Application for provision of pre-investigation inspection material for review
What is a pre-investigation check in a criminal case? A pre-investigation check in a criminal case means a comprehensive
ITR in exchange for the term of serving the sentence. Individual labor work under Article 228. How to obtain technical and technical information
Modern hospitals are quite safe and generally try to help the sick. Large hospitals share
What is correctional labor according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation?
ITr For High Security Convicts 2022 Will Be Form
Correctional labor as a type of criminal punishment has been practiced by the court for more than 20 years. On a scale
theft of items of special value
Theft of items of special value: features and nuances
Theft of items of special value is the process of illegal taking of property of special value in
Priority actions if money is extorted. Where to go to bring criminal charges
Extortion is a mercenary crime specified in Art. 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and representing
Making an arrest
At what point does the 48-hour period of detention begin to run - from the moment the detention protocol is drawn up or from the moment of actual detention?
The task of the police in the Russian Federation is to ensure law and order. These are phenomena of paramount importance,
Features of qualification of incitement to suicide
“Drive to suicide” is not the same as “kill”: these are two different crimes (albeit with one
Photo 7
Review of the judicial practice of the Supreme Court on environmental disputes for September 2022
ST 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Illegal logging, as well as damage to the point of cessation of growth
To whom and on what grounds is a deferment of serving a sentence in a criminal case granted?
Deferment of serving a sentence - what it is, to whom and in what cases it is granted
1. A pregnant woman, a woman with a child under the age of fourteen, a man with a child
Criminal liability for debt evasion
Malicious evasion of the head of an organization or a citizen from repaying accounts payable in a large amount or
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