Murder by a minor: features of the act, conviction and punishment
Murder committed by a teenager, as well as an adult, is clearly interpreted by law as a serious crime. However
Causing harm to health in an accident
Causing harm to health in an accident - determining the severity and responsibility of the driver in 2022
Russia is one of the world leaders in the number of injured and killed in road accidents.
How to negotiate with bailiffs and pay little by little
Home /Articles on bankruptcy of individuals Article author: Konstantin Milantiev Last edition September 22
What is the penalty for harassment in the workplace in 2022?
Working in a government agency with ordinary citizens, I sometimes had to deal with insults in
Protecting the rights of victims
Tactics for protecting the victim in criminal proceedings (or a little thought and personal practice)
Protection of victims from various types of crimes should be based on the principle of competition with the accused
All about liability for hitting a pedestrian
Hit a pedestrian and what to do: step-by-step instructions for the driver
A car is not only convenient transportation, prestige and a beloved family friend. On road
The teacher strikes. How and why do teachers bully their students?
Photos: Depositphotos / Illustration: Yulia Zamzhitskaya Bullying has been talked about in recent years as
Prove a knowingly false denunciation with comments
What to do in the event of false accusations: the basics of correct behavior
Due to a number of life circumstances, every person is periodically subjected to verbal attacks. And sometimes a showdown
Road accident causing grievous bodily harm, characteristics, punishment
The car is a source of increased danger, therefore the operation of the vehicle can lead to accidents,
The procedure for filing a supervisory appeal to the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation against a court decision in a civil case that has entered into legal force  
The last opportunity to overturn a judicial act is a supervisory complaint in a civil case. After considering this
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