Types (conditionally imposed punishments) When assigning certain punishments, it is possible to replace the deprivation of liberty of a person with
The concept of insulting a government representative Hostility towards government officials can only be expressed in a correct form,
Taking care of yourself Once in prison, many women panic, feel helpless and constantly
Today, a fine for selling goods without labeling is no longer a rarity: innovations in Federal Laws
Under what articles can a child be prosecuted if he killed? Analyzing the content of Art. 20 CC
Having a criminal record is a serious obstacle to a prosperous life. Because a person is haunted by restrictions even
According to statistics, mobile phone theft is one of the most common crimes punishable by
The law is the same for everyone. However, there is a category of people for whom the legislation is especially harsh. Speech
MIP online legal encyclopedia - » Criminal cases - comments from a Federal Judge / Law Group
Hooliganism is a violation of public order that I have encountered at least once in my life