Article 193. Evasion of obligations to repatriate funds in foreign currency or the currency of the Russian Federation
ST 193 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Violation of the requirements of the currency legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the transfer of funds
How much do you get for car theft by minors?
What are the penalties for car theft by a minor?
The measure of liability for car theft is regulated by Article 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to her,
Resolution to initiate a criminal case. Part 1
Resolution to initiate a criminal case: sample, example
Samples of a resolution to initiate a criminal case: sample under Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1 file(s)
Features of liability for petty theft under Article 7.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses
What is petty theft and what liability is provided for the offense?
What is petty theft - a crime or an administrative offense? And where is the line when a person crosses it?
Open theft - punishment for committing robbery under Articles 161 and 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Robbery is a fairly common crime from which no one is immune. Part of my property in
transfer of assets under contract
Forensic examinations in cases of thefts, robberies and assaults
Important! If you are handling your own theft case, you should remember:
How to properly prove giving and receiving a bribe
Features of qualification: bribe or fraud
What is a bribe? Before looking for ways to prove giving a bribe to an official,
Theft in the house - how to protect yourself and what to do if you are robbed?
Anyone can become a victim of a robbery, because even a massive metal door cannot stop an experienced burglar.
Collection of evidence by a lawyer in accordance with Art. 86 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation
1. Collection of evidence is carried out during criminal proceedings by the inquirer, investigator, prosecutor and court by
Bailiffs website
How to avoid criminal penalties for non-payment of alimony?
2 Raising children is a mutual responsibility of parents, which is enshrined in the norms of Family Law
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