It turned out that he was a real marriage swindler who acted cold-bloodedly and prudently.

After all, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, jointly acquired property is divided in half between spouses. This outcome could have been avoided if the woman had entered into a marriage contract with her would-be husband before marriage.

Scheme three: acquaintance - gaining trust - theft. A middle-aged woman met a handsome, lonely man on the street. She liked him and wanted to date him.

The man looked after her, met her and accompanied her home, and gave her gifts. After 3 months, the woman gave him a second set of keys, saying that he would come to her house and prepare dinner before she arrived.

One day, returning home late, the woman entered the apartment and did not recognize it: it was practically empty. The man took out all the equipment and jewelry.

Fictitious marriages

These are those marriages that are officially registered, but in fact are not concluded for the purpose of creating a family, but for the sake of material gain and repossession of housing.

Obtaining registration, temporary residence permits, alienation of property - these are the goals that swindlers pursue.

A classic of the genre - a compassionate woman begins to look after a lonely man who finds himself in difficult life circumstances. She gains his trust, surrounds him with attention, and helps with the housework.

Usually the fraudster easily manages to convince her ward to formalize the marriage. In the status of a legal spouse, the swindler gets access to documents for the apartment. Subsequently, these papers turn out to be a donation agreement for the apartment.

Remember that wealthy foreigners with serious intentions never meet on social networks or dating sites.

Fictitious marriages

Marriage does not always serve the purpose of creating a family. People often carry out schemes to take over their spouse’s property. Such marriage scams are carried out not only by men, but also by women.

Ingratiating themselves with lonely, often middle-aged men, they begin to court them, winning them over with ostentatious kindness and love. The man proposes marriage, after which the wife gains access to the title documents for his apartment. With the help of various tricks, she manages to get her husband’s signature on the deed of gift for housing.

When meeting people on social networks and dating sites, you need to understand that wealthy foreigners who are looking for a spouse never sit there. All such stories are schemes of deception.

How do marriage swindlers behave?

To get the victim hooked, the marriage swindler does everything possible to earn her attention:

  • gives compliments;
  • gives gifts;
  • is interested in her personal life, as well as her financial condition. If a girl or a woman is tight with money, then the “cheater” suddenly loses interest in her;
  • a swindler will never tell the truth about where he lives; he will not introduce the girl to his friends or relatives. Usually, swindlers say that they are orphans, and have long been disappointed in friendship;
  • if the victim suits the swindler, then he will do everything possible to not only get into her house, but also to settle in it;
  • very quickly such persons begin to tell women about children and a future together. And this is all done with one purpose - to lull the victim’s vigilance;
  • they do not like to be photographed, they prefer the role of photographers than models;
  • as a rule, swindlers introduce themselves as some kind of “romantic” profession: sailors, generals, retired colonels, etc.;
  • after the swindler gains the woman’s trust, he begins to “share” money from her. He usually does this cunningly: he says that he is sick and needs money for treatment; got into an accident and now you need to give money to the victim; asks to take out a loan from a bank, etc. Having received the money, he disappears forever.

Remember! A wealthy suitor will not borrow money from a potential bride.

Food is served - temporary difficulties

The swindler's main specialty is sudden circumstances. The swindler’s menu includes problems in business or its rapid development, mother’s illness, fines, and profitable urgent acquisitions. To lull attention, the gentleman will first tell his girlfriend that he can handle it himself. As a result, the future spouse will still fork out the money.

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While waiting for the wedding, the bride allows herself to take out loans. Or she transfers money to the account, as she thinks, of her future husband, for the purchase of common real estate. Signs documents for the disposal of property, re-registers a car - under the pretext of temporary necessity. Saves you from debt, helps you out again and again.

Many crimes in the marriage sphere remain unknown - the victims do not want publicity. But police warn: the number of scammer grooms has increased due to social networks. The Internet is an endless hunting field for scammers.

Under marital hypnosis, brides part with money, property, and pay off millions of loans. An initial refusal to make any financial investments in a partner can save you. The groom also walks off into the sunset if he says that the property and bills do not belong to the bride, or that the loan for the home has not been paid off.

How to punish a marriage swindler by law in 2022? How to deal with a false groom?

In Russian legislation there is no such thing as marriage swindlers. But this does not mean that deceived women will not be able to punish the gigolo who fraudulently appropriated their money or property. There would be a desire.

