What to do if the indictment is drawn up in violation of the requirements
As can be seen from the materials of the criminal case, the indictment was drawn up in violation of the requirements of Art. 220
Who is assigned correctional labor as a type of criminal punishment?
Who is assigned correctional labor as a type of criminal punishment?
If the court has assigned your employee correctional labor, he will serve his sentence at his main place.
Exploitation of child labor: Article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the use of child labor
Use of slave labor in relation to minors and liability under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Features of the work activity of minors Vagrancy of minors and involvement of a minor in vagrancy The main document, which
What deferments of serving sentences for pregnant women are provided for by criminal law?
Concept One of the penalties prescribed by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is the replacement of the suppression of freedom with a temporary reprieve.
Punishment for illegal production and trafficking of pornographic materials or objects
What happens if you don’t pay a fine for viewing prohibited sites?
Fine for expired transit license plates in 2022, how long can you travel? That is, not
complaint against neighbors
Complaining about neighbors to the district police officer correctly - a sample complaint and nuances
Illegal actions of neighbors must be suppressed and punished. To stop noisy parties, carry out repairs in
What do they do with rapists and pedophiles in the zone?
What do they do with rapists and pedophiles in the zone?
The zone lives by “concepts,” and, according to them, certain types of crimes are unacceptable. In particular,
Unattended child
Vagrancy of minors and involvement of a minor in vagrancy
Child wandering is not only a socially dangerous phenomenon, but also an indicator that
Rooster Man in Love
Who is Masha in the zone? Why are they put down in prisons and zones? How do the lowlifes live and who are they, why are gays called roosters?
Rooster men with complex personalities usually live exciting and passionate lives after marriage. In pursuit
Article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Comments on the article of the Criminal Code on the use and distribution of malicious computer programs
Article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is a law established by the state, which provides punishment for
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