The Horrible Psychological Side of Solitary Confinement
To put it mildly, it is impossible to call the situation in any penitentiary institution favorable. And it's not only
Article 11. Effect of the criminal law in relation to persons who have committed a crime on the territory of the Russian Federation
1. A person who has committed a crime on the territory of the Russian Federation is subject to criminal liability under this Code.
Article 326. Forgery or destruction of vehicle identification number
ST 326 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Forgery or destruction of identification number, body number, chassis number, engine number,
Article 73 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation. Places of serving imprisonment (current version)
1. Those sentenced to imprisonment, except those specified in part four of this article, serve their sentence
Article 92. Exemption from punishment for minors
Article 92 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. A minor convicted of committing a crime of minor or medium gravity,
Participation of a lawyer in the assessment of evidence: myth or reality?
Participation of a lawyer in the assessment of evidence: myth or reality? The law, as provided in Sec. 6–7 Code of Criminal Procedure
Article 292 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Contents and order of debate between the parties (current edition)
New edition of Art. 292 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation 1. The debate of the parties consists of speeches by the prosecutor and
The right to privacy: how it is exercised and what threatens violators
Any citizen living according to the laws of a legal society has the right to count on protection from the state
Article 324. Acquisition or sale of official documents and state awards
Commentary to Art. 324 of the Criminal Code 1. Subject of the crime (alternatively): a) official documents providing
Article 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The right of workers to training and additional professional education, to undergo an independent qualification assessment
ST 197 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Fictitious bankruptcy, that is, a deliberately false public announcement by a manager or
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