In practice, victims rarely turn to law enforcement for help. But in vain . Because this is the only way there is at least some chance of punishing the fraudster.

In the process of bringing their machinations to life, scammers can act in different ways, right up to concluding a marriage.

If a person entered into a fictitious marriage, and then also took property from his wife, then his crimes (if they are proven) will fall under several articles of the Criminal Code at once.

In order for the swindler to be punished for his actions, the victim must contact the police with a written statement. The document must describe in detail why the woman gave the money, how the guy took possession of the property, committed theft, etc.

You must provide his contact information, residential address, and you can attach his photographs. That is, the victim of deception must do everything possible to ensure that the face of the swindler appears in the police database.

So, summarizing the above, we can conclude that marriage swindlers may well be brought before the law if the victim contacts the police with a request to bring the attacker to justice:

  • for fraudulent actions - Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • for theft - Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • for misappropriation or embezzlement of someone else's property - Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, etc.

How to get rid of a marriage swindler?

If your family and friends tell you that your boyfriend, whom you met on a dating site or elsewhere, worries them and they think that he is a swindler, then be sure to take a closer look at him.

If his character really has many coincidences with the work patterns of swindlers (he rushes things, is interested in your material wealth, etc.), then you should get rid of him as soon as possible.

To do this, you need to adhere to the following communication scheme:

  1. If possible, limit any contact with this person. If a woman is straightforward, then she can tell him about her suspicions and that she does not want to build a relationship with him anymore. If a woman cannot express her doubts in person, then it is better to stop answering calls and not writing messages.
  2. If a young man, who was already halfway to declaring his love, still tries to put “smoke in his eyes,” then you can play along with him - continue communication, but be extremely attentive. You shouldn’t feel sorry for him and save him from problems, even if he tearfully asks you to lend him money.
  3. There is no need to enter into an intimate relationship with him.
  4. You should find out as much information as possible about him: what he does in life, what his hobbies are, what kind of life he leads, who his parents are, where he lives, whether he has been in prison, etc.
  5. You should not fantasize about the cloudless future that your chosen one promises. You should think soberly and sensibly.

Orphan from another planet

The groom does not allow meetings with his colleagues, childhood friends, or relatives. If the scammer operates in his hometown, meetings will take place in the bride’s apartment or away from public places. When there are hints of meeting the parents, they are dissuaded by family conflict, orphanhood, or the family’s distant place of residence.

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This is a fundamental sign that reveals a fake lover. “Beloved, dear” is in fact not invited into this man’s real life. An abandoned woman will not be able to remind herself through her environment; there are no contacts of her chosen one. An orphan alien flies into someone else's apartment, but kidnaps not the inhabitant, but her savings, gold jewelry, and property.

How do marriage scammers operate?

Men who are dishonest towards women always plan their scam in advance. They act clearly and rarely make mistakes. They are self-confident people.

All actions of such people usually consist of the following stages:

  1. At the very beginning, a person presents himself as a wealthy man who is not financially dependent on anyone.
  2. A man looks after a woman beautifully.
  3. When the victim “falls for” him, then he quickly puts on a performance, and so skillfully that the woman does not even have time to consult with anyone and simply gives him her money, takes out a loan, etc.
  4. Usually the performance is performed before marriage. However, some swindlers still go for a “big catch”: first they get married, and after some time they unexpectedly file for divorce in order to get half of the acquired property.

Invasion of territory

A boyfriend literally breaks into the apartment of a new acquaintance. He has a specific interest in material details and an appreciative view of the situation. An experienced womanizer will not roam around with his eyes - he will already search everything when the woman goes to the bath. As a rule, she immediately moves into her friend’s apartment.

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Signs of a careless groom

How can you recognize that it is a swindler who is chatting with you on an online dating site, and not some hero-lover from your favorite novel?

There are certain criteria by which one can suspect a dubious person:

  • in the profile photo the person posted a photo that is unclear, too small or blurry;
  • the person did not indicate where he works, what he does, or where he lives;
  • If in a correspondence a man writes that he is a successful businessman, previously worked as a captain, pilot, intelligence officer, etc., then you need to be wary: are you really lucky or are you at risk of becoming a victim of a marriage swindler?

