Formal, material, truncated elements of the crime
Material and formal elements of the crime. Formal elements of the crime: examples
A crime is a socially dangerous act committed by a subject under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. For such an offense
Categories of criminals
Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2007 N 45 “On judicial practice in criminal cases of hooliganism and other crimes committed out of hooligan motives”
Last updated - January 2022 It's no secret that the number of annually registered
How to correctly write a statement of extortion to the police and prosecutor's office?
In accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, “extortion” should be understood as one of the types of criminal
what does it mean under the hood?
Tobolsk prison is the most terrible prison in the USSR
Where are the Bees "Bees" are former police officers, judges, prosecutors, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service,
What to do if you are extorted money
Where to go in case of extortion: how to prove it?
In modern life, you cannot be sure that you will not be overtaken by extortion. With this phenomenon
Support for those released from prison: how to get it?
Assistance from the state for former prisoners: resocialization of persons released from prison
Resocialization is a person’s adaptation to new living conditions in society. And most often
Article 166 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Protocol of investigative action (current version)
General information The protocol of a court session, as well as an investigative action, is a written act in which
Prison warden: features of the profession
Vigilant guards: how modern prison guards work
For the film, see The Prison Warden (film). This article requires additional references for verification.
Free legal consultation
The victim's complaint in accordance with Art. 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation on the investigator’s decision to terminate a criminal case (sample)
Who has the right to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office? The list of persons who have the right to file a complaint is not
gun safe
Requirements for safes for storing hunting weapons in 2022
A gun safe is a prerequisite for purchasing and owning a firearm. According to current legislation, owned
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