9Art. 84 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Amnesty” reveals the main theses, amendments, the likelihood of release from
Some people have heard about “red zones” in Russia, but few fully understand
MIP online legal encyclopedia - » Criminal cases - comments from a Federal Judge / Law Group
Many guys are interested in whether citizens with criminal records are accepted into the army. It’s worth saying right away that this
The main entrance to the Vologda Pyatak Prison for criminals who received life sentences, located on the island
In 2022, many measures were taken to combat and eliminate corruption in the country.
Recording the testimony of a witness in the protocol of interrogation of a witness is a procedural action carried out either by the authorities
A crime that was committed with aggravating circumstances will be punished more severely - often to the maximum
State policy in the sphere of trafficking in narcotic and psychotropic drugs is aimed at establishing strict control
Legal encyclopedia "MIP" » criminal lawyer » Article 159.5 - Fraud in