MIP online legal encyclopedia - » Criminal cases - comments from a Federal Judge / Law Group
As often happens, two people got into a fight: they jostled each other, hit each other a couple of times - and
Forgery of documents A document is a material medium that contains information of any form (text, sound,
Human life is priceless, and its deprivation is punishable by law with long terms. If the victim is in front
After full serving of the sentence, amnesty or parole, the release procedure occurs. Wherein
Libel has always been a criminal offense. The exception was a short period when legislators decriminalized
General concepts The urgent need for administrative law (in the text – Code of Administrative Laws) is discussed in the article
We often hear now about the protection of personal secrets; there are also sanctions against the publication of information,
Materials / Media Laws - 2022 / Plenum of the RF Armed Forces - resolutions / Plenum
Common cases Most often, liability for violation of labor protection legislation occurs in the following