The Stingy Sea Captain

Fraudsters choose extreme and romantic professions - intelligence officers, captains, businessmen, pilots, military men. The most amazing thing is that 9 out of 10 robbed girlfriends did not see their betrothed’s passport. There were no photographs or gifts left for them to remember. Scammers are greedy and do not invest in ladies. If they give it, it’s nothing. In joint photographs they try to turn away and cover their faces.


How to imprison a marriage swindler for fraud?

Many lawyers answer that this is extremely difficult to do, especially if a person works via the Internet and social networks.

It's another matter when he meets his victim. Then, when transferring money to him, the girl must draw up a loan agreement with him and take a receipt from him. The more evidence a woman has of transferring money, the greater the likelihood of imprisoning a false groom.

If a man “scammed” other women in this way, then you need to try to find these victims and draw up a collective statement about fraud.

As evidence, you can prepare audio and video recordings of conversations where the swindler asks for help in this situation.

What to do if a young man asks to borrow money?

If your boyfriend or common-law husband, with whom you live for a short time, does not know how he lives, who his parents are, etc., and at the same time he asks you to borrow money for supposedly important purposes, then you should not just give them away for your word of honor.

It is necessary to draw up a loan agreement with him from a notary, and also request a receipt from him for receiving a specific amount.

If the agreement is not drawn up, then a receipt will be sufficient, which must include the following information: Full name of the person borrowing the money, passport details, date when the money must be returned, signatures of the parties.

How to check a pen pal?

There is a lot of fraud on the Internet, so the question remains relevant: “How to recognize a scammer?” Before you begin close communication with a man who you like and is quite persistent, you need to:

  • check the photo for authenticity. To do this, you should study search engines. If a new friend is a swindler, then another name will definitely appear with his name. You can also ask to take a new photo, for example, in your hand with a certain object;
  • check your future husband on blacklists, which are easy to find on the Internet - just use popular search engines;
  • You can also check one or all letters for plagiarism. If a similar text has already been seen on the Internet, then you will immediately know about it;
  • Try chatting with your interlocutor via video call. If he is a fraudster, then in 90% of cases there will be a refusal;
  • always pay attention to details - liars can make mistakes in their testimony;
  • if you often declare your love from the first letter or SMS, then you should turn on vigilance and intuition;
  • the man immediately begins to talk about his wealthy life and prosperity. This topic is quite sensitive, so you need to be wary;
  • if everything is fine, but your intuition tells you otherwise, then you can create another account and meet your chosen one. The swindler will tell a similar story or a very similar one.

Knowing the tricks of online scammers and ways to check new acquaintances, you can avoid emotional wounds and financial losses.

Case studies

Situation 1 . A handsome American met a Muscovite on social networks. He tells her that he has his own business; he has more than 10 cars in the garage at home. While communicating with him, the woman realized that the overseas prince wanted a family. The woman believed her boyfriend, because he touched the most valuable thing - the children who remained with him after the death of their mother. After letters and declarations of love, the foreigner sent the Muscovite a parcel containing supposedly jewelry. To receive it, the woman had to pay a percentage of the cost of the gift, which in fact does not exist.

Situation 2 . A resident of Moscow fell for a marriage swindler after meeting him through a dating site. A young man who came from Orenburg quickly won her heart. Just 2 weeks after they met, he began living with her. Since he did not work anywhere (in the capital, according to him, it is impossible to find a good job), he invited her to open a business, registering it with the girl. But to open your own business, you needed money. The girl took out a loan from the bank and gave the money to the guy, supposedly so that he could purchase goods and begin filling out documents. Naturally, she thought that he would open a private enterprise and make her a manager, but it turned out differently. The swindler simply took the money and disappeared.

Do you think that wealthy women are targeted by marriage swindlers? Not at all . Such persons are interested in a variety of girls with one important feature - they must be trusting, lonely and dreaming of finding a prince on a white horse.

There are plenty of people who want to warm their hands to pseudo-love. There are marriage scammers on online dating sites, social networks and even in everyday life.

To prevent your admirer from breaking your heart, taking jewelry out of your apartment, or running away with your money, be vigilant.

Check a potential young man: ask where he lives, who he communicates with, what he does for living, you can even ask him for a passport.

This is the only way to suspect and expose a marriage swindler.

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