Restriction of freedom - comments from a Federal Judge / MIP Law Group
MIP online legal encyclopedia - » Criminal cases - comments from a Federal Judge / Law Group
What to do if you are accused of beatings that you did not commit?
As often happens, two people got into a fight: they jostled each other, hit each other a couple of times - and
Using a forged document: liability for deliberate forgery
Forgery of documents and signatures - liability under Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Forgery of documents A document is a material medium that contains information of any form (text, sound,
Moral suffering due to betrayal
Features of the crime and responsibility for murder with particular cruelty
Human life is priceless, and its deprivation is punishable by law with long terms. If the victim is in front
Who can count on parole in 2019
Is a document and identification document a certificate of release from prison?
After full serving of the sentence, amnesty or parole, the release procedure occurs. Wherein
How to write a statement to the police for libel, sample RB
Libel has always been a criminal offense. The exception was a short period when legislators decriminalized
necessary self-defense from a robber
Necessary defense and extreme necessity: concept, conditions of legality, meaning
General concepts The urgent need for administrative law (in the text – Code of Administrative Laws) is discussed in the article
Personal secret - definition
Unexpected court decision: your photos from VKontakte and other social networks can be used without your consent
We often hear now about the protection of personal secrets; there are also sanctions against the publication of information,
Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2006 No. 18 “On some issues that arise for courts when applying a special part of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences”
Materials / Media Laws - 2022 / Plenum of the RF Armed Forces - resolutions / Plenum
Complaint about safety violations
Responsibility for violations in the field of labor protection
Common cases Most often, liability for violation of labor protection legislation occurs in the following
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